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Heck yeah, cool! Similar experience here too. In only a few hours I got a basic working custom JavaScript space shooter going, and I've since started a Whac-a-Mole style game.

GPT explaining it along the way and allowing me to have a reasonable conversation with it when something isn't working as-expected has been a rewarding and fun learning experience.

"What's the name of that restaurant you like, with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?"

+1 thanks for this.

I was obsessed with pixel fonts for most of the early 2000s, and I found Jason's website because of Silkscreen.

This really takes me back: https://web.archive.org/web/20010603232545/https://kottke.or...

That is quite wild, thanks!

Here's a direct link to that part of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce09ZygnMLg&t=1435s

Nature documentaries and in particular rare ones like these deserve wider dissemination and recognition.

This particular scene made such an impression on me when i first saw it that it has always stayed with me. It is a reminder that our Planet still has amazing secrets for us to discover.

> I entered the market

> I managed to cash out

> I avoided all centralized exchanges

> Almost all my trades were on decentralized exchanges

Only the entry and the exit trades were on centralized exchanges then right?

Are there any examples of safe and legal decentralized fiat on/off-ramps? I've heard of "Bitcoin ATMs" (I suppose that would count as centralized though), and I've read stories of people getting into trouble for using P2P services like "Local Bitcoin". It all seems a bit sketchy.

+1 for the tough building codes. A family member in the Florida Keys recently had a new home built and the roof is rated for 185mph.

I read that: "Part of this initiative was based on the Miami-Dade County Code, which has some of the strictest wind uplift requirements in the country, currently 185 mph for High Velocity Hurricane Zones."

That's a category 5 hurricane (and would probably be a 6 if the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale had a 6): https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutsshws.php

This same family member's last house, built in the early '50s, was literally torn to pieces in Hurricane Irma, 2017. The roof ended up in the neighbor's yard about 100ft away. Wild stuff.

The building codes are weak as paper. When you build hurricane proof housing your biggest problem will be that all your neighbors laugh at your house or call it ugly and report it as not fitting in with the neighborhood because it isn't one of those classic American houses that get immediately destroyed by hurricanes.

Also there is a great risk of hurricane unproofed homes smashing into your hurricane proof house.

Nearing the 10 year anniversary of the app's rejection, please allow me to reflect.

Original app description: "Tired of the same old political chatter? Browse and listen to President Obama's weekly addresses in style, with classy farts that you can fire off at will. For neither red nor blue, just pee-yew."

We didn't bother to try again with 'Trumpet on Trump'.

Oh, what could've been.

Where I work we've been developing mobile apps since the first iPhone, and we still have these "How the hell was I supposed to know?" moments quite often.

A couple of my friends who don't work in tech. are sort-of hobbyist iOS fanboys, and they always get a kick out of it when they show me some feature or gesture that I wasn't familiar with.

> "Oh, you've been gone for three weeks? No problem, no problem, welcome back, let's se....you have 2,473 terms to review today."

My wife has been using WaniKani for a few years, and she uses Account => Vacation mode for planned time away from it. It's essentially a pause feature for reviews (but not for your subscription).

Any chance that your list is organized in a way that you wouldn't mind sharing it? I've been on a documenting spree the past few years at work (after ~14 years of not documenting much), and it would be great to see your decades-long process notes. I totally understand if that's your secret sauce and you'd prefer to keep it that way though.

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