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It is super difficult to ask deceased people what they actually wanted.

In respect for the dead person, we absolutely have to carry out their will.

It might be there there is a brother somewhere that feels hurt. But we really don't know if the deceased one really wished that his early crush should have the money.

What we can do, however, is to make sure we update our wills.

> In respect for the dead person, we absolutely have to carry out their will.

We trust judges when they decide to send people to prison for decades, so I don't see why we shouldn't trust them if they decide that this will is probably a mistake.

There wasn’t a will. The guy wrote his GFs name in some form in 1989 and probably never thought about it again.

We don't trust judges. We trust the process they follow. A judge is not a God, why we have a hierarchy to redo judgments (lift a decision to a higher court).

Also, IMHO judging a person for something they did not do is amongst the worst things that can happen in a society. This is also why there is a principle of rather letting 10 guilty people go free rather than convicting a single innocent person.

(i am speaking from a Scandinavian juris system)

Judges rely on evidence when making decisions. Is there Any evidence that it is a mistake?

I don't know. If the case is not discussed in court, we will never know. This is why we should not blindly follow a will out of respect of the dead person, because there may be evidence this is just a mistake.

Yes. The time and other circumstances as described by the article.

That signature is only one piece of evidence, and it doesn't exist in a vacuum, it has a context.

Well, then ex girlfriend would be the one who legitimately won the lottery.

That is literally debatable. The definition of legitimately in this case is literally not clear and quite arguable. You have merely picked a side, not pointed out some obvious definitive truth.

The ex legitimately has a claim. The strength of the claim is still to be decided.

Some one challenged the ex getting the money. Until there is a decision, she is the legitimate beneficiary.

I can not just challenge something with you to make it not legitimate.

This is like not guilty until proven different.

If the process by which one becomes a beneficiary is swiss cheese, that does matter.

That changes the strength of the very word beneficiary in the statement "beneficiary until proven otherwise". It's now only "maybe beneficiary until proven otherwise."

In other words, arguable, requiring to be determined.

You're not the thing until proven otherwise, the thing has to be proven in the first place now.

Beneficiary until proven otherwise. That sounds precise. If you are in poor belief that you really are not the beneficiary, I would take care spending the money!

That is how it always has been.

The tax agency can come back 5 years later and ammend You tax filling.

The same here. You announce who the beneficiary is (the ex girlfriend), someone challenges that, but that does not change the beneficiary until the decision has been made.

I don't really see other ways it could work?

> You're not the thing until proven otherwise, the thing has to be proven in the first place now.

You misunderstand. You are the thing until proven otherwise.

Well, the time frame to ship an mvp should be kept constant. Naturally, better tools enable more capable MVPs.

Just a couple of years ago, I would not have dreamt of creating an mvp with advanced Ai functionality. Now that's just another part of any mvp.

Seems like this is a language change for their Ai work.

The question is if time has run its due for these rules.

Loosing rules is a way to figure out is a new rule set is more appropriate.

> Taking it to court might help. If it doesn't, maybe the US federal government can intervene.

What court? Last time I checked Canada was a sovereign country.

Obviously a court in Canada. There has got to exist a law or a historical case in Canada against unfair taxation.

Ah yes. We had license for public broadcasters tried in Denmark. Turned out that it resembled a tax. There is this law, that only the official tax agency can collect taxes, and now license for public broadcasting is collected over the tax.

Regardless, this seems to be a form thing.

Also, I am quite sure that the law is a bit more formal than cannot collect unfair taxes (in what case, all taxes collected on me are unfair, but taxes collected on them are fair)

Could as well say that too little development into synthetic meats hinders human progress.

It is not that we can not grow enough food for humans. It is that we feed all the food to unethically treated animals in large warehouses, only to dig them down when the meat is unprofitable (looking at you, Australia).

My bet is that we increase agriculture free land, and utilize what we grow much better.

Why do you think it will happen inevitably?

Metric trajectory Fed relies on to set the benchmark rate. Powell also stated they'd cut on labor market weakness.

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-24/fed-s-pow... | https://archive.today/YZXrL


Additional citation: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-04/bond-trad... | https://archive.today/aRElH

> Bond traders are tilting dovish again, piling into wagers that would benefit from a faster pace of Federal Reserve interest rate cuts as Treasuries rally.

> “The next move that the Fed is going to make is ultimately going to be one that protects the strength of the labor market, rather than one that in which they need to be fighting inflation,” Kelsey Berro, fixed-income portfolio manager at JPMorgan Asset Management, told Bloomberg Television Tuesday. “We do think that inflation generally is under control.

A complete aside: I am wondering what the end game here is. If money are totally reducible to labor, but we just don't need labor anymore? Will we merely go one with negative interest and qe?

> Only offer I got was a lowball.

Maybe expectations are unreasonable?

I a high interest environment we will see more compression. Ie. Fewer multiples between the lowest paid people and the highest paid people (median for a role).

People got used to getting 3-4 offers in a month with easy interviews.

Taking 3-6 months to get a 6-figure job is the norm in many other professions.

> Fewer multiples between the lowest paid people and the highest paid people

This will of course cause their good devs to leave, but I guess these days companies are trying to innovate in AI rather than software dev.

Once the AI bubble bursts I doubt we'll see a reset back to pure software dev being prestigious/highly paid. Thinking about a career change honestly.

The pay is largely going to be set by demand. But also: The sector has been ramping up salaries since the mid aughts, and I've found different people have different ideas of what the inflection point was in technology where it become prestigious/highly paid.

For me, I feel like things really heated up in the the 2010s. But there are others who I think would walk away from this industry if they got paid, adjusted for inflation, like it was 2015. As someone who cut their teeth in the wake of the dotcom crash, I look at the early 2010s as the halcyon days even tho pay got A LOT better - but I feel like that period struck a really good balance. If all you know is the white-hot market of 2019-2021 I suppose everything else looks like a massive downgrade.

(Not implying any of this relates to your experience, just giving my 2 cents)

Leave to where?

Salary for the highest paid people is a comparative good. If I pay you 10x you current salary I don't get 10x the innovation.

Also, compression also means that the slowest paid people can get salary increases (to cover the increased mortgage costs) - it will be a mix.

(not entirely knowing your own situation, not taking a "low ball" offer can leave you worse of, if the alternative is no income.)

I think it's shifting towards being bimodal.

See this for discussion: https://danluu.com/bimodal-compensation/

The transition is awkward as you'd expect, and jobs are stratifying.

Shifting? IME comp has been FAANG/Not FAANG for the last 15 years with the two peaks in the distribution being pretty tight.

A countries main assets, beside land, is the attention of their citizens.

Like my attention has a monetary value to meta (eg. To expose me for ads), equally so has all the attention of the citizens of a country.

This is just the new generation of protectionism and toll.

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