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This is an inflammatory post without any desire for polite discussion.

I doubt you are even from Europe (non-Russian).

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> The point of siesta

Nobody takes siestas in Spain but the elderly, children and people without A/C in hot zones in summer, and I suppose in some rural towns as well.

That’s 80% of the country you’re describing there. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t do a siesta in summer, and elderly people continue throughout the year

You don't know anybody that don't do siesta when on holidays, not during normal working periods.

In the cities, people do not stop working midday to nap. Now if you are talking about rural towns, that is another thing.

Why a lot of software engineers have carpentry as a hobby or pivot to that job?

Ah !

    - working outside
    - wood is a joy to work with: touch feels good, looks good, smells good too
    - you get to build cool things that are actually useful like sheds, car ports, house extensions, bridges, even simple furniture
    - when it's done, it's done
    - it's both intellectual and physical work, it's good for your body and your mind
    - learn new things

I think part of it is that at some point what you’re working on is considered “done”, which is rarely the case with software.

Some similarities; with a small amount of math, planning, and investment in understanding tools, you can quickly achieve things that the non-practitioners think are cool and useful. Plus the tactile experience provides a nice antidote to the endlessly ephemeral working experience of gazing on the computer screen.

If your mental embedding for "carpentry" is very similar to your embedding for "woodworking", this [0] HN post provides many excellent reasons.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31687378

No one is on-call in woodworking.

Making things is fun, usually regardless of the medium

Depends on what they have been doing, maybe they want to build things that are more likely to stand the test of time?

Working with physical materials is a nice change after organizing bits all day.

Saw. Bang, bang. Scraaaape, smooth slivers of wood. Mmm, smell. No think. Quiet. Peace.

> Can you imagine a hypothetical education system where students leave secondary school with an advanced-undergraduate level of mathematical maturity?

That would have been my dream.

> Why or why not?

Mathematics is the foundation of science, so that would have been helpful for my (then) future studies.

> What would such a system have to look like?

Not teaching algorithms to resolve problems, teaching from the source of the mathematical principles, I mean the practical issues that caused scientist to develop Math. I suppose that the Russian School of Mathematics[1] teaches Math that way, like in some Soviet books that were mainly practical.

Also, it is needed to have 5 hours per week of Math, to not have a fast pace when teaching kids. Math needs some time to "assimilate", and IMHO, 3 hours/week was not enough.

In this system, once you get out high school you could pursue the proofs of each theorem or a more inner and rigorous approach to learning Math.

[1] https://www.mathschool.com/

I'm a big fan of the Soviet-era books, though they often require a degree of independence to fully appreciate. Perhaps schools should focus more on developing students' ability to self-teach.

Unless you have the same qualifications than scientists, and have your work reviewed by skilled peers, "Doing Your Own Research" equals to "quackery".

What's the status of a work done without permission? I read that it is illegal and the court order it to be destroyed, but if it would not be destroyed, would the author regain the copyright after Tolkien works are in the public domain? Would it forever forbidden to be publicly available?

Apart from the author being a peculiar man... Is the book good? Has anyone read it?

It's incredibly bad.

It was also submitted as an exhibit in the court case, so you can see for yourself.


Thank you! I'm a fan of the Nosferatu type of vampire and didn't know that they were sued by the Stoker Estate!

Are you sure that if the US gov would not send help to Ukraine, that money will be used to help homeless people?

More info according to [1]. At 13:10 Redsys (a payment Gateway) experienced an outage for hours[2]. At least around 18:00 it was resolved because I bought some groceries without any issue.

Sorry I only found information about this in Spanish.

[1] https://www.elmundo.es/economia/2023/11/18/6558baa1e4d4d8792...

[2] https://www.elmundo.es/economia/dinero-inversion/2023/11/19/...

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