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Thanks for helping to highlight how hard it is to track cloned/fake images.

BTW I guess 'watermarks' can be easily scrambled; add noise, filters, &/or recompress into another image format (eg JPEG -> AVIF).

I'm grateful that both x86 & ARM CPUs are perf-tested.

With web or other searching, every 'platform has a large audience'.

One of the worst censor/suppressor of free speech is also the largest web search.

"Non profit" in USA are still very much profit-driven; only stipulations are:

+ must have a board + give away 30%+ of earnings (easily done by attaching a value to the OSS free installs & handling issues w/o billing)

I spent a decade working as a journalist covering the nonprofit space, please tell me more.

> you can then make it right and maybe even fast

IF there is budget for that very often. Otherwise they'll expect you to move on.

From the creator of SolidJS (heavily inspired by Knockout.js by his own confession) & worked on eBay's Marko framework:


Unfortunately folks don't want wind farms disturbing their views, like the current US Global Warming Czar:


"This article is more than 10 years old"

Fortunately they're getting better and and bigger and farther away.

Browsers have all the APIs you need to 'replace Flash' now, just needs the ecosystem IMHO.

The issue described wasn't that the underlying system couldn't support it: they were taking about native apps, which certainly had "all the APIs you need to replace Flash". The issue isn't about the runtime, it is that the Flash authoring experience itself--the app/IDE which people used to develop for Flash--was so glorious and rich in its design, and offered such wonderful affordances for making these animations, and no one has ever replicated such.

Or actual photos of Clinton at a certain island that are real but called deep fakes?

I thought of a Scifi series years ago where puppeteers could force politicians say anything they wanted just by the threat of a deep fake.

Alt reason why "Apple continues to support old hardware": If some people found out that they NEED to get a new phone every 2 years that costs $1,000, then they might look to another cell phone manufacturer.

I'm sure the store is a factor though!

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