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as an apple fan i can assure you this is exactly what I think, I just prefer the results that Apple's approach enables and wish legislators would let consumers choose it as opposed to forcing the results to look more like Android

You can choose. If Apple services are all you intend to patronize, then legislation won't stop you; it does stop Apple from using their dominant position to enforce less competitive terms for their competition. If you depend on Apple's market abuse to use your iPhone, I'll just tell you now; it's time to find a new workflow.

Have you ever used a Mac? It's a great example of what the iPhone will look like, in a few years. You boot it up, log in, and open up the App Store... and it's only junk. Freemium apps with monthly microtransactions, paid trial versions of professional software you have to buy from the web, iPhone games that are barely anything more than a casino with flashy graphics... these are the developers that choose to stay with Apple when they get the choice. They'll be your only bedfellows if you're dumb enough to use an iPhone that only Apple curates.

we had something like this. Environment was flaky and expectation was you run the test a few times till it passes.... as expected most developers who can issue put requests with curl or something would only need to "run" that test once

That's not how CI works? CI is the backend verifying that the tests pass, not that the developer has run the tests.

From what I understand, requiring developers to assert they run the tests and not run them again from a clean checkout before pushing to prod is likely a compliance problem (SOX, PCI, etc).

bro same

vision system of the apple vision pro. Cant elaborate

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