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So there's this weird playlist about Excel by Martin Shkreli of all people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI_riscmviI&list=PLJsVF3gZDc...

It keeps popping up as he is apparently quick and knows the ins and outs. But I've never bothered to go through it as it is seven years old at this point and focused on finance.

Can anybody recommend something similar but up to date with the new goodies so a fella could be competitive at this? I'm talking more keyboard shortcuts and advanced features (many of them overlap). The latest versions of Excel sort of open it up anew.

puts on headband and cracks knuckles

I've watched Shkreli livestream financial modeling and I've watched the excel world championship and he's on another level. I'd study him any day.

Shkreli had quite a following back in the day.. there was a video archive and a few of his padawans got quite rich

It helped that those streams of his were nothing what a normal person from the outside would expect from him. So the audience for his financial analysis streams self-selected kinda nicely.

TLDR on those streams: it was Shkreli just opening excel spreadsheets and going super deep on analysis of corporate financials, in the most plain unemotional way possible. He even did fun exercises to show his viewers how he works things: the audience would vote for a random public company ticker that Shkreli never analyzed betore, and he would just spend the next few hours populating his excel spreadsheet from scratch and trying to make some conclusions. With the preference for picking companies that he actually knows absolutely nothing about in terms of their finances. Literally just gathering all relevant publicly available information and analyzing it, with lots of hard numbers and excel magic involved. No joking, no non-sequiters, no guests, just lazer-focused on financial analysis. Not going to lie, it blew my mind when i was first trying to follow along at the time.

If you aren’t into that type of a thing, i imagine it would be extremely boring to watch, as it was nothing like his “more known” livestreams focused on trolling and ragebaiting. It was just cold “thinking outloud and populating spreadsheets” type of content. The viewership numbers reflected that too, with the financial analysis streams having magnitudes less views (with most people not even knowing they existed, despite being posted on the same channel as his more popular and controversial streams).

Well, I know what I’m going to be watching for the next few hours…

I find these types of analysis very helpful at work and building strong fundamentals has never left me regretting the time investment.

Just invest in Nvidia instead

Didn't Shkreli get rich from the market way before his shenanigans started? And he did it from scratch, the old school, poor immigrant from New York way. Shkreli is the misssed opportunity of the Obama years

Yeah, he went working on wallst at some firm at 16 and never went to college, comes from an albanian immigrant family of little means (his dad was a janitor iirc).

Sounds great. I wasn't aware he has a reputation as a stock picker. All I know about him is that he had some shenanigans with Pharma price gauging and that's both how he made his money and ended up in jail.

The trolling is uninteresting except maybe the Wu Tang thing.

I'm only after pure Excel-fu here. It is actually weird for me that people use it to analyze stocks instead of Python but I probably don't know what I'm missing.

Edit: The first few minutes seem neat, I'm biting the bullet

I don't believe he ever got in trouble for pharma pricing. It was securities fraud.

Sorry I misremembered. The Pharma pricing thing just made him an easy target for the media you are correct.

Where do I find the archive?

Here is the playlist[0] with all his financial analysis videos.

While looking for it, I also re-discovered his chemistry lessons playlist[1]. Which i totally forgot about until now, but can recommend almost just as much to those interested in the topic. Just looking at the video titles, you can tell it is legit.

Personally, I am extremely thankful for those, as chemistry has been my own largest knowledge gap in terms of science fundamentals. At any point in HS or college where I had to pick more science classes, I always picked physics over chem, because I wasn’t really into chem at all back then (and maybe a bit self-conscious about my lack of pre-existing knowledge of it, as everyone at my college seemed to have taken AP Chem beforehand, which I didn’t).

0. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJsVF3gZDcuTxcdH5FmQRTd6M...

1. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJsVF3gZDcuQ_MijwAR113CdJ...

Shkreli would definitely be sith, and so he would have apprentices, not padawans :P

Or maybe acolytes!

It is almost like they only came out with this to appease wall street.

I'll just remind you about one of the features: You heard of Memojis, now you have Genmoji!

