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I think your bulleted list is a bit wonky.

The one that jumps out at me is implying “socialism is a form of Marxism” when it’s the opposite that is true.

There are thriving socialist governments right now. What benefit does your argument get from ignoring those?

Why do you have “capitalism” and “despotism, feudalism, and other ruler based economies” separate? Are you unable to see the oligarchy of the US?

> Drowning the individual is not it.

Spreading ownership across those necessary for a thing to exist is drowning them? Or is it drowning the Csuites?

If your online bookstore turned imitation product megastore requires the people boxing the goods and driving the trucks then they should own a piece of what their work creates; that means ownership in the company and a share in the wealth it creates.

Is it because a CEO is golfing with war criminals that they deserve to capture the economic production from the labor of so many?

The fact that a company can create one of the three riches men on the planet and have its employees who are the ones making that person’s wealth be on government assistance is absolute bullshit.

> What else is there?

What indeed.

> The fact that a company can create one of the three riches men on the planet and have its employees who are the ones making that person’s wealth be on government assistance is absolute bullshit.

I agree here. Even during the feudal era, if you happened to be employed in the envoy of one of the world's richest trading fleets, you would be treated with far greater respect than an Amazon worker.

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