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Of the ones listed, I've only been to the two in Key West, FL, USA.

Neither of them (currently) outwardly resembles the, apparently common, cylindrical/cone look of most of the ones pictured in the wiki.

The West Tower garden is beautiful. The East Tower is a museum and my primary memory of it is that it houses this creepy doll that we learned about during a Ghost tour and had to go see for ourselves: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/robert-doll

Suggested title update: include species context, which is the American or Maine Lobster (officially "Homarus americanus").

That species is quite different from the myriad species of spiny lobster that are common throughout much of the world (notably that the American Lobster has claws).

Here's some further reading on this and other interesting lobster lore, by the MIT Sea Grant Program:


I've been on two trips to Japan - 2014 and 2023. We enjoyed eating a lot of onigiri on both trips. During the latter trip I noticed that the ¥ price hadn't changed much but the amount of filling (various proteins) had gone down considerably, which makes sense from a business perspective.

We've tried making them at home a couple of times but haven't perfected it yet. Reading this is motivating me to give it another shot soon.

You can find onigiri at independent shops not only convenience stores, with good price and better fillings/quantity. Convenience stores seem cheap compared with America but everything they sell is expensive locally

There are also onigiri adjacent foods worth exploring like tenmusu. I love this tiny place in Tsu (Mie prefecture capital) that serves 6 of them with soup for about $3, a full meal offered with dine-in, even though it’s now Michelin recommended. It's probably 1/3 the price of convenience store onigiri per unit cost and it's freshly made to order.

Oh don't get me started. In Korea, the size of the samgakgimbap has increased in some cases, and the price DECREASED in some cases... but the filling, ugh....!!!! Not only has the amount of filling decreased, but the quality is going down. Some of the tuna mayo ones have basically no mayo in them anymore, the tuna quality has also gone down. If I wanted rice and seaweed I'd buy rice and seaweed...!!!! And this isn't just CU/711/etc, it's everywhere! </rant>

X's @Safety account just confirmed some details of the compromise: https://twitter.com/Safety/status/1744924042681897343

I'm surprised that the SEC wasn't using 2FA.

This organization is truly appealing, they have really no understanding of tech.. In fact, that tweet 2 months ago from Gary cannot be more ironical https://twitter.com/GaryGensler/status/1716786621847392497

This is so wild. Assuming it was financially motivated, wouldn't the involved party stand to benefit more by shorting and posting that the ETF was denied?

And that's why the most likely answer is that the message was queued to go out and sent prematurely.

Perhaps. There were an odd couple of "likes" made by the SEC X account during the same time period though (they've since been "unliked"), and Chair Genlser + a follow up post by @SECGov both specifically say that the account was compromised.

The message was really official looking too, which is how they fooled me.

It could be a trader who was already long and looking to exit the position. Figured this was a good way to goose returns. Who knows?

no, because they make money on both ways: on the pump and then shorting. The account being hacked lowers odds of approval.

You could still make money on the way down and then the way back up. And you’d probably move the market more than the ~3% that it was moved because the market consensus already gives a high probability to an approval this month.

I get your point that it may not rebound quite as much because the hack itself lowers the odds of approval, but imagine the optics of Gary Gensler saying “it's not true that we denied the ETFs” -- bitcoin boosters would read that as a signal that it will be approved.

I don't know the answer but I did find their Beanie Babies exploit entertaining: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38227823

And most familiar to me as the capital of the Barony of New Canaan in Stephen King's The Dark Tower. Albeit no balm in this story (that I recall). https://darktower.fandom.com/wiki/Gilead

Also Handmaid's Tale.

Dig it.

Melissa McCarthy as Hestu.

Jessica Biel as Purah.

Danny DeVito or Jack Black as Robbie.

Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe as Kilton and their brother, respectively.

Bahaha! I started getting into DnB in the mid-nineties and have left shows because of MCs that I just couldn't tolerate.

And while we're on the topic, and because it's rare for me to get to chat about DnB with anyone... here are some fun short stories from over the years:

A friends Dad happened by when I was listening to DnB without headphones and said "THAT is NOT music... it sounds like a toilet flushing".


I like listening to DnB during focus-intensive work. On a road trip with friends I'd been working without music for a bit and when I finally put headphones on with some DnB my friends were cracking up saying that I started typing at warp speed once the music started. Hey, it works for me!


I was wearing a Bass Drive radio t-shirt underneath an unbuttoned long sleeve shirt, so if you can picture it opened down the center and partially obscuring both sides of the large "Bass Drive" logo, and a friend starts staring at my chest and chuckling. I ask what's so funny and he says "Heh-heh... why're you wearing an "ass doctor" shirt?". "ass Dr", ha.


I use to work on the computer late into the night at a friend's house and he had a roommate who lived in the basement. I usually worked at the dining room table, which happened to be directly above the roommate's bed, with a hardwood floor between us, and on more than one occasion he'd come upstairs half-asleep and say "PLEASE stop tapping your feet on the floor". The last thing I'd ever want to do is torture him awake with that, but I'd be so into the DnB in my headphones that it was happening subconsciously.

Bassdrive ftw! That's my go-to when I really need to get shit done and focus. I used to buy DnB mix CDs (High Contrast's Fabriclive.25 is one I still put on from time to time) but once I discovered Bassdrive that was much easier than dealing with CDs.

I especially enjoyed the Pendulum note in v2.

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