> "publicly tweeted that I would send 30€ to a friend of mine if I didn’t have a blog post online by the end of the month."
Publicly tweeted huh? Well geez you're really on the hook now. Call me back when you've finished the app that forces you to place the money in a secure escrow which checks your blog's RSS feed to determine whether or not to return the cash.
On a more "serious" note, there have been quite a few of apps/concepts around a monetary penalty for not doing something - I think going to the gym was a big one. Probably be pretty easy to implement an app where you have to meet a GPS radial condition for X minutes per week.
Invoke is actually one of the easier tools to use - providing the ability to download model checkpoints in place, relatively easy inpainting, etc.
ComfyUI is definitely for the bleeding edge.
Forge is a good middle ground. With the huge number of tutorials available on YouTube (Olivio's channel is good for novices), I don't think it's that particularly difficult for beginners to grok, but it does require some patience and follow through.
If all you care about is generating some generic looking images for your blog and don't want any flexibility, you can always pay for a subscription to Midjourney.
The ability to steal the master key by virtue of it being a physical object is SEVERAL orders of magnitude lower than a "virtual master key" that is potentially vulnerable to the entire online community.
If you consolidate security into a singular "skeleton key" - you 100% weaken your security.
Thinking out loud is an age old practice and is the equivalent of "rubber ducking" to yourself.
As someone who comes from a long ancestral line of people who talk to themselves while reasoning through problems - it would occasionally prove to be a minor handicap during proctored exams, as internal monologue isn't really the same thing.
When I was working at a Bike Shop, I was standing on one side of the display, talking about what I was going to do and how I was going to do it. It was a very in depth external monologue (I have both like yourself). As I was coming around the other side of the display, the owner happened to be standing there and said, "Wow, that was some kind of a conversation you just had with yourself. I hoped you were able to solve whatever problem you were discussing." He had a big grin and we both laughed about it.
He told me later he too does a lot of internal monologue for stuff as well and was told by some super successful businessman that this is a good thing and a hallmark of successful people so don't be discouraged by it.
From what I have seen from split-brain experiments, I am of the belief that by vocalizing our thoughts, we are more fully engaging both hemispheres of our brain through the auditory pathway in addition to the Corpus Callosum.
Pictures tell me that the language area is dominant in a single hemisphere, mostly the left side, with motoric stuff and thinking about words in the front (Broca's area) and hearing in the back (Wernicke's area).
So you may have to use the SLI bridge again just to make sense of what the other side is hearing.
An even lazier form of LLM assisted coding where you blindly spam the tab key without even taking the bare minimum amount of time reviewing the garbage that it's busy outputting.
Karpathy "coined" the term and I absolutely hate it. It's up there with "asshat" and "awesome sauce" for profoundly stupid terms.
I find it more akin to prompt engineering; something else that is nothing more than 'typing some shit until it does something useful to someone' and then acting like it's actually a skill.
But we are very good in our profession to make up garbage terms to do anything but describe garbage.
I feel like Duke 3D was probably the first mainstream accessible moddable FPS. Doom of course had plenty of level editors, but Duke Nukem brought the ability to alter and script AI as editable plaintext CON files, and of course any skills you learned on the BUILD engine were transferrable to any number of other games (Shadow Warrior, Blood, etc.)
Also shout out to anyone who remembers "wackplayer" - Duke's equivalent of the BEEP keyword.
Duke also had a map editor with a 3D editing mode. It allowed raising, lowering floors and ceilings, and picking textures. Ahead of its time. The complexity of brush-based true 3D really put a damper on good, built in editors.
This comes up quite a lot - lowering the barrier to entry for creating a bunch of media that wouldn't otherwise exist.
Eh I don't think the world is exactly clamoring for even more music.
I can't speak for everyone's process, but if you don't know how to make music, I'm not convinced that this allows you to do so because the medium of input (aka writing text) is far too divergent from the resultant melodic output to allow for any kind of meaningful individuality.
Not sure about GenAI, but Logic Pro has the ability to add a Session Drummer which can be set to track a given bass stem and produce passable drums for a song.
I remember as a young kid browsing the aisles of the Microcenter close to our house on the weekends like a kid in a candy shop - 500 games on a single disc for 15 dollars, what sorcery was this? One particular pack was specifically for Windows 3x and all the game concepts were... shall we say liberally borrowed from classics - WinTrek, Wintris, Winroids, you get the idea.
You can actually still find a few of these old mega shareware CDs on Archive.org under the Shareware CD section.
Yeah, I remember sometimes they would be really cheap at TJ Maxx of all places, like $5-8. I hated clothe shopping as a kid so my mom would buy them for me occasionally to entice me to put up with trying on a bunch of clothes. I too remember thinking it was magic that they could squeeze so many games in a small space.
A lot of them were definitely ripoffs, but I was young enough to not know about most of the originals at the time, so to me they were all completely original games. It was awesome.
Most people I know working with C# in a professional capacity use the commercial version of Visual Studio, though there's a decent free Community version. Back in the day, VS Code would limit you pretty heavily particularly if you were using WinForms or WPF.
I actually used to really like Visual Studio, but around Visual Studio 2015 it felt like very subsequent release was more bloated and slower, and I eventually jumped ship for Rider. But by that point, I was really only using C# for Unity projects, and the rest of the time I was using JS/TS and Python.
Publicly tweeted huh? Well geez you're really on the hook now. Call me back when you've finished the app that forces you to place the money in a secure escrow which checks your blog's RSS feed to determine whether or not to return the cash.
On a more "serious" note, there have been quite a few of apps/concepts around a monetary penalty for not doing something - I think going to the gym was a big one. Probably be pretty easy to implement an app where you have to meet a GPS radial condition for X minutes per week.