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Not sure why this is downvoted. It is well documented that most cheap android tv boxes have more or less the same trojan preinstalled. Is it due to malice of the manufacturer or most of them seemingly all taking the same pre-infected android base , who knows.

Linus Tech Tips made a full video on the subject. They seem to lean to the second option.

I don't want my fridge to take 5 minutes to boot. Seriously.

I'm always super annoyed at the current state of smart appliances that take ages to power on because they run some half-assed linux on an underpowered processor that would give the apollo guidance computer a run for its money. And that's why I only have dumb appliances.

How often does a fridge need to reboot? I’d hope for a nice steady power supply to a fridge.

nowadays serverless environments are microvms. that is, a standard machine type that is explicitly virtual (so device drivers have no wait time for hw to init). however, they don't either need userspace to boot because the function/application/whatever is likely init itself or not far off.

so they need to boot, but only the kernel needs to boot.

Go is horrible due to the absence of specific "interface implementation" markers. Gets pretty hard to find where or how a type implements an interface.

Interfaces are consumer contracts, they say "I need this" not "I provide this".

Regardless, any reasonable LSP will let you "Find implementations" of any interface definition.

Yup, but we're talking about grep, not lsp. And that's precisely why I don't write go without an lsp (the rare times I do write go).

Between conflating imports and URLs, the weird go.mod syntax, and the nonsense that are GOPROXY, GOPRIVATE and such, yes, it’s a mess.

Honestly, aside from left-pad stuff, even npm is much better. I personally find cargo to be the best one I’ve tried yet. Feature flags, declarative, easy overrides, easy private registry, easy mixing and matching of public/private repos through git, etc. And like go it properly handles multiple versions of the same dep being used, but the compiler will help you when it happens.

Dealing with private repositories does suck, I'll give you that.

After using rustfmt, I feel gofmt is not up to snuff. My main gripe with it is there are multiple formattings that are valid: there is not one true format. E.g. gofmt does not enforce line length which makes diverging styles possible, like for function declarations.

Same meaning in french. Oh well…

It will be interesting how robust this new protocol is against traffic pattern analysis. A regular HTTPS connection has different patterns over time than a VPN, mainly because it carries only HTTPS and not all of the machine’s traffic; and only for a specific "website" (simplification here) instead of bundling the whole web to a "single server". The latter may be easier to evade, but the former will be hard.

Anyways kudos to them, and I can’t wait to see how it fares against China’s GFW.

Unfortunately it's not gonna work. The GFW periodically disturbs/resets any persistent or large-enough traffic to IPs outside of China and bans them. That's why even if you have the best obfuscation protocol (like setting up your own server outside with truly indistinguishable traffic like a normal HTTPS), you still cannot have stable connections with large traffic. The current reliable ways of evading GFW are using IPs inside China via non-GFW controlled IEPL connections. These are loopholes deliberately left by GFW in order for certain legit use cases to bypass them (like research / big international corps etc.)

Might depend on provider? I have a single endpoint and no such issues. Transferring multiple GBs on some days. I'm using a custom protocol though that's basically udp but with the tcp protocol number in the ip next protocol field. I'm simply ignoring any injected rst packets etc.

Yes, depends on a lot of factors like provider (different telecoms have different network settings/policies), location (GFW is multi-tiered with at least provincial boundaries, certain cities/provinces might have tighter control/policies), time/date (e.g. sensitive periods), etc. But what I'm saying is that traffic analysis is really effective. A single IP with multiple GBs on a day is on the low end and thus probably fine. GFW target potential VPN-like services which have much higher aggregate traffic over a period of time. If you have higher traffic it could trigger IP bans regardless of your custom protocol. I had custom servers setup like yours before and they die mysteriously sometimes so I had to rotate once in a while on new IPs.

I very rarely had outages of half a minute to two or three minutes, and every time I feared it was an ip ban. Wouldn't be too bad though, I have access to most of an /24. I had silly ideas like load balancing across multiple ips, but as a custom protocol is already standing out, I wonder how much louder I could scream "here I am" :)

Can VPN providers rotate used IPs faster than they are blocked or it is too expensive?

I'm sure they have monitoring services to detect banned IPs and rotate on new IPs. However, in my experience, the most popular VPN providers are actually not specialized in evading GFW despite what they claim. During sensitive periods of time, most of the them couldn't be connected reliably. Those providers specializing in providing GFW evasion are called 'airports' or 'ladders' in the Chinese community and they use custom non-VPN protocols and tools for their services.

How much is "large", ballpark?

I had custom servers banned randomly in the ballpark of 100 GB / day, but your mileage may vary.

Fortunately the music industry does not seem to go the same way as the video streaming industry: each platform having their exclusives, fragmenting the offer, and making life hard for customers. Music streaming services differentiate through other means.

That’s why I’m happily paying for Deezer and not for video services.

Okay I love this one, it is great. Thanks for the good laugh!

> And what's with the projects? A business card that runs Linux? Next, you'll tell us you’re working on a coffee mug that serves sarcastic remarks.

I honestly find this idea pretty amusing and I am half-tempted to do it. Embed some flexible e-ink display in the walls of a mug and have it show sarcastinc fortune cookies. It could even roast you when the coffee gets cold.

I had the idea for a sarcastic weather app once.

“It’s raining. Maybe the strangers won’t be able to tell you’re crying today.”

“It’s sunny and 72°. If only you had friends to enjoy it with.”

https://www.meetcarrot.com/weather/ is kinda famous for that feature.

The punchline could be "get roasted after your coffee got roasted"? Cuz, yknow,coffee beans are roasted and... Okay, maybe not such a good pun after all

"I like you the way I like my coffee. Roasted."

So many ways to turn it

> And a PHP library for ASN.1? That’s a niche so small it practically qualifies as a hobby project with more dust than downloads.

I think "hobby project" is overselling the effort there. Also I'd entirely forgotten I'd written that.

Sounds like an awesome idea!

Dang it, now I feel like I have to do it. Flexible E-ink displays are also pretty cheap on aliexpress, and the rest is some glue and a microcontroller. I’ll see when I’m back from holidays.

I even have the name. "The Coffee Smug".

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