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Why is it called "scam" and "fraud"? It is typical revenge porn, sexual abuse and distribution of child pornography.

There is a strong network to support rape victims, and it should be used for such cases.

It is called a scam because that's what the perps are going for. Their goal is to extract money. From the article: "The price was $300. He transferred the money via Apple Cash and pleaded to be left alone. But it wasn’t enough. Now Dani wanted $800."

Maybe you know different teenagers than me, but I'm not expecting that the boys described here would be big on joining a rape support group.

I would describe that as blackmail. The legal term is different but its a serious crime and should be a police matter. The problem is victims may be scared or ashamed of reporting it to the police. In some places they may be guilty of a crime too.

There should be support. I suspect there are sources of support but a victim of this may not think of looking of this.

Blackmail is how it ends up, yes, but the blackmail material is created through fraud, and the goal from the start is to extract money through trickery, so that part's a scam.

Intentions of attackers are irrelevant, important is what they do! Victims are not killing themselves over $300, but over revenge porn!

I would absolutely join rape support group, but there are none for men. Maybe the is the real problem. At least they should get break from school, or help with relocation!

And correct labeling would help with school bullies. Reposting some "scam" pictures has zero punishment, spreading revenge porn on other side...

Reposting dick pics of exes, or groups like "Are we dating the same guy?" are sadly way too common!

It's true that scammers use many different techniques, and I agree that NCP is in play here. But something can be more than one thing at once. This is a scam.

> But something can be more than one thing at once.

Perhaps it is scam and revenge porn at the same time! And $300 scam is the smaller part! There are many precedents, but with girls!

This tone policing "men can never be a victim of a sexual crime" is getting old.

I'm not tone policing anything, bub. As Carrie Goldberg says, "NONCONSENSUAL PORNOGRAPHY IS SEXUAL ABUSE". [1] So I agree with that part.

But NCP is used in all sorts of ways. One of those ways, this particular way here, is as part of a scam. And I think it's important to keep that in mind because to be effective fighting crime, you have to understand it. Anti-scam education is also an important component of online safety training. So when you say, "Why is it called 'scam' and 'fraud'?" as if that were somehow incorrect, I'm going to explain why it's correct.

[1] https://www.cagoldberglaw.com/states-with-revenge-porn-laws/

> It is typical revenge porn

No, it isn't typical, you are confusing "revenge" with "extortion."

The scammers aren't doing it because they are jilted lovers, obsessed stalkers, or even just bullies: They set out from the very beginning to create a relationship to extort cash.

"Typical" revenge porn, as far as I am aware, overwhelmingly has women victims. That is also why many victim networks are by and for women. It's also, as far as I know, rare for the "typical" case to be linked to extortion.

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