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I use ed for pretty much all editing. Have for a few years after I got tired of trying to debug emacs/org mode :) YMMV of course. :) And so I have learned bash/shell better because of it which I am thankful for.

It would be helpful if products could have a label stating that it complies to the standard. I know that's tricky in terms of how to ensure the label is accurate/correct/not just printed.

Really makes me think of all the examples of things that CAN'T clearly be *-as-a-service, like farming or charity work, but who knows! I imagine if you can find a way to measure and/or control some aspect of an operation, you can operate it as-a-service.

Would be wild to be inside an elevator during a remote "alarm button" test! :O

I really like that they removed some dependencies/software! :+1:

"In order to significantly reduce the footprint and simplify management of the Mender server, three major server dependencies have been removed."

I generally prefer deleting code.

I also experimented quite a bit using pocketsphynx for voice recognition and espeak for synthesis. Some things worked pretty well if I kept the set of recognizable things small, which I liked anyway.

I used this setup daily on a geeksphone keon for about a year. I liked it quite a bit. Sadly the screen got broken and 2G service was getting bad. :) I hope to bring this fun experience to another phone with pmos. After the modem starts working I can pull together what I had before for texting and contacts and push it to the shelli repo.

Yes, I had intended on spending this month on the audio codec for nexus 5 but was deterred by the modem not working. I want to split my time between reverse engineering mediatek baseband and getting a pmos daily driver going with the shelli UI. So hope to come back to the audio codec in about a month. Hopefully somebody comes along and does it before me! :p ;)

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