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You want to solve "seeing a lot of, very obviously mentally ill, homeless people" by... giving more people guns?

I hate how once you mention guns, peoples brains shut off and turn into "must virtue signal my ideology mode", that prevents them from either reading or comprehending the full post.

There is a world where normal ordinary people with a job and a place to live get guns, while people who are homeless/mentally ill/ on drugs dont.

What I don't understand is how your comment connects to the comment you were replying to.

> let people have *reasonable* access to firearms and legal recourse in their use to defend themselves and property.

That sort of implies that we don't go Oprah on SF where everyone and their mother gets a gun. Reasonable access means that you have to meet certain conditions, like not be homeless, have an id, have no criminal record, e.t.c.

I think we're talking past each other here.

I live in SF and it is not at all clear to me how expanding access to guns would either help or hurt the homelessness challenges in the city.

I suspect folks would be less brazen with hitting you over the head with a metal pipe, like with the SF gentleman from last week, if they knew that the median SF resident was ready and able to put a few holes in them in response.

Some argue that it's inhumane to be armed when you're assaulted by someone who doesn't have full control of themselves and isn't responsible for their actions. But folks also don't deserve to die just because someone has completely lost it and is now in the process of beating them to a pulp.

Right now you’re a sitting duck, hoping that it’s someone else’s turn to get stabbed today. Ultimately you either empower law enforcement, which is not happening, or you empower law-abiding pro-social citizens, which is also not happening. The only options people have left are to either suck it up, or move.

First, "solving" homelessness is wishful thinking - it can't be solved given the modern political climate, because on some level it would be accepting that some people should not have agency for running their own life, and need to essentially be made to comply to a set of rules to prevent them from self destructing. Good luck with that.

The best thing one can realistically hope for is inverting the opportunity cost committing crime the other way, where its generally more favorable not to steal. If homeless people can be shot by security guards for shoplifting, its almost guaranteed that you would see crime statistics reduced overnight. Homeless people would be more incentivized to pursue lives closer to normal.

This is true for options but not RSUs.

Courier | Full-Stack, Data, and Mobile Engineers | U.S. REMOTE / San Francisco Bay Area

• We power notification infrastructure for software companies like LaunchDarkly, UserVoice, and Lattice.

• We pay San Francisco salaries regardless of your location – $150k-$260k for engineering roles

• Serverless node.js/TypeScript backend

• React.js/next.js/TypeScript frontend

• Many languages for various libraries & SDKs we ship

• 35 person team

• Recently raised Series B



This is really clever. There are definitely huge gaps with existing product analytics tools once you veer away from their primary ICP – just ask any B2B PLG company about account-level analytics...

Looks like a great solution for IoT companies!

Thanks! That’s a good point. General purpose analytics tools can’t cover specific needs because that will blow up their product and make it even more difficult to navigate. That’s true when using them in other specific industries as well.

While the IoT industry is pretty broad – home appliances, wearables, scooters, etc. – the fact that there’s physical hardware involved means the apps are used in similar ways: connect the device, control the device, read data from the device, etc. In that context, pre-configured charts and industry benchmarks work really well.

> just ask any B2B PLG company about account-level analytics

Are you saying account-level analytics are hard to come by in Amplitude, Mixpanel, etc?

Yes, especially if you have account-level usage that isn't just a rollup of user usage, e.g. API usage that isn't tied to a user, but to an account that multiple users are members of.

My startup (courier.com • YC S19) was idea-stage and I did not have meaningful pedigree nor had I previously started a successful startup.

Depending on your use case I'd definitely look at Sendbird (YC W16):


Great article. All of this complexity is the reason I started Courier (YC S19) [0], which we just launched on HN [1] a few days ago. :-)

We take the approach of essentially offering an abstraction layer that lets you route to one or more channels based on data related to the notification event instead of having to hardcode the integration at the callsite. This has the added benefit of also letting you pull the template abstraction into the same space (so you don't go crazy manually maintaining HTML templates for email, plain text for SMS, BlockKit for Slack, etc. etc.)

FYI we support integrations for nearly all of the channels mentioned here: email (via SMTP, SendGrid, SES, and others), Discord, SMS (via Twilio and others), web push, WhatsApp (via Twilio WhatsApp), Slack, & PagerDuty. And many others...

[0]: https://www.courier.com/

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30527757

I was surprised nobody else pointed this out! No, no pivot. Two main reasons:

1. It took a lot of time to build something robust enough that teams were willing to swap out their critical infrastructure for. There is a big different between your marketing automation system experiencing an issue vs. the system that sends out 2FA/magic link messages.

2. I really wanted to iterate on our API until it felt "HN worthy." That also took time. (For reference, Stripe did their HN launch a couple years post-YC for the same reason.)

Thanks Chris! Hope things are going well at Loops!

Thanks Troy! All is well.

Customer.io is more focused on marketing automation (which your campaign use case sounds like) whereas we're focused on transactional notifications.

Next quarter we'll have some relevant new releases though, so stay tuned. :-)


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