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When I last read the book I found most interviewees had an aggressive or bro-like manner, putting coding skills over everything else. Made me kind of sad from the viewpoint of someone who has duties outside of coding

To me the interviewees didn't come off as you describe at all. They are discussing the subject matter, which is the focus of the book "craft of programming" (see: subtitle).

Also most of them (at least) are known to have a focus on the practice of programming itself. They are literally authors/stewards of established algorithms, programming languages, operating systems and browser engines. What else would would you expect?

I found them all to be really down to Earth for such accomplished people.

It's entirely a matter or perception (and prejudice, most likely).

For example, if you watch any talks by Joe Armstrong you'll immediately perceive it as a kind, funny and down-to-earth guy.

I listened to the audiobook and didn't get the same impression. I wonder if it's audio related.

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