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Perhaps a small nit, but the “design space tree” looks more like a directed graph.

You can try setting `export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore"` to suppress warnings.

Anecdotally, I fly round trip out of SEA ~3 times a year and experience very bad turbulence on about half the flights. Earlier this year it was bad enough to suspend drink service.

I also fly commonly out of PDX and SEA. Generally anywhere near mountains is going to be bumpy (Denver is a roller coaster every single time).

> Earlier this year it was bad enough to suspend drink service.

If drink service wasn't suspended on others, it wasn't very bad turbulence. A rule of thumb is that if your seat belt isn't hurting you, it's moderate or lower intensity.

About a decade or two ago, turbulence seemed worse. My uncle told of a time when he saw people hit the ceiling. I've rarely had issues, although plenty of smaller pockets where service does get suspended. I fly out of SEA, but in my opinion, DEN is much bumpier because of the sheer winds from the Rockies.

My rule of thumb is if the drinks didn't fly into the air and spill, then turbulence is minor.

Also pilots largely avoid microbursts now:


> At Amazon you can't even open the building next door without approval.

This is not true.

This is absolutely true and has been for years. You’re granted access to the minimum number of buildings required for your job function, and can file a ticket for temporary access grants to other buildings based on need.

It’s absolutely not true and hasn’t been for at least the last 5 years, in my experience.

I have access to every building in my city despite only requiring access to one of them, and I didn’t have to request it.

When I visited Seattle, I had to request access (which required clicking a grand total of 5 buttons in an internal portal and was instantly auto approved) to “the Seattle campus” and was granted access to every building, and still have that access years later. It wasn’t temporary.

Ditto for the other offices I’ve visited, both domestic and abroad. One office internationally I literally showed up and walked to reception and said “hi I work here but I’m visiting from out of town” and they immediately gave me access. I don’t see how this is different from the “second passport” described in the article.*

There are a couple of limited-access offices such as for subsidiary companies, but those are not the majority.

* - the one big difference definitely is the amenities and food, though. Amazon offices don’t have great, or even good, food. And the amenities are lame, most offices don’t even have a gym. There isn’t much of a reason to stop by an office unless you’re specifically there to work.

I worked for Amazon for a bit over two years, followed by Google for a bit over the last decade.

It never would have occurred to me to visit an Amazon office, so I didn't know about the ticket thing. I rarely worked with anyone remote.

When I joined, Google encouraged travel (less so lately). In the time I've been here I've visited over a dozen offices around the world. Some of them on vacation, because I knew there would be something unique about the local office, but also because with the exception of one office (Copenhagen), I'd worked closely enough with someone there to drop by their desk, say hello, shake hands, and get the best restaurant and bar recommendations I've ever found (and some great unexpected dinners with colleagues!)

Guess it depends where you work, because it was certainly true for me.

This is a very important point.

I'd argue all these "publish your DB schema as a GraphQL endpoint" frameworks that seem to proliferate have done a lot of damage to GraphQL's reputation. Strongly coupling data to presentation seems like such an obvious anti pattern, yet tools doing just that seem to be very popular for some reason.

Agreed, the reason I really like GraphQL is you can map different parts of your schema "tree" to different backend systems, APIs, etc. This makes your API plane/BFF nicely decoupled from those details like DB tables, etc.

You might be interested in this: https://brandur.org/idempotency-keys

The objects directory stores every file (and tree, commit, etc). Pack files are an optimization storing diffs.

Which is such a genius implementation. You get the straightforward implementation of using plain files (e.g. not deltas), while also being able to get the storage boost from storing deltas.

Cassandra does not make you immune to database issues: https://monzo.com/blog/2019/09/08/why-monzo-wasnt-working-on...

Yes. You still have to read the docs before randomly setting “auto_bootstrap” to false.

Or just use Astra and not worry about scaling your own cluster.

Did GP make such a claim? I didn’t see it, but maybe the comment was edited.

The interior has been aluminum, but the band around the outside has been stainless steel.

> Ceramic Shield front, Textured matte glass back and stainless steel design


Interesting. 13 mini is

> Ceramic Shield front, Glass back and aluminum (sic) design


FWIW, local git clones use hard links for object files, so share a lot of their data.


Yeah, but if you work with a central repository, when using local git clones the clones are hanging off the local repository, not the central one.

Sure, you can change back origin to point to the central one again, but you still have to do a dance to sync branches among your local clones (and I’m not sure what happens to the hardlinks).

worktrees just naturally basically are “views” of the same local repository, which may hang off a central repository (or not).

Yes, that would be a different reason to prefer worktrees (that I mostly agree with). I was responding to the specific storage space claim.

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