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Don’t you think Trump will dismantle our rights (see project 2025) and that it is our duty to vote to make sure he doesn’t get into power and turn this country into an autocracy?

I think Biden was too far down the path of cognitive decline, and I think Harris is incompetent and only fell into this opportunity as a combination of DEI and a political party completely blind to the obvious truth that Biden is dealing with health issues and allowing him to serve another four years is both dangerous for the country and borderline elder abuse in my opinion.

I won't vote for whoever the Democrats propose simply because I dislike Trump. I can't vote for anyone I think will make our country worse, and if Harris is selected I do feel that way about her as well.

You don’t have to like Harris - it’s very understandable - but she is not a “DEI” hire as you’re claiming. Look into her record.

A hire is a DEI hire based on the intwnt and process they were chosen. Biden made it clear he was going to select a woman, and unless I'm mistaken I thought he specified a black woman.

A person being a DEI hire doesn't say anything about their ability. You could be a DEI hire that is also good for the job, but you're a DEI hire because the pool of candidates was purposely limited based on certain diversity factors.

> A person being a DEI hire doesn't say anything about their ability.

You literally just used it as a way to disqualify her as a valid candidate. You said nothing about her skills or accomplishments, merely that she had certain demographic characteristics and therefor wasn't a good candidate.

If that's not what you actually meant, I suggest thinking about what you're trying to say in the future and phrasing it differently.

I reread my comments and don't see how it reads that way, but that wasn't my intent regardless.

I don't view Harris as competent or fit for duty. We have quite a few issues coming to a head, from economic problems we keep sweeping under the rug to geopolitical challenges not seen in decades. I have no faith that she will be able to steer us through without making things worse. None of those concerns have anything to do with her being a DEI hire, I just view it as fact that she was.

If you don't have any concerns, if it's not an issue, why bring it up in the first place?

Also, of course, if she's the democratic nominee then you're going to get either her or trump, so, dunno, make choices based on this decision? Do you really think trump and the republicans are ever going to care about people refusing to vote?

> If you don't have any concerns, if it's not an issue, why bring it up in the first place?

I don't have any concerns with being a DEI hire alone, it really doesn't say anything about the candidate. In the context of a person I already view to be a bad fit for the role, the fact that the person is in the role partly due to the DEI model of selecting candidates is important in my opinion. Its important not because she was a DEI hire, its important because a DEI approach out her in a role she isn't fit for and she's now potentially being offered a promotion.

> Do you really think trump and the republicans are ever going to care about people refusing to vote?

I don't have any expectation of either party actually caring how I vote. I'm just one voter living in a non-swing state. I have effectively no say what happens at the federal level, and my whole point at the beginning is this comment chain was simply that I won't be voting for President if the choices were Trump/Biden or Trump/Harris. I don't expect that to have any meaningful impact unless I'm part of a much larger group of voters who feel their best choice is to opt out.

How did the last years with Biden and Harris made the country worse? What about the CHIP act or the infrastructure bill and many other examples. Those things made the country worse?

How is Harris the same as Trump? Trump a convicted felon and rapist and god knows what he did on Epstein's Island. Trump said he will be a dictator for one day (hint: it won't be just a day) vs Harris a criminal prosecutor who understands the importance for upholding law & order.

How is Harris going to be bad for the country?

This is not about voting for Harris or whoever will be nominated. This is about voting against a wanna be dictator who wants to dismantle our democracy and constitution.

Both the CHIP act and the infrastructure bill spent money we don't have. I am of the opinion that the federal government should be required to run a balanced budget just like local governments are. So yes, I do view both of those as having made us worse off.

I didn't say Trump and Harris are the same. I think both will be bad for our country, but for very different reasons.

I haven't seen anything from Harris that makes me believe she is competent or fit for office. While in Congress I was never impressed by her public hearings, she either stayed silent or meandered through very lazy arguments that were often illogical and surprising coming from a lawyer. As VP she has either been completely absent or ineffective. She was tapped to be in charge of correcting our immigration issues for example, other than a single photo of at the border I haven't seen anything come of it.

