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this makes me think of what’s in the waste itself. Is a big pile of steel worse than a few box’s of rare earth elements and toxins?

Here’s the thing: most could make a 25000 electric car…. But to make one people want…. That’s the hard part

I strongly doubt that, tire compound and design plays a huge roll, as well as the driver.

I reckon that simply changing the throttle ramp would have a good effect on tire wear

(I daily drive an ev conversion and have seen this first hand)

No "good driving" beats the laws of physics, the extra weight the batteries have will make that happen faster than an ICE.

Of course, battery tech can improve by becoming lighter, more efficient etc, then my argument would change, but without those improvements, I don't believe in it.

Fast acceleration from instantaneous torque delivery is going to increase the chance of breaking the friction barrier between the ground and the wheels. changing that torque delivery curve is going to have a huge effect on maintaining grip. driving habits absolutely have an effect on tire wear.

And that even depends on the location! panels in Arizona vs in Vancouver island are going wear at different rates!

Death to the dream of the American lawn!

the skate community is so welcoming to all walks of life, is very supportive, and very creative. Promoting skate boarding is nothing but a win for city’s. It dose everything a city wants, gets people outside moving, part of a community/ positive social environments. Good to see

Great video on the topic in Vancouver https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m5MJQsPeMIo&pp=ygUQQWJvdXQgaGV...

There’s a quickly growing ev conversion industry. Lots of shops that will take your vintage ride and convert it. the amount of wrecked evs showing up in wrecking yards is resulting in a new era of hotrodding. check out www.openinverter.com

FYI for anyone trying to go to the above link, it is actually https://openinverter.org

Or the notion he accidentally took some. He’s a Swiss chemist. The Swiss are known for being meticulous

LSD is noticeable at 1/20th of a milligram and decidedly active at 1/10th.

One doesn't avoid that with meticulousness, it's protective gear or nothing. Hoffman had no reason to be wearing a hazmat suit, at least, none he was aware of.

There are very few substances with noticeable effects on the human body in microgram doses, not to mention the ability to cross the skin barrier. I think there is just maybe a dozen known toxins able to kill an adult in a dose below 1 milligram. I am not sure for those toxins the effective dosage was even widely known as cautionary tale, back then.

That’s in the law books. In the Netherlands it’s part of the zoning to have a freight line for loading/off loading. It actually takes up much less space compared to truck loading docks. Parking take sup a lot of land.


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