Generating a squirrel on a jetski emoji on the fly will save you loads of time and make your life better. There aren't enough stickers in your chat app.

Pick from three googley eyed cartoon styles to show off your unique personalities and creativity.

They all look like Pixar and smarmy Dreamworks face nightmare fuel memes from over a decade ago (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DreamWorksFace).

This was an actual part of the demo. I'm not being factitious.

It is exactly what this is, pleasing the shareholders. From Tim Cook himself: https://youtu.be/pMX2cQdPubk?t=146

> It became clear that people wanted to know our views on generative AI. So we decided to embrace it and call it Apple Intelligence.

What is dead may never die! RSS is only resting. One of these days it will muscle up to those bars and voom.

I support you 100%. Could you, erm, point me towards this indy web?

Another one worth checking out: https://search.marginalia.nu/

Shameless plug: https://peopleandblogs.com

People are still posting on their own websites and the independent open web is still alive and doing fine.

I’m actually working on a project right now that is the perfect answer to this question.

In the meantime, start with this:


I don’t see contact info on your HN profile or GitHub profile. Please contact me, I am working on a similar project to the Internet Places Database and would like to collaborate.

aside from what others provided: https://kagi.com/smallweb

I'd just like to point out to the vim curios Emacs users lurking in here (hi guys, you will succumb eventually) that he doesn't mean the R programming language.

Definitely nobody uses that, true. And we aren't going to make you when you decide to switch over, it isn't like a prerequisite to use the editor.

Nor is some weird shitty lisp from the 80s. There was an abomination called Vimscript until Neovim decided to murder it. Praise be.

It is now scriptable with Lua, Python, Ruby, JS if you're a satanist (who am I kidding, you probably are), whatever you want.

So honestly you're running out of excuses at this point. ;)

P.S. - Since a vim-mode will always only support the subset of Vim the authors care about it is rather pointless. Also, Neovim has a robust ecosystem of plugins this Zed thing is leaving behind. There is no escape no matter how hard novelty editors will try to fix what isn't broken.

There can be only one! /Sean Connery accent

Starliner wasn't selected based on merit in the first place so only after people will die will it become impossible to pretend otherwise. What incentive do the current decision makers have to own up to their mistake? They'll double down first, watch.

Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.

> This left me wondering if there is enough demand for smaller social networks with very limited visibility that can foster rich and insightful discussions (although this sounds like forums from the nineties). And if it's possible to keep the sales people away, or at least invite-only.

You can't keep sales people a.k.a phonies away it will always happen. Every underground subculture gets appropriated as soon as even one of these people shows up.

For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_punk_subculture

Imagine you run into Patti Smith and her friends in the 70s, if you're lame you won't be staying long. In fact you might get punched in the face. There is proper gatekeeping.

Once the scene grows even a little there's money to be made. A different sort shows up who understands the culture and likes the music OK but don't truly give a fuck it is about selling t-shirts and bootlegs for them. And/Or getting laid.

They'll start promoting it to grow it bigger and make more money. That's when the real sharks show up and the original members start leaving. Later still normies shop your style at the mall with no idea what any of it means or where it came from.

Sadly, can't punch people in the face over the internet. Even worse everything is all about forced inclusivity now.

This ain't a technological problem.

I've seen some communities thrive for decades. Their success seems to come down to a few ideas:

Focus on the community itself, not on the people outside it. Underground is always defined relative to the mainstream, which isn't healthy for the community.

Don't give the original members any special status. They either fit in, or they move on.

The community must reinvent itself once in a while. The world moves on, and the original concept will eventually be obsolete.

Keep the key institutions non-commercial and under the control of the actual community. People trying to make money from the community are not a threat. Turning the community into someone's business is.

That is very rare and admirable. Can you share more details? Perhaps without linking to them as to not ruin it.

Only one I can think of is The Well. I don't see how you could ever recreate it.

Communities built around shared hobbies are often quite long-lived. Especially when the hobby is not too demanding and people can continue participating throughout their lives.