I don't expect I need to lay out why Trump is dangerous for our country. We may disagree on details like whether his felony conviction was unbiased or if you can be labeled a rapist without a conviction, but functionally we're very much on the same page of who he is as a person and why he shouldn't represent the country.

> This is not about voting for Harris or whoever will be nominated. This is about voting against a wanna be dictator who wants to dismantle our democracy and constitution.

This is where we really have different opinions. My while point in starting this comment thread is that I am sick of having to pick between the least shitty option. It isn't sustainable and ultimately there are very bad scenarios that can play out if voters allow two parties to offer whatever choices they want us to pick between. If Trump wishes to dismantle democracy and our constitution I'll never see that day anyway, I'll either be dead in a battlefield or on the other end of an absolutely terrible, horrific war that never should have happened.

> balanced budget

Governmental budget shouldn't be treated as your household budget.

It's different. It allows us to invest in the economy, create jobs, create new innovations etc. [0]

> If Trump wishes to dismantle democracy and our constitution I'll never see that day anyway'

This is what the MAGAs / Heritage Foundation have achieved so far:

- Take away woman's reproductive rights

- SCOTUS undid a 40 year old law that now makes it harder for federal governments to regulate, this includes clean air, water etc. So corporations can focus on increasing profits and screw the little guy.

- SCOTUS reduced the scope of the anti-bribery law - weakening democracy.

Just some examples.

Some things that will happen when Trump gets into power again:

- Women's reproductive will be further decimated

- Schedule F will be reintroduced - making it easier for Trump to replace administrative employees with Trump loyalists.

- Higher taxes for the working class - more tax cuts for the rich. That's why Elon and other Billionaires are donating heavily to Trump's campaign. Selling out the little people.

Look up Project 2025 for more.

Are you willing to gamble our rights and the rights of future generations?

What if everything or most of it comes to pass outlined in Project 2025?

Would you be OK with that?

[0] See this book: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/economics-and-philos...

did he turn this country into an autocracy from 2016-2020? k

He tried to overturn the election in 2020, but he didn’t really have his ducks in a row. If he is in power in 2028, he will likely be more successful.

Can you provide any evidence that Trump supports project 2025?

In April 2022, at a dinner with the Heritage foundation, he said that the Heritage foundation was going to "lay the groundwork for what our movement will do."


"Our country is going to hell. The critical job of institutions such as Heritage is to lay the groundwork, and Heritage does such an incredible job at that. [...] But this is a great group. They're going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do, when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America, and that's coming."

Here's the whole transcript: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-delivers-k...

At the same time, Trump has been saying "I know nothing about Project 2025" and "I have no idea who is behind it."


Also, CNN says 140 people from the Trump administration worked on Project 2025: https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/11/politics/trump-allies-project...

I think Trump, not really being into policy at all, just populism, really does have no idea what it’s project 2025, but he is still going to pick many of the writers and supporters of it to run his government, he doesn’t really have better choices.

Trump is the kind of guy who will say he is against abortion while asking and paying for his mistress to get one. He has a great sense on how to work populism, but doesn’t really have ideals/policies of his own.

Yeah, I agree with you. He's not super focused on policy, and he likely skimmed Project 2025, or never read it himself. But like you said, he'll still pick many people who worked on it or who will follow it while serving as part of his administration, and that's what's worrying. I have no reason to assume his administration won't try to implement it.

The guy has no intellectual curiosity, he thrives on the attention of being president but doesn’t bother with briefings, instead calling into FoxNews to complain about one vanity thing or another. That’s the problem really: the people who will work for him in a second term by now have learned how to manage him by stroking his ego, there will be much less chaos than term 1, and a lot more damage.

> see project 2025

Did you actually read the project 2025 doc or are you just parroting back what you were told to think?


The link you provided seems to list several rights which would be harmed

I read all 920 pages.

Did you miss the part that says that Trump had nothing to do with it?

> Did you miss the part that says that Trump had nothing to do with it?

Which page number was that?

