Not familiar with the product. The MS name alone would make me biased. Is it really good or even better in some way? Or did you just slightly ironically mean they did not manage to make it worse than competing products?
A great thing about mice is that they are fungible and don't change without the user's consent, unlike software, so you can keep buying and using the same mouse forever.
The average mouse of the time was blocky and uncomfortable.
They have their own external repository indexed by extrepo, but "no warranty is made by the Debian project as to the security or quality of the software in these third-party repositories."
Right. Some people want Sync, Pocket, oneline translation, etc. Others like me just want a browser. There should be a simple option to choose between a browser and some multifunction beast that some people and even more managers at Mozilla are dreaming of.
Those things are Mozilla services. If they spoke of operating Mozilla services and data you input into Mozilla services, it'd be fine and expected. But instead they speak of operating Firefox and data input into Firefox, which is much more broad, and just happens to give them coverage for all kinds of data collection and abuse.
The fact they've issued this update and not clarified the scope as Mozilla services is disturbing.
Thanks for the terminology clarification. So ideally the services would be used by an extension that users are offered to download. Next best would be a simple choice do you want any services or not. If yes, all of them or customize.
> You give Mozilla the rights necessary to operate Firefox. This includes processing your data as we describe in the Firefox Privacy Notice. It also includes a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license for the purpose of doing as you request with the content you input in Firefox. This does not give Mozilla any ownership in that content.
They're still broadly referring to "Firefox" with alarming language.
> They say it's only for "doing as you request with the content you input in Firefox" - how is that alarming?
Nothing that I intend to do with Firefox requires any such statement. The mere existence of the statement is evidence that Mozilla's intentions are drastically out of line with what a web browser should be doing.
> Nothing that I intend to do with Firefox requires any such statement.
So what? Millions of people use Firefox. Lots of things in Firefox and their ToS don't apply to me, of course. None of my personal info will be collected at all, based on what I've read.
Mozilla is telling you they can collect the data. Whether or not they are right now is not relevant. Mozilla is informing you that you have agreed to them collecting all of this data. They now have the right to collect and transmit said data at any point.
The Finnish example translation is wrong: "an example" should be "esimerkki". (There are no articles in Finnish.) The map shows "esimerkiksi" which means "for example". (Prepositions are relatively rare in Finnish.)
Edit: Ah, it says the data is from Google translator. So no suprise here, Google translator produces poor results. It's said that Deepl is much better. I can't really tell because I don't need machine translation Finnish English. Both are roughly equally strong foreign languages for me.
I've had very mixed luck with all online translation services when translating between danish and english. Google was bad to the point of being unusable, but none were great. ChatGPT however is excellent at this. It's a shame its output is so extremely slow, or it would have been perfect.
When translating between two languages with gendered nouns, it will also lose the correct gender in translation, since it goes through the intermediate step of English. It’s hilarious how inadequate it is.
DeepL is leagues better than Google Translate, and I can tell because I've worked with a lot of translation to and from Finnish. They are not even comparable. Google Translate will completely garble any translation to or from Finnish. Kagi Translate also does a great job in Finnish translation.
Well, the submission guidelines even say if it's on TV it's not for HN or something like that. As a matter of fact I read it on a general news site first and then I went to HN and had to search where is it. Would have expected the opposite, but maybe that's just plain wrong. HN should be for news not found elsewhere.