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can we please get a law like this that for games that prevents gaming companies from completely shutting a game past its EOL or forces gaming companies to add LAN to games they intend to shut servers for

Benchmarks with respect to QuestDB, TimescaleDB?

QuestDB, TimescaleDB, and PostgreSQL are more about universal databases and don't work as well as Prometheus or VictoriaMetrics. And yes, Clickhouse will beat them both, but only by running queries on a huge amount of data. See also https://docs.victoriametrics.com/faq/#how-does-victoriametri...

because the amount of data you can train any model on is limited. After training your AI model on the 1st quadrillion images, trillion videos, where do you find the next quadrillion? This is going to be the limitation on top of law of diminishing returns

You release the agents into the wild as robots, to interact with the environment and continue collecting data of all modalities.

Totally, the next stage is that Tesla is copying to copy Unitree G1 robots, and let them loose, and learn and listen from the real world, and this where we are going to make very very interesting discoveries.

Yes, robots will be just walking/crawling/driving "in the wild", on sidewalks and streets. Think about what you are saying.

> After training your AI model on the 1st quadrillion images, trillion videos,

As far as images and video are concerned, we're done. Frame generation is almost perfect, and we don't really need any more training data. Now it's time to build product and enhance how the models work.

LLMs, though? That field appears to have hit a wall for now.

AI for media is going to be a rocket ship. AI for knowledge and text and reasoning will take longer. People will recognize this soon.

> AI for media is going to be a rocket ship.

Is there actually enough data to train an AI on? Photos seem to be a success, like you say, but everything else?

I’ve heard many people make claims about where AI content will be most useful. A persistent theme is an AI made VR world, customized video games, and endless AI generated TikTok videos.

I genuinely question if the training data exists for these use cases. Photos are cheap and easy, but quality annotated 3D models? Short form videos? What about long form video? Are we really there (assuming inference was cheap)?

> Short form videos? What about long form video?

These are being solved as we speak. I'm working on this problem directly and the level of control and consistency achievable is incredible. Video is just a special case of images.

Take a look at the ComfyUI space and the authors of plugins and papers.

> quality annotated 3D models

The research is progressing at a fast pace. We can get good surface topologies, textures, and there are teams working on everything from rigging to animation.

mind adding a blog post on how this was built? what technologies were used, what does the stack look like etc?

Isnt this pattern already implemented in javascript by pg-promise? https://github.com/vitaly-t/pg-promise/wiki/Robust-Listeners

any benchmarks of how it stacks up to m1, m2 and m3?

what is the difference between using this library and PG_LISTEN/NOTIFY with triggers for each row change?

Triggers have much larger overhead than writing to the replication stream (which most databases should be doing anyway), so if you have a lot of traffic this is faster.

sorry but didn't understand, what exactly is this replication stream, are you talking about the wal logs? any ideas why postgres hasn't implemented this natively if it is better?

oh boy now i don't know how to feel about all the mosquitoes i have been swatting this entire winter season

Mosquitos kill over a million people every year. Show them no mercy.

We kill more than a million non-human animals every year, even excluding mosquitos and what we eat. Like bycatch from fishing. We should not be shown any mercy.

I try not to harm bugs these days, even spiders, but when I see mosquitoes I become Doom Guy. They are one of the worst inventions of nature, and their being conscious would not help their argument for existence. Y'all shouldn't have bit me so many times.

"A society can be judged by the way it treats its mosquitos"

-- paraphrased from Fyodor Dostoevsky

Hey don’t generalize the entire population

Also it's not mosquitos' fault that deadly pathogens hop on the ride.

Aiding and abetting, that's what it is. Those mosquitos know what they are doing.

Must be quilt by association

Them being conscious doesn't change anything, they're assholes and they chose to fight you by biting you.

Probably start caring about what's on your plate before which bugs you squash, if you vow to care about consciousness, suffering and other beings.

link is not working, it redirects me back here again

can you kindly add an example of how to check if a websocket connection is good or bad via curl? I see a section on websocket and while it covers the options, there are no concrete examples

You might get better visibility opening an issue: https://github.com/curl/everything-curl/issues

Is it a valid use of the issues mechanism? I’ve always seen it as exclusively a bug report mechanism and the rest as spam. Maybe my etiquette here is too old fashioned

It definitely depends on the preferences of the project but GutHub issues for feature requests is fairly common. For a long time, GH didn't have a better place for them.

These days the "discussions" feature can be enabled and some projects prefer feature requests be added there. This repo has it turned on, but idk what their preference is for requests:


Feature requests happen in issues too, and this the source code for a book, so an example seems appropriate

Those are the type of issues they track: https://github.com/curl/everything-curl/labels

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