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They're concentrating maple syrup. It comes out of the tree with the sugar and flavors already dissolved in it.

Part of the flavor of maple syrup is due to caramelization and the Maillard reaction of components of the sap. Just concentrating the sap would get you a syrupy substance sourced from a maple tree but it wouldn't be maple syrup.

I've never liked the flavour of maple syrup very much. At the same maple syrup place visit, we had some, on pancakes. WTF? This is plain table sugar! What kind of stunt are you pulling here? The guy supervising the boil said don't you know? The very best grade is like that, hardly maple-y at all! Turns out it really was about the sugar all along, with the initially undesirable maple flavour coming to be prized over time as a side effect.

Fun fact, early abolitionists marketed maple sugar as a replacement for cane sugar, since cane sugar was made by slaves while maple sugar was made by northern farmers.

So the old grading system rated the lighter colored plainer sugars and syrups higher than the darker more flavourful varieties. Since less maple flavour made for a better all-purpose sweetener and a more direct competitor to cane sugar.

Nowadays we usually use maple syrup for the flavour, so the grading system is non-judgemental that way. And the darker grades are more likely what you want.


The stronger colors and flavors occur later in the season. The warmer weather allows more bacteria growth in the sap, which metabolizes some of the sugar into other compounds.

> WvDial is a modem dialer and nobody uses modems anymore.

I was using dial up until probably 2007 or 2008, and I was certainly using wvdial with it. The reason I was using wvdial is because it was the only option that actually worked. I think I tried to get Gnome's GUI to work, but was never able to. I think I still have the non-winmodem PCI card too, spent a lot of money (for a teenager) on it.

I remember my excitement for a Ubuntu Shipit CD quickly dissipating once I realized I couldn't use a USB-A cellular modem dongle, which was the only way for me to get internet connectivity at the time. This was even after having compiled a custom driver, and so on and so forth.

As a Linux newbie, this experience gave me an immense sense of revulsion towards the Linux desktop. However, one fine afternoon, I tried to boot up the Ubuntu partition, and try running the wvdial command instead of using Gnome PPP. Imagine my surprise when it just worked...

I remember my first paycheck from my first real job, I went out and bought a new modem. Don’t remember exactly what, but it was a big upgrade from the 2400 baud that came with my computer

Yea I've still got my hardware modem too. External, connects via serial.

I don't even have copper phone line service.

And if you're curious who Cherie Deville is, here's a mostly-sfw page: https://wikifid.com/cherie-deville/

> She earned an average income of around $70k to $90k per month. The net worth of Cherie Deville is approximately $5 Million dollars as of 2021.

She earns 90k but she is worth 5 Millions. Am i missing something ?

its 70k to 90k PER MONTH, not per year

The denominator.

That’s less than 5 years to clear 5 million. Maybe 6 after taxes.

I dunno, that isn't terrible.

The terrible part is where if you pay for a commercial license to use it in a proprietary application, you can't stand within 50 feet of the LGPL version.


“Prohibited Combination” shall mean any effort to use, combine, incorporate, link or integrate Licensed Software with any software created with or incorporating Open Source Qt, or use Licensed Software for creation of any such software.

So you can't use KDE to write a program that links against the proprietary QT libraries.

> So you can't use KDE to write a program that links against the proprietary QT libraries.

The way I read it that's fine, it's the other way around that's forbidden - you're not allowed to use the commercial-licensed version to work on KDE.

I think what it's saying is that you can't use licensed Qt to create software that uses both it and OSS Qt, not that you can't use software that uses OSS Qt to create software that uses licensed Qt.

Is it ABI compatible? You could run KDE with the proprietary libraries.

That would be violating the proprietary licence terms

Forgive me if I'm missing something obvious, but could you explain why that is?

KDE was created with open source Qt. As in, the developers that wrote KDE used the LGPL version of Qt.

To repeat myself, “Prohibited Combination” shall mean any effort to use, combine, incorporate, link or integrate Licensed Software with any software created with or incorporating Open Source Qt.

Oh goodness, I'm so sorry you had to repeat yourself.. The reason I started my question by saying "forgive me if I'm missing something obvious" is because I'm no expert on licensing issues and was asking a genuine question.

I won't argue with you, but I will ask how many laptops have you tried?

Probably 10 - 15 over the course of 20-odd years.

Sizes from a 10" ASUS eeePC to a Toshiba 17" monster desktop replacement, generic brands, a 14" Lenovo Thinkpad, a 13.3" Dell XPS, Samsung (real puurty silver slimline thing I was sad to say goodbye to), current work laptop is an HP Elitebook, a 15" ASUS, a 13.3" ASUS, and at least a couple of other work ones that aren't memorable enough. Plus my kids' school chromebooks.

No macs though, I've not crossed that border yet.

I can deal with any keyboard, but for actual proper typing in an environment where one is meant to be working, gotta be an external keyboard. I've got a mechanical at home, but I'm fine with non-mechanical at work, so I don't think I'm too much of a prima donna - I won't say that's inarguable fact though ;)

I know the thread has drifted a bit here, but in the context of employment, I don't have the option to try different laptops. I've never worked at an employer that permitted BYOD for the laptop, and so you're stuck with what they issue, which is generally a single choice, as they don't want to put in the IT work to support more than that.

If that choice is a MBP … then you're stuck with not only an infamous keyboard, but also one that causes me (and many people I've worked with) RSI … it's that, or an external.

