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It is clear that higher salaries isn't necessarily helping companies hire. I wonder for things to go back to normal if companies need to start offering extremely generous 6-12 weeks of vacation.

It may be worse for some of us but is it getting better for the average/common person?

I am imagining a nice red button on an online credit card statement labelled "Cancel Subscription". Similar to the unsubscribe button/link in emails.

Really wish there were opensource alternatives to Parsec and Rainway that weren't tied down to hardware (Moonlight). As/if we move away from x86 I think it would be a great way to archive old games that haven't found their way to Webassembly.

It would definitely be great to see archive.org use something like it stream old software/games/media without having to distribute it.

“remote desktop with low-latency, sound, and gamepad support” _feels_ like the sort of well-scoped highly-technical problem that open-source should excel at... I remember wanting that back in the days when VNC was considered state of the art and being told it was impossible, and now we’re once again in the situation of closed-source innovation and open-source trying to copy it :(

I wonder what the odds are of parsec opening their code / protocol, making their money from renting out servers...

The cheap hosting provider is possible by PHP only being loaded into memory when needed to run. So you can have tons code ready to run on disk with no performance impact.

So it is definitely nice to see other languages compiled to PHP to make use of the cheap shared hosts.

This looks great! Combining this with Nim would be extremely powerful. Is it a matter of changing compilers like musl or would some tweaks need to be done for it to work with Nim?

This is pretty exciting. I have tried to build a native image using GraalVM for Jenkins as mentioned in this article and it was not possible due to Jenkins relying on reflection. Hopefully this helps with resource usage, I always feel a bit of OCD with Java applications tending to require tons of resources and developers being okay with it. Sure, companies have more money to spend and can afford larger instances but it takes away some of the spirit of hobby, DIY, and projects outside of work.

This should also mean that you can build Jython and JRuby static binaries/executables, but it will probably be a large binary.

Completely agree. The fantasy/dream is productivity on the go. But in reality we are productive full size keyboard. Not that you can never become productive on one of these devices but it will take a certain amount of time and one should consider the availability/discontinuation of these devices since they are so niche.

That being said, I am still going to order a PinePhone with the hope that the Psion-like keyboard will make me productive :D

Also check out Box86: https://github.com/ptitSeb/box86

Impressive to see people playing Half-Life 2, Unreal Tournament 99 and 2004 on a Raspberry Pi 4.

Curious if this could be extended to Emscripten (JIT for WebAssembly/Emscripten?) which would be perfect for archiving and portability. Closest project I have seen is DOSBox-X which seems to already have an Emscripten port: https://github.com/joncampbell123/dosbox-x

HL2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq5dJ0oc_6k

UT2004: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VOAeOQcrdo

Another fun thing about box86 is it isn't specifically limited to ARM. Its JIT translator is ARM-specific, but it includes a pure emulator which will work on any CPU. There's additional work to be done for each port, but I got it working on 32 bit PowerPC LE, allowing one to run x86 apps on IBM's POWER processors. For all the few dozens of people this may be relevant to :-)

Sadly, box86 doesn't support aarch64.

Does Raspbian yet?

Somewhat, they have a beta aarch64 image: https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_arm64/images/

I had this idea as well. It only solves the low quality comment problem if that is something the site owners want. In some cases they may benefit from low quality comments.

Before the web, the HTTP POST equivalent was an envelope and stamp and maybe some moderation at the receiving side. People should look into ways to limit comments / filter noise now that it is in abundance.

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