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I think https://gun.eco/docs/ does so much cooler job.

> Google’s thesis is that the mobile-web is dying and people prefer to use apps – therefore making the web faster and more app-like will retain users.

I am not sure, if this is your opinion about Google's view on AMP or is exactly the Google view on AMP, but, Whatever it be, I almost died laughing - what's wrong with these people(Google)?

Either Google is assuming,

- people would only need 1-2 digit numbers of app in their device and rest all of the websites/platform are just hawkers on the street.


- world is going to be exploded with extreme scalable storage system on mobile/user's devices where people would be able to store hundreds of apps.

The only reason PEOPLE PREFER TO USE APPS in most of the case is the ability of OFFLINE USE CASE for FREQUENTLY used apps, and we know FREQUENT uses are for limited numbers of apps.

Such thesis that people "prefer to use apps" requires citation and contradicts Google's own "search engine" which helps people to explore the world for data. Is that a reason? google prefers to steal the data from various website and show the results in their search engine result page?

Hi @bruceb,

If there is any specific video, you can share it here or privately via email mentioned above, we will immediately look into it and start working on it.

For Price, we don't want to charge higher or lower, we just want to first help entrepreneurs with their business - prices do vary and entrepreneurs do understand - we take care of their budget as well - it's a thing we understand as an entrepreneur-friendly developer.


Looks like

- about.me

- freelancercv.com resume website

Maybe kind of? But we prefer to keep it as simple as business card.

No, it doesn't.

I had the very same feeling, dgraph is older and has a larger community plus additional features like:

- geospatial features

- good speed as it is based on badgerdb key value database and ristello cache library.

- http library and other features

One of the advantage I saw in nebula graph is security role based access which is not available in dgraph until today.

I am very curious about benchmark between nebula graph and dgraph.

Also what is storage system used in nebula graph.

ACL is an enterprise dgraph feature: https://dgraph.io/support

geospatial is also available in Nebula Graph.:)

As to the storage system, Nebula Graph is based on multi-group raft and RocksDB.

Can you add support for module based storage system like, if someone wants to use badgerdb or leveldb or any other storage system instead of rocksdb

Yes, Nebula Graph supports multiple backend storages by design. So theoretically you are able to use whatever storage you want for whichever graph space in Nebula Graph.

You may take a look at this article about the design of our storage engine: https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula/blob/master/docs/manual...

In 2020 we will be working on more plugins. You may stay tuned if that interests you. :)

Geospatial is on the TODO list

Geospatial support has already been merged to the code base. :)

Dgraph has another disadvantage of data redundancy, where data associated with multiple index are stored multiple times for speed.

Does nebula also store data multiple time for multiple index?

Thanks for asking! Sorry I missed this question earlier.

Nebula doesn't store data multiple times for index.

And here's how the indexing works in Nebula Graph:

You are allowed to create multiple indexes for one tag or edge type in Nebula Graph. For example, if a vertex has 5 properties attached to it, then you can create one index for each if it's necessary for you. Both indexes and the raw data are stored in the same partition with their own data structure for quick query statement scanning. Whenever there are "where" clause/syntax in the queries, the index optimizer decides which index file should be traversed.

Hi there, out of curiosity what do you mean the data is stored multiple times for speed?

We (I work at Dgraph) have data redundancy when you have multiple replicas for a given group - but that's an optional feature.


Sounds like

- About.me

- FreelancerCV.com

Yeap, mine's an alternative to those, with slightly different features.

Check out my personal page built with oneprofile.info https://oneprofile.info/iam/yusuf

Looks like - It's a nodejs app with socket.io & webrtc.

Exactly! socket.io was there mostly to speed up prototyping. I plan to replace it with vanilla code soon, to make the frontend app even more lightweight.

checkout "davinci resolve", "kdenlive"

Saying "Fuchsia OS is future" in your post is "Hard to Believe".

One simple line: Android is here for a long-long-long time until Oracle wins a lawsuit against Google.

The developer community base is extremely large and any OS is famous because of its community of developers.

That's WebAssembly there

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