Shitty behavior isn't excusable just because there's a setting to disable it.

I suppose different people appreciate different things about them, but for me, it's just the experience (for lack of a better word). It's the musical equivalent of being in the flow state, and tickles my brain the same way. The crescendo of Echoes or Brain Damage/Eclipse makes me feel the same way as when I find the perfect solution to a problem I've been working on. You can't link to part of a song and say "this is the epitome of Pink Floyd." There are certainly certain segments that are better than others, but to fully appreciate it, you have to have listened to the previous parts of the album. The songs build on themselves.

Some people like the lyrics, I think Roger Waters bloviates too much. Weed certainly makes it more enjoyable, but it isn't necessary.

To give you an idea what I see every time I checkout,


Wow I looked at this for a solid 10 seconds before seeing the "no thanks" and that was even with your bright red arrow pointing at it. The must have user tested this to hell to find the absolute perfect combination of design elements

This is the "trick you into signing up" page that is inserted if you are not currently a prime member.

I've been clicking the "no-thanks" link for years -- as I've never signed up for, nor ever wanted to sign up for, amazon prime.

But, as I know it is going to show up, I'm not surprised by it in the least, and I know where to go to get past it without accidentally signing up for prime. Maybe the FCC complaint might finally make this nice dark pattern example finally go away.

If I remember correctly, they've also moved around the "No thanks" over the years. I seem to remember the "No thanks" option being below the "Enjoy Prime for FREE for blah ..." area a while back. I could swear the prompt changes sometimes between this more standard screenshot above, and some weird pitch geared specifically towards college students, where the "No thanks" option is considerably harder to see.

I was trying to reproduce the prompt that I was thinking of and found an equally obnoxious prompt:


If you accidentally click on prime, you are shown this


Which makes it seem like you can't even remove the "free" Prime trial, unless you look extremely closely.

Alternatively, if you do click on free shipping, but not on Prime free shipping, you get a popup showing this


Which defaults to trying to steal any gift card balance you have in order to pay for Prime.

I knew that Amazon was awful, but it's really gotten so far out of hand that it's surprising they haven't had the sort of legal trouble Microsoft had back in '98.

Thank you for sharing this! This is super egregious and should be in the article.

lol, SaaS pricing pages have entered the chat (even harder to find the free option)

Older food has more histamine in it.

I have literally never heard of this before… I’d appreciate some links from anyone that knows more because my google results give me nothing but multivitamin and supplement spam/listicles when I try to search anything even close to histamine and food, and it’s also not easy to pick out relevant academic sources when histamines are researched as part of food anaphylaxis so I’ve got a mountain of non-relevant material to sift through there.

If anyone has more information on this I’d be very interested to read it, because it’s landed firmly in the area of … sounds legitimate, but could also be modern “old wives tale” type of stuff where people just say it because it sounds scientific enough to be true and no one has ever researched it because it’s obviously wrong scientifically speaking but is addressed by unrelated fundamental knowledge in a scientific field Im not knowledgeable about such as industrial scale food science or something else.

So yeah would greatly appreciate anything more knowledgeable people on the topic can share, this little throw away line nerd sniped me.

I didn't post a link because I thought it would be easy to search for.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histamine_intolerance https://duckduckgo.com/?q=low+histamine+diet&atb=v376-1&ia=w... https://old.reddit.com/r/HistamineIntolerance/comments/cr9pf... https://www.mastzellaktivierung.info/downloads/foodlist/21_F...

Anecdotally, I've had major digestive issues my entire life. It's particularly frustrating because foods that are supposed to be extremely healthy (low fodmap! gluten free! whole 30!) are still bad for me. Following the last list I posted has actually helped.

Although now that I think about it, the original poster's migraines could be caused by chemicals leaching out of the can liner.

Just want to say, I switched to KDE (Plasma 5) on Debian testing a month ago, after running Windows 7/10 for the last 10 years. I'm very happy with it. If nothing else, it's so nice to have a desktop UI that's cohesive. I feel like everything is designed to be used by a mouse and not touch, which is OK because it's a desktop. It's also surprisingly refreshing to have scrollbars and buttons be styled the same everywhere.

That's what I like about Plasma. Unlike GNOME it is designed to be used by actual human beings who actually use computers to do actual work, not some imagined user and use case by some high-on-their-own-farts designer.

It is consequently very customizable so you can make it work better for how you work, instead of how some GNOME dev thinks you should work. It also didn't take 15 years of complaints to get thumbnails in Dolphin.

I have similar bad experince with GNOME. I do not even know why it is pushed as default on so many distros. KDE Plasma is much more close to what a usual user from Windows expexts and at the same time it is also comparable enough in functionality, which I can not say aboout GNOME which lacks many features, and mostly the same goes for most of the apps. And even when user would get used to switching to KDE Plasma it is customizable and flexible enough so a user can make it into something completely of his on. Which is also very painful in GNOME. So yeah I would have switched to Linux sooner if KDE Plasma was presented to me as the desktop instead of GNOME.

That's just your opinion. Some of us prefer Gnome and work with it every day without any issues.

There were a lot of inconsistencies and things missing (OOTB at least) that drove me away from KDE such as your system remembering your SSH key or being able to just connect to nextcloud and have it sync your files and calendar directly.

just because gnome isn’t for you doesn’t mean it’s bad

or maybe i exist in a designer’s imagination

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