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There are dozens of us!

I believe the 120k number was in reference to the OP’s Aurora spend.

Is this tongue in cheek? I appreciate and try to emulate this trait, but worry it comes off as politic-ing.

What I got out of it was "determination eventually beats natural skill over time".

A little, but it also wouldn't surprise me at all.

This trait is what I associate with people who quickly develop deep knowledge and impressive breadth.

This resonates with me. I’ve so far chalked it up to envy of their “unearned” confidence that’s rooted in my own self-esteem issues. Recognizing a fellow imposter in the wild.

This has been my experience with citalopram as well. The negative side effect though is that natural highs are lower, so I view it very much as a mood stabilizer.

There are dozens of us!

Same here!

Is this a GPT-3 generated comment linking to a GPT-3 generated article?

Interested in this as well. Is it any different if you've got a remote job for a US company (I've got confirmation they'd let me move over to contractor status).

It’s usually somewhat worse. However depending on how close you are with that company, you might be able to be a representative of an overseas business [1], or they might be able to sponsor you using directly with a local entity or a hiring service (though idk which ones might offer things like this).

[1] https://www.gov.uk/representative-overseas-business

This makes battery the primary differentiator for me when I evaluated EVs. As a resident of Vermont, where there aren’t a ton of super chargers the the winters were harsh, range is important. Higher rated mileage in fair weather carries over to winter, even with degradation from cold. We opted for a Model Y, and after a year of ownership it’s still offering the best range for a vehicle we’d consider affordable. Would love to see other manufacturers catch up to Tesla in this regard.

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