LibreOffice is probably about 10% of the size of MS Office these days...
As for instructions/support: Changes between subsequent versions are minor. There was a versioning scheme change recently, so you may be thinking "Oh, LibreOffice 7.3 vs 24.8, very different" - no, mostly the same thing, it's just that 24.8 came out in 2024, in August. Also, there is #libreoffice on , and there are Telegram and Matrix channels... so just ask.
But it's true that with 0.1%-0.5% or so of the budget MS Office gets, it's difficult to keep all of the materials fully up-to-date.
Don’t forget I was replying to a person who is using Office 2003 and not paying as they probably paid their once 20 years ago for license and also don’t have any new features.
But the yearly inspection is not very strict. I see many 15-30 year old cars in Finnish traffic that don't seem to be able to pass the German inspection. Have never seen any good comparison of the inspection criteria
In my country you leave a certain amount for the inspector somewhere in the dash area or in your vehicle booklet. At least in the past I've known some people to do it for older cars, there were ways to bypass emissions tests and ignore some minor issues. Also, I once failed the brake fluid check and I had to repeat the inspection. Since I didn't have time to do a full drain, I just went to a nearby garage to suck it out from the overflow container with a syringe and top it off with fresh fluid. This was just to pass the test and I would fully replace it later.
Yes. Grandparent talked about 20 years ago. 15 years ago Ubuntu required no configuration at all if you had a graphics card that worked (most newer ones did, Nvidia was a nightmare).
I do see heavy tearing when watching videos under i3 on Ubuntu LTS and a 60 Hz monitor. So what? I just don't care. Tearing in videos does not hinder me from getting my work done. Watching videos is just wasting time most of the cases anyway.
> So what? I just don't care. Tearing in videos does not hinder me from getting my work done. Watching videos is just wasting time most of the cases anyway.
It's fine for you to not care about that usecase, but other people do care and that's also valid. There even exist devices that mostly exist to watch video and we'd really like Linux and some standard graphics stack to work on them.
I grew up in a 600,000 inhabitants city in Germany. They got EMUs in the 1930s. When they got the next generation in the 1970s all level crossings were replaced.
So California, one of the forerunners in the US, seems to be roughly 90 years behind. Depends on your age whether you'll be able to enjoy a quiet train trip during your lifetime. </sarcasm>
In 1930s California’s population boom had just started. There were 5 million people in the state, split between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Both cities had electric trams, but the demand for regional rail wasn’t high enough to electrify it.
Even today it’s not uncommon to de-electrify lower-volume rights of way.
It has been said the broader gauge was chosen at the time to make trains able to run safely over Golden Gate Bridge with strong side winds. My physics is not good enough to calculate whether that argument makes sense. And I have no idea how realistic that route ever was.
I don't think the gauge is a major problem. Train orders are always a custom project, few urban networks use exactly the same standards. Railroad manufacturers are used to different gauges.
In particular the track gauge is a long way from being the only consideration. Structure gauge and Loading gauge are also crucial. When I first moved here despite this being an important port city a Victorian arch bridge carrying road traffic over the railway meant every single freight train carrying containers from the port to the rest of the country needed to either go on a circuitous route or use special low wagons with reduced capacity, which hold a container below axle height so as to fit under that bridge.
In that case blocking the road and dropping in a new road bridge was affordable given the economic value but generally you put up with what you've got.
True, when it comes to loading gauge one can no longer even about a standard. Most countries have several different loading gauges even for the same track gauge.
In practice I am not convinced the BART is severely impacted by their "weird" gauge (whatever is meant by that, not sure what their loading gauge is, for passenger trains the distance to and height of the platforms would be most relevant).
Stadler KISS series used by Caltrain is built at least in 3 different widths.
Auckland, NZ had (not sure whether still in use) rolling stock from the UK, converted from 1435 mm to 1067 mm track gauge, the loading gauge obviously was close enough.
Finland has engines (Sr3, Dr20) and railcars (Dm12) designed for smaller central European loading gauges. They look a bit tiny compared to other stock, but they are fully usable.
Hmm, my naive summary of AGPL is "If you run AGPL code in your web backend you are obliged to offer the backend source to everyone using a web client". No wonder it's explicitly forbidden at Google.
What does that mean for a linker? If you ship a binary linked with an AGPL linker you need to offer the source of the linker? Or of the program being linked?
In practice I think it's pretty much equivalent to the GPL for a linker. But I can understand why people in commercial settings are wary of this license.