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It was said, but not by employees, since OpenAI has a much lower percentage of very well-paid political activists on their staff.

Yes, it is exactly the point I want to drive. GG has been built on the foundation of being total transparent and engineer/IC drive everything. That has pros and cons. That makes them move fast when they are small and is not an incumbent. But slow them down when they have most to lose and need to make risky decision quick. Amazing how company culture can have so many nuances.


Musk haters^Wcritics: Do you think Twitter instead should block India?

Twitter can do nothing and allow Indians to use Twitter. India would block Twitter, not the other way around.

No one would have to be a "Musk hater" if he didn't prove himself to be a serial liar with no principles. Mark Zuckerberg is a soulless void of greed, but at least he never called himself a "free speech absolutist" or criticized anyone else for their stance on free speech. He lives in a gray area, which is where all people and organizations have to live.

Afaik Twitter still has one office left in India so there is some leverage against local directors etc.


Twitter Inc. has shut two of its three India offices ...

Does Musk care about censorship or not? It sure seems like he cares only when it's convenient for him.

Twitter should fight against this censorship, and if needed apply the minumum amount, which would almost certainly not be a _global_ block. They have geo blocks for exactly this purpose.

Everything is not the WWE. There are great replies already to this on the assumption this is a good faith post.

Not all of it, just the government.

> A supposed glitch in the popular “Found My iPhone” app has been directing random strangers to the home of an unsuspecting Texas dad at all hours of the day, falsely accusing him of stealing their electronic devices. [...] he’s been visited by close to a dozen irate people over the past few years, telling him that their missing phone had last pinged at his address.

He wouldn't be the first dad to be totally unaware of what his shithead kid(s) is/are up to.

Doesn't sound likely, the kids are 7 and 9 years old respectively, and he says the issue has been going on for years. Unless the older one turned into a brilliant pickpocket at age 7 I would rule this out. With older kids, sure, I can see this happening.

Agreed, that makes this scenario a lot less likely.

FWIW they are in the NY Post article as well, just further in.

LOL my initial reaction was wow this a a creative defense to petty theft. The GPS says your phone is at my house? Must be a bug!

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