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Indeed. For instance, one might ask Von Neumann what he thinks of the progress on nuclear power, given his prediction "given a decade of really large-scale industrial effort, the economic characteristics of reactors will undoubtedly surpass those of the present by far" in "Can we survive technology?"

I accidentally compile color support out of st, or set xterm*colorMode:false to avoid seeing the backside of a unicorn randomly rubbed all over the terminal, on account of git and other wares being bad at their inability to not spew color codes. A sensible default would be to set no colors, in the event that the colors are unreadable (due to colorblindness, etc) or distracting, but that ship sailed. Most of my vim config on RedHat linux was disabling wacky vendorisms, and back when I used linux I did have a "special terminal" for some NVIDIA installer that mandated colors to be usable. Maybe the terminal title was set to Fisher-Price, maybe not.

Dang. I wish I had the autism to bristle at colors. Think about all the lost hours agonizing over themes! Not feeling the agonizing tension between the fact that cool-retro-term made your terminal into an awesome monochrome CRT but that it's monochrome green so your syntax highlighting is all messed up!

> back when I used linux

What do you use now? :0 BSD? Plan 9???

Being no one might help you escape that cyclops.

Where was that? All I got was a page with "Redirecting..." using w3m off the survey link.

On the assumption that the modern education system teaches "confusion, class position, indifference, emotional dependency, intellectual dependency, provisional self-esteem, and that one cannot hide" (John Taylor Gatto) how would increasing the education budget help educate?

smolnet is one such term.

> All the hoop jumping and maze-like options etc are explicitly for this purpose.

So, market pressures have implemented "The Castle" by Kafka. Progress!

This is easy to solve,

    mkdir ~/mail/empty
    mkdir ~/mail/empty/{cur,new,tmp}
and then start with

    mutt -f ~/mail/empty
Operating System is the same; OpenBSD (though noisy at boot from the dmesg) launches to a completely blank screen for me, and I have to run voctana or whatever to get some xterms up.

Do not much use what you call browsers, so nothing to fix there. w3m does not need a blank start screen, and amfora is most often launched with some URL so does not show the default screen.

Sometimes you can prefix with "< file". Sometimes, not so much.

< /etc/passwd while IFS= read line || [ -n "$line" ]; do printf '%s\n' "$line"; done

Meanwhile, in ZSH...

Meanwhile, in languages that do not need IFS= and || [ -n "$line" ] checks...

No, but browsing the web with w3m isn't much different than browsing gemini with amfora. And with xterm*colorMode:false set, of course. The web can be a lot worse than gemini, but that's the modern web for you.

(Yes, I know your http log says that this browser is "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 8.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; MS-RTC LM 8)"; it is not. It is rather amusing to see what sites break because of this.)

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