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Are you not able to find mean things about Elon or alt-right people on Twitter? How hard did you look?

They often work under a different set of political or administrative constraints that make these things impossible to execute. Seeing it done on one stretch of road is entirely different than allocating 100 miles worth of repaving budget to a 5 mile stretch to avoid inconvenience. That's a tough sell.

And they do do things when it’s warranted, like the bridge replacements where they build a whole new bridge next to the existing one and swap it overnight.

https://youtu.be/dMvmhyGgaq4?si=YXMt5tWpuNVXkcT7 (not necessarily the one I’m thinking of)

There are popular sideloading chromium plugins that claim they bypass many paywalls. They work.

There are 2.4 billion Christians on earth, so you could find correlation between "being into Jesus" and any behavior you wanted.

There’s a very big difference between being a Christian and preaching to the world about it constantly. Out of the 2.4 billion only a fraction insist on letting you know it in everything they do.

Well it depends on whether you consider everyone that claims to be or is assumed to be by default, a Christian, and what exactly you mean by “constantly.”

A true Christian will by definition be preaching the gospel to the lost and dying world at every opportunity

Usually people use words so that other people will understand them. If your internal definition doesn't match nearly anyone else's, maybe you're using the word wrong.

So.. I’m wrong because the people disagree. An appeal *ad populum* if you will.

Isn't that all language is? An appeal to what others think you mean? This ofc is why people like to push definitions in different directions. I think you're saying, "Christian should mean XYZ," while I'm pointing out most people don't hold your meaning. If you want everyone to adopt your definition, you need to give a compelling reason. However, I've heard so many other people who call themselves Christian claim that all the other so-called Christians are not really Christian, that I don't really trust any particular Christian's definition. It's easier to just say, "Christian means someone who claims to be Christian".

This isn't true (but bizarrely, heartened me, until today I've only seen this sort of overly literal fallacy deployed against Islam)

I recently made a 4 generation upgrade - from an iPhone 11 to an iPhone 15. It was remarkable how un-exciting it was. It used to be so much fun to get a new phone. Apple has a problem.

Phones seem to have peaked some years ago, but they're dead set on keeping with the yearly release model. Modern phones have absolutely ridiculous specs. I do not need a $1000+ super phone that folds in half, has an 8 core processor and 16 gigs of memory, with a professional camera built into it (maybe 2 or 4).

It blows my mind. What are people actually doing with their phones? I doubt most people even know why they're upgrading unless: carrier offers upgrade, old phone broke, or must have the biggest number

My guess is you've never had to provide network support for 10,000 households, with their busted up routers, virus-filled PCs, and the helpless people who own them.

We're all going to drown in our own bullshit.

I've felt this exact sense of dread since Gmail's auto-suggest for emails.

Get rich, get out of the game, or prepare to shovel shit until you can.

“I see you just watched Goodfellas. Here are six more links to the movie called Goodfellas.”

Put your money where your mouth is and publish all of your bank and credit card statements.

banks have all this info - its already published to 3rd parties via rewards schemes and tbh i wouldnt be surprised if the banks sell it as well. retailers resell it... none of this data is private. in effect i am publishing it already. but as you say, i would gladly have it all posted online for anybody to see if it meant financial transparency for all.

edit: perhaps i wouldnt like my bank balance published... that may make some individuals targets. in thinking about it perhaps i would prefer financial "transaction" transparency. then we would have to guard against huge cash transactions tho somehow. its clearly a difficult topic but its also the source of a lot of the worlds corruption and misery.

I just need a chatbot that will get me past the chatbot so I can talk to a human again.

I had to go through Verizon support with a chatbot. It took years off my life waiting for each response. When I asked to speak to a human it would remind me that "You are speaking to a Human[sic]." This totally convinced me as Human is always capitalized.

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