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What irritates me is that their ProtonMail iOS client always sends a notification when I log into ProtonMail from my laptop and I can't turn that notification off without turning off all notifications. I don't want to be spammed by yet another useless security-freak notification.

Let's run a thought experiment - you make death super easy like in a suicide booth in Futurama. How many people are going to fight life obstacles, pushing society forward, or rather terminally quit at the first sign of troubles? Nihilism was quite popular in the 19th century and led us to two world wars already. All you'll get is a quick extinction of people like you in favor of those that persist and your opinion will be eliminated from the gene pool.

Nihilism leading to the two world wars and opinions being coded in the DNA are definitely two of the takes of all time

Opinion and perspective are closely tied to cultural upbringing which is closely tied to race and ethnicity.

We hear about demographics of people and their beliefs "dying off" all the time. It does happen.

People ready to die often don't care about pushing society forward or ensuring the continuation of the human species.

I always ask: for how long? What is the ultimate goal? If you don’t know, it's time to seek answers before pushing society forward carelessly.

Nihilism has nothing to do with either world war. You’re likely trying to blame Nietzsche, who was the polar opposite of a nihilist, for German nationalism. The radical optimist Nietzsche, in his old age while writing Ecco homo, disavowed his German heritage and spoke about how awesome Poland and his polish identity were.

Nihilism is only just now having an impact in the academy as it is the intellectual foundation of post modernist and critical theory.

It’s also vastly ignorant of the causes of World War I which had fuck all to do with nihilism. A radical fighting for Bosnian independence assassinated a Hapsburg, and then entangling alliances escalated what might’ve been a localized conflict into a world war.

> your opinion will be eliminated from the gene pool

The impulse to die being eliminated from the gene pool is a good thing ? Or rather the characteristics to fight for life at all costs is what one would want in the gene pool ?

If what you assume is true, at some point people will want to die less and the problem will self correct .

Death is important tool in evolution delaying it is not argument for it .

In the West I think alcohol is a massive factor, when talking about the moods of large numbers of people in those days. It is no accident that alcoholic drinking was banned outright for some time, despite the deep cultural roots.

booze has been around for thousands of years. it's not good for you but it's also not a new phenomenon driving suicide numbers up.

IMHO it's a combination of low wages, high cost of living, and scrolling/gaming/streaming/porn addiction. we don't know how to talk about it yet but it's fucking people up. human brains were not ready for what the internet has become

If anything I suspect booze reduces suicide numbers. For some people it's an escape that makes life tolerable.

I'm thinking of a book whose title eludes me at present. It's by a doctor, talking about their ER experience. One of their frequent fliers--and one time he talked a bit about why. He had been a sniper in Afghanistan (Afghani, fighting the Russians), he drank to keep from killing himself because of the horrors he had experienced.

People with alcohol use disorder are many times more likely to commit suicide. Alcohol makes depression worse in the long run, even if someone finds some temporary comfort from a bottle.

Booze - yes. Culture around booze… not exactly. Serious drinking was reserved for festivals and generally frowned upon. Nowadays… it’s much more common and much more abused. And modern alcohol is getting stronger and stronger, same with other drugs.

I’m curious - are you American? I’ve had some former coworkers (non-Americans) who used to work in San Francisco and it sounded like they encountered a culture of drinking at work that I’ve never seen in Germany or Austria. I remember one story about every Wednesday afternoon a booze cart would go through the office and people would get absolutely hammered on hard liquor (while still at work!)

I don’t know if this was specific to that (large, household name) company or if that’s emblematic but it sounded like a very bad idea (they had more stories of excessive drinking but that was the one I recall off the top of my head).

No. Lithuania. Here drinking culture reached bottom of the barrel during Soviet era. It’s getting somewhat better as the old generation heads for greener pastures. But it’s still pretty bad with full-on alcoholism being tolerated.

I envy some parts of German drinking culture. E.g. seemingly preferring light beer over heavy drinks. But having visited many music festivals in Germany… You guys got some issues too :D

There's loads of alcoholism in Germany and Austria, but its generally frowned upon to get drunk at work (or at work events).

The west? Alcohol has a much, much firmer grip over East Asia than any western countries I've seen. I think your analysis is very much incomplete.

> How many people are going to fight life obstacles, pushing society forward, or rather terminally quit at the first sign of troubles?

Not many, probably, but the option should be available to those who need it.

> Nihilism was quite popular in the 19th century and led us to two world wars already

I'm sorry, but this is rubbish. Firstly, I'm not nihilistic, but practical. Not everyone who wants to die is suffering; sometimes they just want out of a pointless and meandering life. They don't want to put in the effort to up themselves, and frankly, why should they? What right do other people have to impose their views on someone who's feeling like this?

Sometimes one is suffering, but can't be bothered to, or might suffer more while trying to convince the state and a medical team that they deserve to die. It's 2024, and we have increasing acceptance of the gender spectrum, of the autism spectrum, of recreational narcotics, and more. Why is dying so marginalised? Like I said, this is a Christocentric view. A modern society must allow its citizens to die quietly, peacefully, and cleanly, whenever they choose.

Next, what led to the two world wars was not 'nihilism', a very loaded single word, but rather a bunch of overly-complex defence pacts, treaties, and arms races in 1900s Europe that eventually collapsed into a bloody shit show. The second world war happened because of a feeling of revenge, anti-semitism, and Slavophobia on the part of the Germans, and imperialism on the part of all the Axis powers. Nothing more, nothing less. Depending on who you ask WW2 began as early as 1910 with the invasion and occupation of Korea by Japan.

> your opinion will be eliminated from the gene pool

Wanting to die is not (only) passed down in someone's genes. It is highly environmental and depends on what people do, who they talk to, and where and how they live.

You don't get the required doses from food though.

You don't see tissue deficiencies in blood tests. You can have a local (e.g. brain) deficiency in the making for 30 years before it hits you and no blood test will show it as your body works hard on having perfect blood all the time.

IF they're tissue deficiencies. Many B vitamins get processed and flushed within hours with some get elevated blood levels for days.

They megadosed B2 in the test. Many B vitamins behave differently at those pharmacological doses - for example, B1 will start acting as a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor like acetazolamide beyond 1600mg. B1 at doses over 3000mg is known to slow down some cancers up to 36% but under 100mg to speed up other cancers, over 2000mg it helps with some ALS and MS mimics. B3 at 3000mg seems to alleviate pellagra that is often misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. Daily recommended allowances of all these are like 1-2mg.

B2 has no known unsafe max limit and provides FAD+ for neurons, super important for electron transport chain. Megadosing B2 is known to improve migraine over time. B6 however can be toxic and the overload has about the same symptoms as deficiency, so one has to be careful there.

Salesforce was desperate to build their own LLM and Slack chat history would be a major competitive advantage as their own dataset. Yet for some reason they are going to delete it...

Isn't it just web-styled IRC wrapped up in Electron with an API for extensions?

Isn't that nearly every chat app these days?

They could have used it to train AI...

No, they used pulses (ta-ta-ta-ta-ta 40 times a second) not continuous waves.

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