No, you can do a UBI that keeps the money supply the same, and use it as a way to stabilize the economy.
With a $2000/mo UBI, 50% flat tax on other income, 25% VAT, phase it in by doing 10% of that the first year (and 90% of your current taxes, 90% of current support payments), second year 20% and 80%, so the impact isn't too disruptive.
Adjust the flat tax rate as the Federal budget changed (a spending bill is automatically a tax bill as well). Adjust the VAT to control inflation.
You've got to be kidding. As a regular middle class citizen my taxes are high enough already. There's no way I'll vote for UBI so that some slackers can sit around getting high and playing Xbox.
Based on your comments you are in US. Your taxes are very low among Western countries.
That slacker is already getting high and playing on Xbox. With UBI they will have less worries about staying alive and the opportunity to try things to get more money. UBI is a great insentive for people to try new things without there being a financial risk of you losing your income. Just check the trials and their results - people are more productive and happy in general.
Implement UBI as part of fixing taxes. A UBI combined with a flat tax plus a national sales tax, and including universal healthcare, can continue to be a progressive tax while eliminating a lot of the overhead of keeping track of it all.
Look at the effective tax rates with a 50% flat tax, 25% sales tax, and $2000 per month UBI with UHC.