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Also in Austin. We should have a HN meetup or something.

Might want to narrow the interests a bit or I'll get caught in a conversation about Elixir or something. I used to be a part of the Austin Hardware Startup meetup before it got enshittified but I've wanted to start something up again.

That's awesome. So happy for her and all the others like her who now have hope.

Anyone who understands the treatment, do you know if the reverse is possible too? I have hyperacusis and could benefit from deafening, esp if it's easily reversible.

The best we have now is disrupting the ossicular chain. Other than surgical risks, it's not fully reversible.

Having (Jewish) Israeli, pre-Israeli, and pre-pre-Israli heritage, I don't personally find "From the River to the Sea" offensive but I do find it non-constructive and insensitive. Globalize the intifada otoh is awful.

I follow this topic daily, on twitter, in telegram (both Israeli and Arab groups), and among the thousands of Jews I know across the world on FB (from anti-Zionist Jews to Orthodox). This is the first time I've ever seen the phrase "Greater Israel" mentioned. I'll go research it now but it strikes me as a manufactured obscurity, while "From the River to the Sea" is prevasive.

> This is the first time I've ever seen the phrase "Greater Israel" mentioned.

Well, it is unquestionably the stance of the entire political party in which Netanyahu is a member of.

My aunt lives in Tel Aviv from 1933 to 1952. She told me they actually started shelling the city that night, not the next day.

As well, there was fighting in the streets. They had to turn off the lights at night and hide in the basement to avoid raids. There was a sniper who was shooting at their apt from a nearby mosque and they would find shells on their balcony. They lived on Ben Yahuda St.

Just thought readers might appreciate a first hand account of what it was like to be a Jewish Israeli at the time.

I was discussing 1948 with a Palestinian and he insisted on downplaying the Arab attacks, saying they were weak, their attacks were not serious etc. I've found that in online discussions as well including people telling me that Arab countries didn't even exist at the time. The Egyptian Air Force bombed Tel Aviv that night.

We live in a post truth era and not sure what can be done about that. You'd think that with the Internet and access to information people can do research but research is hard. There are many, sometimes conflicting accounts of historical events. It's so easy to be sucked into echo chambers. Any thesis you have can be easily supported.

Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, Israel lost the war on this decades ago. Not just Arabs, but the entire Muslim world has bought a particular narrative, and nothing will convince them otherwise. I’m from a non-Arab Muslim country, and they actually have a lot of conflict with Arabs (exporting Wahhabism, etc). But when it comes to Israel and Palestine, it’s a unified front.

Unfortunately, it’s part of a larger victimhood narrative that has become an important part of Muslim identity. “Our once proud civilization has been oppressed by the west, including ripping away our holy city of Jerusalem and giving it to the Jews.” And because the Muslim world was an important participant in the worldwide socialist movement, that narrative has taken hold among European leftists who otherwise wouldn’t have a horse in the race.

100% this.

Can confirm. A crypto bro / lawyer invited me to learn to shoot. I hate guns but figured it was a way to spend time with him. The result is I now have noxacusis, a repetitive stress injury of the ear.

At times I've been unable to tolerate everyday noises like talking or faucets. An unstudied condition that's hugely disabling. The other person in my city with this condition lives in a closet 24/7 with earmuffs.

What's his excuse? "I'm a libertarian and I don't like when gun ranges bother me. I just want to get out there and shoot". Dumbfounding.

Not all crypto bros are ignorant and don't know how to use proper hearing protection or firearm safety.

In fact, not all of them are gun nuts or hardcore libertarians. 52 million Americans own crypto, do you really think they're all like that?

“not all men”-ing libertarian crypto bro gun nuts is really a “fourth-level-down in Inception” own goal

Who was the gun nut in your fantasy? All I read was guys shooting and not wearing protection, something any 'gun nut' would know and preach. Seems you are inserting your own, unfounded, bias.

So he never planned on gaining if the company was successful? What a dumb argument

I have a rare disorder called hyperacusis from a noise trauma, which causes pain from everyday sounds. While I'm thankfully not sensitive to these kinds of sounds, most are and it's quite dangerous to us.

This disease is repetitive stress injury, in that every time you experience pain it lasts for weeks or years even and your sound tolerance goes down. So it is imperative that we never have accidents like those that cars like these can produce.

It can get so bad that you can't tolerate even simple things like the sound of sheets. The other patient in my city is confined to a closet 24/7 with earplugs and earmuffs because his tolerance is so low. He continues to worsen because sounds like these penetrate buildings well.

It is nearly unstudied so there's little hope of getting out of this hole. The least society can do for us is protect us from these assholes so we can hide in closets in peace.

I have a medical condition that makes me sensitive to everyday noises. It started when a friend invited me to learn to shoot but was complacent about my hearing safety.

Lots of conditions have pain from sound but this is no ordinary condition. It is highly unstable and degenerative. Something is broken, the more broken it gets, the more easily it gets broken, and the longer it takes to heal, if at all. Many of these patients are stuck indoors 24/7, with earmuffs and earplugs, afraid of even the slightest sounds. Even then, they still get a myriad of symptoms, different kinds of pain, autophany, visual snow, distortions. Most have tinnitus, myself included, and it can be very, very loud. One poor guy has 50 tones. Another woman hears it in her sleep.

All these people want to live but this condition is living torture and you end up living like a caged animal. We have no idea what causes it and there's little hope of improvement, given that it gets virtually no research money. No drugs exist which can mask the pain. Many of these patients end up going because they truly have no options, no hope, and living has become unendurable.

Thankfully my hole isn't so deep yet but I have decades of dental appointments and MRIs to endure. As long as I mostly stay home and avoid nearly all social interaction, I can probably hold out a long time before I get that bad. However, I also have mystery tendonitis and other pains that are getting worse so idk. My mast cell labs are all very abnormal so I'm thinking it's auto-inflammatory.

Mayo clinic is a waste of time I hear for stuff like this. I'm going to try the Metrodora institute, see if they can come up with something. Nervous that I may worsen from the flight and end up stuck there.

I have chronic tendonitis in my elbows and hands. They say it's non-rheumatologic but don't know what it is. How frustrating medicine can be.

There is no specialty in medicine for treating undiagnosed diseases. You just bounce around between doctors until you give up.

That'd be true if it weren't for cheap leverage that you get with real estate. 3%/yr with 5x leverage is 15%/yr

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