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Once again, Private Equity is the driving force behind this new scam.

My favorite comment from the article was from the Hollywood/media exec lamenting that what IA was doing was 'theft'. Didn't Hollywood come about from people trying to outrun Edison and his patents? The hubris is astounding.

Time to lay RIAA to rest. A message needs to be sent: orgs that go after archival efforts like this get smote to death.

RICO statutes! Sic em boys!

I wonder the same thing. It had a lot of 'renegade cool kid' energy early on, I suspect this was done on purpose. However, if you look at the investors, and people working on the project now (lot of industry types) it's moved slowly into the corporate sphere. I think rather than legal assault, they are going to slowly start to boil the frog and users will find themselves in a system that differs radically from what they expected (or want) and by that time moving all their files etc will be too much. I stayed far away, and have supported Kodi the entire time.

From a Libertarian perspective why would we not:

1) have Congress+FDIC...

This made me chuckle. I thought Libertarians want gov _out_ of their lives. :)

Libertarians, like Trotskyites before them suffer from the logical dead end of purity tests.


oh look. Some techbro billionaire fretting about his billions. Why is this news? What's next, an indepth look at finding 'just the right bunker' for the apocalypse. I mean, yeah a bad thing happened. His family survived, and he's gotten a better life than 99% of the population on the planet. Cool. Maybe rather than worry about hoarding his stuff he could find ways to improve the planet? Or better yet, collect some digital thing, obfuscated behind other digital things all with some arbitrary value - that won't feed you, keep you warm and or provide clean water in a real emergency.

Please don't fulminate. This is in the site guidelines: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html.

You may not owe techbro billionaires better, but you owe this community better if you're participating in it.

If you are in the US - public libraries are a wonderful resource for kids to visit.

The creation of a whole new federal branch - "homeland security" was created under BushII. Cushy federal jobs with pensions all funded off that sweet sweet defense budget. So now airline travel is ruined all for security theater..and you think ACA is overreach?

I didn't say "The right doesn't over reach". I said "Its silly to say that the left doesn't".

You realize that both sides aren't for shrinking the government or staying out of your lives?

no/low taxes has been done since the 80's and all we have for it is massive wealth disparity in this country. It's a failed policy that punishes the majority so a few can be obscenely wealthy. The wealthy economic zones also require we be OK with little to no environmental regulation, Hong Kong was known for having medical waste simply be dumped into the ocean. It wasn't unheard of to find used syringes and such wash up on the beaches..

I'd argue that wealth disparity is good if we can lift the entire stratum upwards. We have been doing exactly that since the industrial age. Life of the poorest has gotten better.

Worth visiting this debate at Yale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RITVJy7ogI

Inequality is overplayed and oversold to people who conflate crony capitalism to capitalism. The kinds of Thomas Piketty has done a tremendous amount of disservice to the west which hailed capitalism for over 2 centuries, unfortunately, USA + EU are regressing into socialism.

Yeah, I'm not going to base the idea that "inequality is OK" by someone from the federalist society. That's like asking an arsonist if fire is good. I'd argue that the lower class has lost upward mobility in this country in the last 40-60 years. Sure, cheap crap can be purchased from walmart - but that's just subsidized crap. China has been lifting their lower classes up - yes, but at our expense.

We talk about insurance killing the medical field, but I'd also argue that EMR companies are doing a number on the profession as well. Have you seen the Epic campus? Epic - located in Wisconsin (not the gaming company). The amount of overhead a hospital needs to support/run that behemoth can't be small. And Epic is _swimming_ in cash.

I agree 100% with ICANN's position in this matter. I think their reply was level headed and correct.

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