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How is this not called "Byron"?

Is this supposed to be a reference to something? I'm not following this logic :(

Byron (the poet) was Ada Lovelace's father

Stop being smart. The tool is called GetAda, what does it do? It gets ada. What would byron do? will you remember 3 years from now?

What happens when the community decides this one isn’t good enough and comes up with a replacement? The problem I’ve always had with these descriptive names is (a) they are often hard to google because they conflict with all sorts of documentation about the problem space and (b) when they’re deprecated, they become a trap for beginners. “Cute” project names are better for the same reason as we don’t name children and pets random English phrases describing them.

The replacement can just be called getada2. It worked for Python's standard library (unittest2 and all that).

Or fetchAda or grabAda, english is filled with synonyms.

Imagine if this happened with stream processing systems: “here at Acme Corp we decided that Apache Stream Processing wasn’t nearing our needs so we switched to Apache Creek Processing after evaluating it and Microsoft’s River Processing solution”

Well then surely it should be "UpdAda"?

(I hardly...)

How about "AddUp"?

I thought it might have been Square Kilometer Array interference but that's to the north of those spots.

Lawyercats are the worst cats.

Other people posting your stuff gets a lot of love though.

Maybe the board members are worried about going to jail for running a 501(c)3 that's behaving like a for profit company?

I think Eich intentionallyed a scheme.

Yep, AFAIR he intentionallyed a scheme twice, but both times, the suits had a different idea (first time around, to ride on Java marketing; second time around, to compete with Microsoft and JScript).

But he accidentally an ecmascript on the way

This is something I've dreamed about doing in one form or another since I was a teenager almost 30 years ago.

But the best thing about this story is the video "Without the Xylophone" - a terrifying robotic bed of nails.

These exploits are weapons. Look at what governments pay for weapons. That's hard to compete with.

How much do they pay for weapons at the level of an individual weapon designer/manufacturer's employee??

We were just talking about Kurt Cobain's death from suicide with my daughter with CF. We'll take the meds thanks.

There's a theory that having a single CF mutation can help combat the effects of cholera.

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