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Probably less about whataboutism and more about retaliation. Not saying one actor would stop if another did, but still.

Probably the same reason why people may want to avoid lead, mercury in tuna or microplastics: Science is always trying to figure out the safe levels of consumption. Especially for something consumed your entire life starting as a fetus.

Is it true that sites routed via Cloudflare are blocked in certain countries like China? Would this work better?

Just to clarify - Cloudflare have POPs behind the great firewall of china in cooperation with Baidu. That is not to say Cloudflare routed sites are all accessible through CF, but it's certainly not a blanket statement either way.

Not sure if this would work better.

Yes but you need a "license" given by Chinese Gov. Otherwise your website will still be routed to edges outside of China. And the bigger problem is the CloudFlare DNS, it is not working well in China.

Ah, thank you.

You can probably make this argument for car/bike racing and tuning, fast food or a number of hobbies and "correlated" deaths. Luckily this restriction seems to be about weird stuff like bump stocks.

And as for the "Blumph!" comment, we still have yet to see Syria driven to the state of Libya so that's at least quite a few kids saved from getting shot right there.

Putting the "fascist!" comment aside, what alternatives are there than the threat of breaking from the EU if every legislation seems to* head toward a US style federation?

Think of it like the SOPA/PIPA/whatever fight: You manage to barely resist some bill from being enacted into law but then just a few months/years later another version of the same law is proposed.

*: from the perspective of someone

There are a few political parties that call for a reform of the EU without breaking up. I'll try to vote for one of them.

It's clear that the EU needs serious fixing, and German politicians/Brussels technocrats aren't up to the task because they don't care.

Unfortunately, at the time being, these reform parties (mostly social democrats, but not exclusively, and not of the "old kind" of social democrats) aren't big, because the emotional way to deal with the crisis is "To hell with them, let's roll-back to nation-states so we can take over control". Unfortunately, we'll bitterly find out that breaking up won't solve the problem. We'll lose all the benefits of being able to lobby together for a better solutions, and still suffer from all the problems of the EU, even without being in it, because the big institutions won't be stopped by border checks..

Every day we stray further from hyperlinked documents.

Good. An application platform shouldn't pretend to be a hyperlinked document platform. Embrace the reality of the modern web instead of torturing us with the backwards perverted abstraction.

Or perhaps you can build a decent application platform instead of torturing a very useful hyperlinked document platform into doing something it wasn’t built for.

It's about 20 years too late for that conversation.

It’s really not. The only thing going for the web as an application platform is decent sandboxing and the fact that web browsers are installed on most computers by default - it’s not actually good, hence the proliferation of native apps on mobile. So perhaps it’s worth thinking about how to put a better system for distributing applications into people’s hands, rather than continuing as a society to waste effort on torturing web technologies into doing it.

I could not agree more.

What are some relatively popular alternatives (that are not on the JVM)? Maybe the options are somewhat limited here if you want both to be functional.

The Suave-Fable-Elmish stack (Made popular under the "SAFE-stack" name) is very nice. https://safe-stack.github.io/

It has the drawback of the frontend language not being as tiny as Elm is, but it has the benefit (which I think is no little benefit) of having the same statically typed language (F#) on both front and back end.

Whether it's "Relatively popular" is hard to say. It's tiny as far as web stacks popularity goes, but in completely functional web stacks it probably has taken a bite already.

Why not JVM? I'm asking because I'm starting to learn functional and I think Clojure is a very nice language to write both backend and frontend.

The JVM is a great kitchen sink environment. The BEAM and Erlang/Elixir are much more finely tuned for their strengths: distributed systems, fault tolerance, immutable data/functional programming.

If you need raw performance, the JVM is definitely better. If you don't want to have to deal with the inherent tension between a FP language and mutable surroundings, the BEAM is worth a look.

I'm exploring ClojureScript on both client (browser) and server (node).

Or perhaps, some day, https://github.com/clojerl/clojerl.

And there's also LFE (Lisp Flavoured Erlang)[1] if you prefer Lisp to Lua.

  [1] http://lfe.io/

I'm not an elm developer, but i think its closest analogue is probably Reason or bucklescript-tea, neither of which is jvm-based.

Purescript is lots of fun to use and has a helpful community.

Anyone else feel like [3-5] should be a bigger issue? Desertification is scary as hell already but this is even more immediate.

A bunch of people saw an A-list celebrity do a publicity stunt and wanted to have fun with it.

As far as the "Nazis!" claim goes you need to be able to read between the lines if you want to read an imageboard as trollish as 4chan. And if you want to see who really is behind the posts you can look up the first "He will not divide us" event at a New York museum. Spoiler alert: It's not nazis. ;)

A bunch of people decided to do the equivalent of scrawling graffiti over an A-list celebrity art piece. These are people whose, to quote 'pg, only way of making a mark on the world is by literally writing their name. It just seemed childish and immature to me.

> have fun with it.

"The trolls started targeting people who went to the protest and, when figuring out their identity, fucking with them for days." https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/d7eddj/4chan-does-first-g...