In any case of course Trump had nothing to do with it, it was written for him not by him (as if).

Trump also didn't plan and participate in the decade+ Federalist overthrow of SCOTUS .. that was handed to him on a plate. Like Project 2025.

> Which page number was that?

The first sentence of the first paragraph:

This work, Mandate for Leadership 2025: The Conservative Promise, is a collective effort of hundreds of volunteers who have banded together in the spirit of advancing positive change for America. Our work is by no means the comprehensive compendium of conservative policies, nor is our group the exclusive cadre of conservative thinkers. The ideas expressed in this volume are not necessarily shared by all. What unites us is the drive to make our country better

> In any case of course Trump had nothing to do with it, it was written for him not by him (as if).

Ok great, so he's free to read it or ignore it. Let's not treat the document as if it's Trump's own stated/promised policy then.

> The first sentence of the first paragraph:

does not state that Trump had nothing to do with the document.

Which part explicity and clearly states Trump was not involved?

You know, the part that you claimed existed in your comment above.

> Which part explicity and clearly states Trump was not involved? You know, the part that you claimed existed in your comment above.

You're right I should have said that the document *shows* that he had nothing to do with it rather than *says* he had nothing to do with it. It's implicit not explicit.

The doc includes 7 pages worth of contributor names (starting page xxv) and Trump is not one of them.

So either way, it's careless to say that "Trump will dismantle our rights (see project 2025)" when he is not actually affiliated with Project 2025, as the document *shows*.

A conductor needs to be able to play an instrument among other things. Applying this to the tech / design world, I doubt Jobs could really design or build things.

Conductors also need to have great team work skills and empathy. Jobs was not known for that. He was known for being a petty jerk.

Jobs was a great salesman and story teller and yes, also a good curator.

10 leadership lessons from a conductor


Correct, but your action exacerbates the situation since you are encouraging others to sign up to the app to save some money on junk food.

Another PSA:

Junk foods like McD’s slowly destroys your health.

When possible avoid encouraging others to support companies like McD’s who are a net negative for the world. [0]

[0] https://act.greenpeace.org.au/mcdonalds

Edit: clarity

Quick feedback:

- The logo looks uninspiring. Try to use one of those free logo makers. Later on if things are picking up you can always get a professional to create one for you.

- The layout isn't balanced. The alignment of elements makes the page look weird, e.g. the header is aligned to the left but the buttons underneath are center aligned.

- Font sizes and colors. Improve the contrast ratio and make them a bit bigger. Don't underline text if they are not links.

- Headers don't need a fullstop, e.g. 'Features.'

- Color scheme looks washed out.

Get one of those free (or paid) Tailwind templates. Like this one:


Thanks for taking the time!

The conflict for me here is I don't want to use a template and look like everyone else. On the other hand I do want it to look good. I'll consider your points.

With conscious stuff I’m assuming you mean conscious beings.

It is against the law to murder another human. In many countries it is also against the law to kill or torture your pet. Are you not living your life according to those agreed upon ‘reasoning’?

As humanity evolves, the circle of compassion and common sense will expand to also include those conscious beings that we currently don’t deem worthy of compassion, since having a factory farmed burger on our plate is currently more important than reducing our carbon footprint, pollution, habitat destruction, deforestation or simply not inflicting pain and suffering on sentient beings.

It's important to notice that you are not providing any counter-argument here at all.

One can live his life one way due to practicality and believe in another. In fact, if this is any news, almost everyone disagree with their country's laws in at least some matters. This doesn't mean anything.

I believe that killing some conscious stuff is OK and others bad, but not because me or others feel bad or good about it or because the ones I agree to kill taste good. Because believe in a complete moral system that isn't based on another human's fallible reasoning or worse, feelings.

So our evolved consciousness will be superior to other animals that still eat other animals

Other animals don't raise billions of other animals to cram them into factory farms, deprive them of natural surroundings, pump them full of hormones and antibiotics and then send them off to slaughterhouses to turn them into burgers and other meat products.

Animals live with nature. We don't. We created our own world on top of the natural world, which we are slowly destroying.