I'm most familiar with those based on tabletop games and science fiction. You can find plenty of volunteer-run conventions that have been around for decades. That often implies that there is a thriving local community behind the event.

Your comment reminds me of the video "All My Homies Hate Skrillex - A Story About What Happened with Dubstep (Reupload)". It's a rant about how the original Dubstep was created and developed from the passion and use of a minimalistic approach in the underground London club scene. Then it became the mainstream phenomenon, and people who didn't care about the original ideas got all the population and credit.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQHQhNq5Tek The original creator seems to have removed their account and this is reupload.

I approve. I've had this conversation over and over on what.cd back in the day.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war

We can even get a little more meta and observe how this type of essay itself goes through the very same process and you end up with:


It always happens, without fail, for every genre and subculture. We can only embrace the ephemeral.

> Sadly, can't punch people in the face over the internet. Even worse everything is all about forced inclusivity now.

Nobody is going to do that anymore because we don't all have lead poisoning from gasoline fumes.


If you're old enough you might remember Americans were much more violent from 1960 to 1995 or so and the crime rate was incredibly high in American cities, leading to what was called white flight.

Now, if you work with young people (so-called zoomers), you'll notice they are absolutely not like this anymore.

At least 30% of this was caused by everyone breathing leaded gasoline.


Of course, people get randomly assaulted on the subway. NYC isn't that safe.

However, every time someone gets assaulted on the subway these days, it's in the news, complete with cellphone camera video from multiple witnesses.

Back in the 1960s, when violent stuff happened, there was not much record of it and it didn't get into the news unless it was particularly bad.

Perception has really changed, along with information technology.

Your problem is you're watching the news, don't do that. (The rate of news articles is pretty much never connected to how much crime there actually is.)

NYC is more or less the safest place in the world; it's certainly the safest place in the US. And the remaining danger is getting hit by cars, not in the subway.

It wasn't like this in 1990.

Your problem is that my punching over the internet device is still just a prototype.

It isn't as bad as the literal dumpster fire 70s era either, sure, but good grief what a delusional take. Come visit.

But lead increases your testosterone! (Look it up.)

Now, all you get is microplastics, which do the opposite.

And testosterone makes you objectively cooler and better as a person. For example, violence is cool.

In a small enough group chat, yes, you can - and you should.

I think that your comment is spot-on

Thanks anal_reactor

A chance at what? Hahahaha. Ew.

Having some no-commitment sex for a season or three with a probably-quite-attractive woman while enjoying a little bit of the kind of luxury hundreds of millions of dollars or more buy you and having many of your needs taken care of for the duration? Maybe making contacts in the process to eventually land some easy money-making gigs that move you a couple rungs up the ol’ economic-opportunity ladder?

Like, if you can swing that and are a younger dude, I can see the appeal.

Basically a hand-me-down version of the appeal of being married to a rich guy, really, and nobody is confused about why that’s appealing.

I can see where you are coming from. Younger me probably would have loved to be in a situation like that.

Just to go a against the string of harsh negative comments on this.

Thanks, I'm not a male prostitute.

I'll do you one better, I'd pay good money to avoid these people. They aren't any more physically attractive then any other cohort of women (not to be mean but some of them look like Lena Dunham) and are a nightmare to be around.

Yeah, what?

"If you're young, handsome, educated, and cartoonishly well-endowed, you might be qualified as a gigolo to an unfaithful heiress!"

Hahaha legit. Blow your life force on losers like that.

Awesome as always.


Did the patent expire yet? Would you consider releasing the code? It sounds of historical significance and an interesting doom-like read.

Here's Prof. Stephen Cameron's gjk, which I used.[1]

Falling Bodies itself was a plug-in for Softimage, a defunct 3D animation program. It's not very useful without Softimage.

[1] https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/stephen.cameron/distances/

Alright, well that was disappointing. No whimsical fruit to be found anywhere on that page. My imagination went wild for a moment.

I don't know what exactly I was expecting but I'm pretty broken up about it. :/

"What's the problem if you ain't got something to hide? And who would possibly want to even live without a smartphone?"

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