'"I've never had so many people tell me that they wanted to see me die and to kill myself." Then 8chan users got hold of Paper's address. He said they've been harassing his family. "I just got off the phone with my mom and people are basically like calling my house and leaving voicemails, racist voicemails," he said.' https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/what-happens-when-alt...

4chan doesn’t have natural defenses against “normie” invaders that other sites have (moderation, identity), so it developed a potent meta-defense. Anyone who takes the site literally will find themselves extremely confused and upset like your parent post. In the old days it used to be gore posting to make newbies flee. It’s defenses are constantly evolving as paid online agitators try to control the message there (as they have successfully done on other more straightforward platforms that limit free speech yet supposedly have far more resources to prevent shilling). Turns out free speech is very powerful indeed.

That's a romantic way to look at it I suppose. As somebody on 4chan for a little more than a decade now I'd say that it slowly moved from an anarcho-libertarian community who loved gratuitous provocation to an alt-right echo chamber, at least as far as the big boards are concerned.

"Hitler did nothing wrong" went from a provocative joke to a political stamement. 4chan is the embodiment of "any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company".

That puts modern 4chan in the somewhat ironic position of being actually on the side of the American government for the most part something I couldn't really imagine 2007 ever endorsing, regardless of the who's in charge.

> "Hitler did nothing wrong" went from a provocative joke to a political statement.

I'm sort of fascinated by the phenomenon, which I think of as "LOLgical argument". You start off with a joke where the humor is based in an extreme and socially transgressive statement. It could be "Hitler did nothing wrong," or "The Earth is flat," or any number of similarly absurd ideas. The original users are trolls who privately do not actually believe what they are saying, but enjoy "rustling jimmies" and the increased status their daring obtains.

But as more members of the community join in, the original statement loses its edge, and even more transgressive poses are needed to continue the joke. Often this means doubling-down, and telling others that you do indeed believe the thing that they had, at some level, still been treating as a punchline.

This meta-joke involves finding "proof" that the shocking thing you said before was actually true, and demonstrating your commitment, by creating memes and other "evidence"-based arguments for it. In doing so, you begin to create a community that becomes indistinguishable from a community that actually believes the original statement.

As these arguments pile up, even trolls who started off disbelieving their original statement find themselves surrounded by "evidence" they were right all along. There is a swell of camaraderie as those who were bold enough to question the official version of reality begin to support each other. The community pressure, the ego boost of having discovered some secret suppressed knowledge, and the psychological difficulty of abandoning their previous position all contribute to the complete conversion of a troll into an earnest believer.

I find this fascinating because it works in such opposition to the ways we normally talk about convincing people of new ideas. It's not the logic of the argument here that leads people to a new conclusion but rather the logic of the joke, the idea that the funniest punchline to an absurd joke is to actually believe it. When enough individuals in a community feel that way, they can actually end up convincing each other.

So it's not so much that the community becomes "flooded by actual idiots" as it is the original trolls who become believers themselves.

Vonnegut once wrote, "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be." He was probably more right here than he knew.

I think your analysis is accurate. These past years reddit's "The Donald" community is a prime example of that, except it went through all phases in about a year, maybe even less.

But I also think you need to take into account that many of the original users who genuinely did not seriously believe the "Hitler did nothing wrong"/"Hearth is flat"/"Donald Trump would make a great president"/... meta-joke end up leaving when things get serious. It's actually a feature for the extremists who push these ideas, if you're not with them you're against them, it's all about creating an echo chamber at this point. Reddit is terrible for that because of the moderation and voting system but even on 4chan good luck trying to argue against the hivemind, you'll just get insulted over and over until the thread 404's. Eventually you give up and stop bothering.

4chan has always been flooded by idiots. Society around it has changed and 4chan’s beliefs on how to maintain its first amendment rights against a state apparatus that increasingly threatens its existence has gotten a bit sharper in tone, but “Hitler did nothing wrong” is still the joke it always was. There are a few actual nazis on the board, but that has always been the case because nowhere else are they tolerated; perhaps you have the rose-colored glasses? Polite society has also defined classical liberals and anarcho libertarians both as “alt right”, the label is increasingly watered down to mean anything not progressive enough.

Besides, 4chan is still the fedora-tipping site that mocks religious fundamentalists, it’s just progressives have become just as uptight and strict about their sacred beliefs (if not more so), so 4chan mocks them too. Because it’s funny.

Finally, someone with a clue.

4chan behavior is canary in coal mine.

Yeah, the problem with pretending to be stupid on the internet is that actual stupid people rally around you and take heart. When you're pretending to be a Neo-Nazi by harassing people just like an actual Neo-Nazi, there's not really a material difference in the lives of the people you're harassing.

Remember that white supremacist march last year where one of the marchers suddenly tore off his white shirt and started crying that he wasn't really a Nazi, he was just doing it for the lulz and everything got out of hand?

So the people who tracked down random anti-Trump protesters and their families and bombarded them with thousands of death threats were only pretending to be Neo-Nazis?

That makes it all okay, then.

Ha, reminds me of another comment on HN. Someone pointed out statistics of recent crime rates somewhere in Sweden and another said something along the lines of "But that's still on the level of a typical American city."

Yes, like that is something positive. Sweden is becoming more and more like the US and that is something I do not like in most regards.

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