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It's been tough finding a role as a UX designer who is self-taught and has experience despite a lack of degree. Most of what I can find is hourly or small fee gigs that are devoid of any real value (You cannot hire a 1099 to whip up your UX in a week, sorry.)

It's disheartening, and I'm about to stop looking for work for 4yrs while I use my education benefits to go to school. I can get paid $2k/mo to study, so I think I'll put together a team and spend 4yrs building micro-SaaS products while studying art history, instead of siphoning my energy and soul applying to tinder-algorithm-powered-job-onboardings.

A goddamn waste if you ask me.

A product/UX designer who has worked almost 100% remotely as of yet.

Replicants/AI systems, they are everywhere.

You should check out the Bitcoin whitepaper.

"Don't you guys have laptops". Maybe it's about your customers and the devices they use!

If you care more about land-grabbing users to aggregate demand (https://stratechery.com/aggregation-theory/) then you can develop what users wants, get them onboard, and then start squeezing profits out of that. That is what Google, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Facebook et al did. Here we are with ads on freemium products, and now the data we generate are more valuable to feed to train AIs.

If you're trying to sustainably develop features to support users, even if the pace of the feature development is very slow, I think that is what we are seeing with Zoho.

Just don't bother making things if you cant get it to work properly.

They split the students to take away their power. They kicked people off Slack, wiping the incriminating message history, and then re-adding students (woopsie), they allowed rampant racism to be posted in the channels. They did so many shady things with arbitration, it was absolutely harmful.

Good to see some justice

Penpot is great, free, and doesn't rat** you. Oh and it's made by a kickass collective. That is where I went when I binned Figma.

Penpot is great! It works really well, and the UX design is solid. Except for the few times I tried it, it ground to a halt after a couple hours and ten frames, crashing the tab when trying to do common things like add a text object (which can't be transformed into a path yet btw, rip). Oh well, must be something wrong with my browser...

What is "rat**"?

For some reason, 2 of my "*" symbols were truncated.

Let's hope they find a sustainable business model, because the people working there needs salaries and hosting needs paying...

Their collective seems to be thriving: https://kaleidos.net/

But I don't have the expertise to know for sure.

Also, made in Clojure/Script fwiw :)

Hey maybe (Definitely.), you aren't and idiot and the UX of these products is sub-par/unacceptably bad. Just my 2c.

It kind of blows my mind that most people around me eat steak without a good Maille or Grey Poupon mustard. Thanks for this list, I'm gonna explore!

Huh, I’ve never thought to try mustard with a steak, will have to give it a go next time!

I'm allergic to milk, so I substitute with yellow mustard for cheese steak subs. It works really well for adding the depth of flavor and moisture melted cheese provides. (In my opinion.)

suggesting mustard as a cheese substitute is so profoundly, fundamentally wrong i am not convinced you are a human

It's bewildering to me that you're the weird, odd one for doing this.

It's in the sales rep's interest.

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