I swear the battery runs out more often at night than day. My wife sleeps through it, I become wide awake after the first beep. The beeps are 38s apart, so it takes a while to locate which one is bad.
I'm currently designing an add-on circuit for the MCP145010 chip to start blinking the LED before the darn beep.
8. As my dad was emptying the last drops of yoghurt from the Tetra Brick at breakfast, he used to tap it incessantly at the bottom. I had to ask him to stop every time. Breakfast!
9. Tea sieve against cup. Nails tapping on a cell phone screen.
The shopping malls with all of the crowd noise and disorientingly bouncy sounds.
Some fabric noises. Not just parachute pants, but those, too.
The high-pitched whine of tube televisions.
A certain hallway in a building where I worked that had thick acoustic tile along only one wall, allowing us to only hear from one ear as we walked through it.
These are some of the things that annoyed/nauseated me but no one else I knew.
> 2. ICE engines with mechanical problems / modified exhaust
Ah the dickheads with pierced mufflers... That and low cc motorbikes.
> 3. Smoke alarm replace-battery beeping
How the hell has anyone ever thought that was a good idea? I had one beeping in the middle of the night, without access to another batter, and I couldn't make it stop. I had a very long next day and needed the rest I couldn't get. I did manage to turn it off eventually but not without it completely disrupting my sleep. I had a terrible few days after that, and because of my tiredness I only remembered about the missing battery over a week later.
> 6. Emergency vehicle sirens that are too loud (I think this is a US phenomenon)
London and the UK are the worst offenders I've seen. Not only they're absurdly loud, but the frequencies they use pierce right through my brain and my chest. I can't count the number of times I nearly jumped off my bike in the middle of the road because of a sudden siren of a police car or an ambulance. Mostly I just completely freeze for a few seconds with my entire body tensed up.
> 7. Television commercials that increase in volume over ordinary programming
Agree. Not only ads but excessive volume dynamics in general.
Not that I disagree with the others but they bother me less than these.
Anybody running a leaf blower before noon is an asshole. Running one at 8 AM should be a crime punished by having a leaf blower get turned on in their bedroom whenever they try to sleep.
I read your profile and see that you are a CTO of a fintech. Given that, by what method do you navigate that tool's [explain.dalibo.com] assertion of "It is recommended not to send any critical or sensitive information"?
Is there an explain plan sanitizer that is helpful for this situation?
Thank you for sharing - I misunderstood - this is a javascript visualizer, and has no additional analytic capability beyond visualization, or did I miss something?
Yeah, you’re right. This is the visualizer that’s linked in the parent comment. I just wanted to point out that you can use it locally without sending your explain plan to anyone. Sorry for the confusion, I’ll edit my original comment.
Whatever the domain, a query isn't necessarily critical or sensitive. It only is if it contains personal information (eg querying by a bank account number or a name), or if the query itself is part of your competitive advantage (unlikely)
How long does it take to break even on the carbon output of asphalt demolition and haul-away vs carbon input of optimal density trees planted in the same space?
I don't think it's fair to look at carbon output in isolation here. This would greatly help with a variety of issues such as mitigating urban heat islands, providing wildlife habitat, aiding pollinators, and just generally making the world we live in less hellish.
It's probably a pretty favorable comparison anyway. Asphalt is almost 100% recyclable. The demolition often just involves a single bobcat and a dump truck that hauls it to the recycling plant. A commonly used number is 10kg/tree/year for the first 20 years of a tree's growth so a plot with 25 trees would remove ~250kg/year. A gallon of gas releases about 10kg of CO2, so in that 20 year period, the little plot would capture about 5,000kg of CO2 or ~500 gallons equivalent.
Unmaintained asphalt eventually reverts to gravel. No need to haul anything away.
Were I replacing parking lots, I'd prioritize any abandoned / under utilized lots. Just start mulching and planting.
Plant willows and maples to break up the surface. Or maybe mechanically break things up, if the best-available-science supports doing so, if you're impatient.
Bonus Points: Convert planters, meridians, etc into P-Patch style community gardens. People love to garden. In my city, the wait list to join a P-Patch is years long.
Has anyone noticed that there are now 78 comments on this post and no Rioters checking in? Have I missed something?
On any HN corporate layoff post, we should expect some volume of named company FTEs or impacted folks commenting. There seems to be a pattern here that has been ebbing and flowing over the last few years.
Should this be a titled phenomenon/effect? I see at least 3 options here:
1) Named company employees do not read/post on HN (if true, is this HN content? divergent topic...)
2) Named company employees are coerced or otherwise compensated to not comment on these matters, even if they do not directly impact them
3) Named company employees do not care about this n% layoff and are withholding comment
The layoff announcement mentioned that the 11% staff laid off is global. It's possible a lot of people laid off are actually in China, since Tencent owns 100% of Riot Games.
It's doubtful that these Chinese employees are chatting about it on hacker news, since it would draw attention of the authorities. Also, there is a trend for Chinese companies to not hire workers that are over 35 years old, so most of these employees are probably in shock on how they would pay their mortgages and support their parents at the same time. And Chinese economy is in the crapper right now.
I always assumed, perhaps naively, that gamedev folks skewed younger on the whole due to work life balance and burnout, whereas this site skews a bit older. Maybe just a demographic mismatch?
Games has a more developed culture of not talking outside the company in public spaces mostly around in development games but that tends to extend beyond that as well.
This is great! I wonder how long until we see GPT-assisted decompilation.
Taking a peek at the source, it's so interesting to see the a piece of history. For example, this was released in Japan in 2000, then internationally months later. As I recall, there was awareness building around the idea that vibrating controllers (here, the N64 Rumble Pak accessory) cause RSI or carpal tunnel. Since the developers shortened the rumble length outside of Japan, it looks like they were aware as well: https://github.com/nanaian/papermario-dx/blob/main/src/rumbl...
I wonder what led to this decision being made at the exclusion of the JP release.
If current AI can barely do maths, decompilation is not something I'd expect it to do well. It will of course try and come up with something plausible, but often subtly wrong.
If you want the decompiled code to produce a 1:1 match with the original binary (even if it takes some finessing by hand at the end) you need something rigorous approaching arithmetic. A fuzzy decompiler that just approximates the intent of the original code won't get you there (and this is mostly what you get out of GPT for many tasks), but it could still be useful for something.
What is stopping somebody who'd be inclined to take a COBOL job from just starting a contract firm and taking the $300k from the government? Does the government check if they actually have employees who have 30 years of COBOL experience before handing out those contracts?
There’s a lot of compliance work involved in getting government contracts.
Also, there’s usually 2-3 layers of pimps (prime and subcontractors) who take a vig at each layer. Total comp for the contractor is usually rate divided by 3 or 4.
This is a fine simulation, and, as described, it does not account for overhead baggage handling, and as mentioned in other comments: families traveling together.
If you have ever taken a commercial flight, you have seen it: the individual that needs two people to team up (or one highly capable one) and lift up or down their 40-50 lbs (~20 kg) roller from the overhead. Half the time, their help is in their party, but it slows things down.
I would estimate that this happens at least once every 4 rows on a fully occupied 6 seat wide aircraft.
Given this, forbidding passengers to bring carry ons aboard that they can't overhead lift themselves would be the only way to speed things up regardless of boarding/deboarding strategy.
Many people -- myself included -- will not check bags regardless. I don't want to risk my luggage getting lost or damaged, and I don't want to stand around for 15-30 minutes waiting at baggage claim after my flight.
After a return flight, I'm usually at home by the time my bags would start coming out if I checked them.