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You'd be shocked how cheap you can get a Bluetooth headset chipset. They're so simple and made in such high quantities that they're nearly free.

I don't know what apple charged for lightning licenses, but it has to have been a lot for this to make any sense.

I will say though, I've never seen a wired Bluetooth headset. I'd bet the license cost less than a battery, but much less than a knockoff power-only cable.

Yeah, I think it is very explicitly a bad thing for all devices to be directly exposed to the entire internet- firewall or no. NAT is a pain, sure, but it does have the benefit of forcing you to have a network isolated from the internet, and only allow external access when explicitly configured to do so.

I have exactly one machine which needs to be accessible from outside the local network. The rest of them should never be. Do I want to spend extra time ensuring that each and every single device on my network is secure, or do I want to do the inverse and assume all devices are secure and only spend effort to make the one machine exposed?

I can't imagine anyone who would actually want or need their WiFi toaster to be publicly routable, WiFi cameras, every computer. There's absolutely no reason for it. Instead of relying on network isolation, we expect users to just implicitly rely on who knows how many different firewall implementations. Hopefully your router configures it by default.

A nonce is a token specifically meant to prevent replay attacks. There's no sane reason to assume TPM is deterministic, as that would defeat the purpose of all the security.

You're right, i somehow skipped over that in reading. And you would want a TPM to be deterministic, after all one major use of the TPM is validating the hardware and boot state is unchanged. Is the state except of the nonce deterministic?

Generally the way this works is you have two partitions in your flash chip. One contains the current firmware and the second is a place to drop new firmware. Then the bootloader twiddles a bit somewhere and boots to one partition or the other. There's really nothing stopping you from wiping the previous partition once you're done.

I think some routers still have a single flash partition and the update process here is a lot more hairy and will obviously not retain the previous version after an update.

Apart from attacks like this, there's absolutely no reason to have a protected read only copy of the factory firmware. 99.9999% all you would ever need to do to recover from a bad flash is to just fail back to the previous image.

A proper read only factory image would require an extra ROM chip to store it, as well as extra bootloader complexity required to load from ROM or copy to flash on failure. It's just barely expensive enough at scale to not be worth it for an extremely rare event.

My elected representative is presently busy trying to rig the presidential ballot for my state, I'm not sure he cares -at all- about e-waste

Very, very old faxes used to be purely analog. Since dial-up was invented, however, faxes are fully digital. If you've ever used a fax machine, you'll notice the classic dial-up handshake noises. Faxes are modems and vice-versa: any PC with a modem could send and receive faxes. It was a commonly advertised feature back in the day.

Intel sells the chipset that goes along with the processor, as well as selling their own motherboards. I think the profit incentive here is obvious.

Why sell just a CPU when you can sell a CPU and a chipset and a motherboard?

Intel stopped selling motherboards in 2013.

Honestly, default behavior should be to at least share package files on the local network. But sharing to the wider internet should be fairly trivial in <current year>, we have no shortage of technologies that accomplish this.

I wish more systems had this kind of feature. I have a fat fiber connection, I'd be thrilled to pop up an unofficial mirror for something like a Linux distro. I've tried mirroring Linux ISO torrents, but it seems almost nobody ever downloads from a torrent, so I end up never actually uploading any of these images.

My real, true first exposure to programming was Qbasic on a Windows XP machine, followed by real BASIC on a Commodore 64, then Java. But I don't count any of that, I never really built anything, just plugged in examples. I consider my true native language to be C#. It was the first language I ever built anything real with, and my first taste of what being a Real Programmer was.

It absolutely has flavored my programming in any language. The way I name and structure things is ""bad"" C++ programming, but I'm fluent in C# concepts in a way I'm not with other languages.

I've also developed a deep distaste for non-C languages. Or maybe I'm just getting old and curmudgeonly.

> My real, true first exposure to programming was Qbasic on a Windows XP machine, followed by real BASIC on a Commodore 64, then Java.

What’s the story behind your starting with Windows XP and then moving back to a Commodore 64?

For me, by the time Windows XP rolled around, my Commodore (128 not 64) was sadly long gone — given away at a garage sale by my parents while I was off at college.

We had essentially a computer club in middle school. The teacher introduced us to QBasic. Later in high school I took a programming course which was Java. I found the C64 at a flea market around the same time and found it much more interesting than the make-work java problems we were doing in school.

Honestly, I'd keep doing what I'm doing now, I'm a research engineer. I kind of stumbled into this career path and it turns out to be just exactly the thing I was built to do.

I'd likely go work for someplace better with more resources and a goal I find more interesting than my current work. Or I'd be a crazy inventor type building new machines and technologies in the garage.

I actually think about this question a lot. Thinking about all of the inventions that I or innumerable other engineers might have built, might have changed the world with, if only they had the resources to pursue mad science. It's pretty sad.

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