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But Google and Meta can easily manufacture views for whoever pays the most by showing those ads more.

And then every other advertiser has compete with that price.

I mean if 2 big movies are being released this weekend and one producer is willing to spend 5 million on ads then pressure on the other producer goes up to spend 6. Its not that simple or scientific to connect how the movies perform to the ads. Same with politics. One jackass raises 100k to spend on ads then their opponent feels pressure to raise and spend the same or more. There is lot of fomo driving this machine.

On top of it Corps love to say the people are buying what they want. But google results show corps are spending a hell of a lot influence who buys what. So are people driving real demand or ad spend driving it?

Everyone is competing furiously for limited Attention. How do you get noticed in a room called the internet where everyone is trying to capture attention simultaneously. It feels like in such an environment of attention scarcity Google and Facebook are like the Oil Cartel. They can control the price.

As you said, The central point is where the attention goes, hence if you just prompt an LLM for a movie to watch now because it gives better answers the focus will be shifted against Google.

Fantastic points and perspective, thanks for sharing, w34t. This makes sense.

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