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Snap, I'm using CDK to set it all up too which makes everything pretty easy to manage.

Awesome work, I've developed my own projects which are fairly similar to this. I would say that the auto router is the most important aspect for this to work well, and unfortunately one of the most complex areas :)

The only minor complaint is that the wires / nets / traces are also components themselves. JSX can only build tree structures but wires turn circuits into graphs, so for those I would have used plain js classes or hooks like useWire and then pass the + and - into the components. That gives you the added benefit of warning when you haven't wired up a component fully. Also allows for required and optional wire inputs on components.

useWire and other type-safe routing features are coming soon! You are 100% correct that the way it’s currently being done can’t leverage the type system. I also agree that autorouting and auto-layout are critical (in the same way flex is important for web!!)

I like the idea of autolayout like flex for routing wires. There needs to be things like busses etc., feels like there is something there that could be flexed. Problem is the multiple dimensions of connections, so maybe something inspired by grid layout and grid template area?

Exactly! I'm hoping to expose autorouter/autolayout to userland (e.g. "drop your function here") and see what clever people come up with. I have some ideas but there's so many fun ways to do it so I'm cautious to sink too much time in. But it's a super important problem and I do think a new multi-layer flexbox/cssgrid could make wiring work really well.

Also checkout projects like spinalhdl, it's not really for PCBs and doesnt have JSX but the concepts are similar. Has things like wire bundles which is where the payback from these approaches really kick in.

Do you think some form of memory would help, i.e. RAG using semantic lookup of prior situations and thoughts and outcomes. I feel like this is something humans do intuitively to bring similar scenarios to the front of mind so we can get a basis for how to deal with novel situations...

Not here. The whole history of the moves fit in a context window of 8k. No RAG necessary.

Along with your 4D woolly jumpers

Watch out for tetrachromatic colors, they can bleed.

I wish there was one in typescript, I just can't get on with python.

Chisel is based on Scala, not Python.

I figured this must exist and indeed: https://github.com/gateware-ts/gateware-ts

myhdl is python based but I don't think it's been developed anymore.

nmigen is a python based HDL.

Youtube is promoting this video as number 1 in my feed. It looks obviously like a scam to me but it's getting serious upvotes so I presume most are falling for it....

It's been around for a year or more in some incarnation. It shows up as a separate channel than the real SpaceX.

Been using dotnet on a Mac + AWS for many years, awesome combo that's only getting better.

Anyone know how these images were created or what type of prompt would be required. For example this one...


I really like the Japanese / anime style.

The model generates a prompt that's sent to SDXL, but it’s “seeded” with some randomness, we have an array of adjectives & colours that we input to try to make the output different.

Primarily the model is trying to generate “abstract publication cover art for a research paper covering the following topics…”.

Seems like a LoRA, check out Civitai, here is the anime category for example: https://civitai.com/tag/anime

I'm using it for my startup :)

Me too.

I've used it in every startup I've worked at.

Of course working from home is a privilege. Lots of workers in various industries and communities don't get a choice. Literally the definition of privilege by not addressing that.

Yes, you're right to a certain extent. If the job allows, working remotely should be allowed for everyone.

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