We have the brains, skills and resources to maintain and improve our living standards without destroying the natural world. But we choose not to vote with our wallet.

We in the Western world don't need to kill and eat animals anymore to survive. It's purely out of taste pleasure, habit and because 'we have always done it'.

EDIT: watch this video to see the reality of industrial animal farming:


Please realize that you are not, in fact, providing a counter argument.

I agree that the modern livestock raising and slaughter practices are not good. But not because it just doesn't look wholesome. Neither surgical operations nor the sewage system look very wholesome.

> Other animals don't raise billions of other animals to cram them into factory farms

Sure they do. For example, certain ants are known to keep livestock.

Ants don't go on insect hunts to hoard dead bodies.

Or write silly messages on an Internet forum.

Sounds interesting. Do you mind sharing these prompts?

Correct link to the article.

@Dang - is it possible to update the URL please?


Yes - not sure what happened.

I can't update the URL anymore.

The correct one should be: https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/windows-11/micr...

If you're a Windows user, are you planning to move to another OS? IF so, which one?

I used Windows to develop daily from 2015 or so to 2022 because it just worked. I switched to Linux because I just got tired of all the management I had to do to get the OS out of my way, and also the "just worked" part was starting to become less true.

Desktop Linux sucks, but at least it's not pulling the crap MS pulls. I like Linux Mint. I also use PopOS and am moving away from it to LM with XFCE on all my machines.

I’m a ex-Mac user who switched to Windows a few years ago due to Apple’s soldered RAM and storage. I am considering making a switch to FreeBSD for my Framework laptop (contingent on driver support; otherwise I’d use Linux) and my daily-driver Ryzen 9 desktop. Linux would be fine for me, but I have a preference for FreeBSD.

I admit that I will miss Microsoft Office (I currently have an Office 365 subscription), but after reading about the latest changes made to Photoshop’s TOS, I’m not confident about the future of other SaSS providers, and I’d like to transition to FOSS tools that respect my privacy, even if these tools aren’t as feature-rich as their proprietary counterparts. Plus, in the case I need Microsoft Office or other proprietary tools, I have an old 2013 Mac Pro that I could boot up, and I have a perpetual license for Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac.

I’m increasingly concerned about the future of personal computing. It seems that there is a trend toward increasingly locked-down devices that serve the vendor rather than the user.

>I’m increasingly concerned about the future of personal computing. It seems that there is a trend toward increasingly locked-down devices that serve the vendor rather than the user.

I feel like tech companies are constricting their future talent pools by doing this. But maybe they want to kill their future competition too. You already get university students now who don't know what files and folders are, which they need before moving into the basics of navigating a command line or source tree.

Usable and accessible computers are great. But locking them down to the point of eliminating user agency and learning seems really shortsighted.

I've only used Windows exclusively for gaming for going on 8 years, the rest of my computing is on Fedora Linux.

Do recommend.

I'll love to see the day when I can ditch it for gaming too, but most games I play are multiplayer, and anti-cheats generally don't like Linux

No. Switching seems like effort and I don't care that much.

I'll probably move to Debian.

Linux Mint. Already there. :-)

Any applications or things from Windows you miss?

I’m not the person you posed this question to, but I’d recommend the general strategy of making a list of features and functionalities that you personally need and want. By making your decisions against such a list, you are less at the whims of trends because unless your needs change, your tool doesn’t need to. The key is to be honest about what you really need. Applies to all of life, really.

Notepad++ ...There are alternatives, but none that save the current session (including unsaved files). The best option was to run it through Wine, but that seems overkill for a notepad style app.

And thats my beef every time I switch to Linux, I come back to Windows because the apps in Windows are there and it just works. I used Linux Mint for a year, but it was a lot of finding similar but not quite as good apps as what I would use on Windows.

Plug for FreeOffice, a file-compatible MS Office clone for Mac and Linux! (That said, MS Office is cloudified now, afaik, so you might be able to continue using it on the web.)

No. I run those under Wine or VirtualBox.

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