India which was at that was relatively in a good economic state, should've been a industrial super-power. Except, the "benign" British scuttled not only industrialization, but India's own traditional education and social systems.
As has been shown by what the US has done repeatedly to other countries — and what has now been done to them — you don't need much to derail a country's progress and have them spiral into regressive regimes...
Dependency management is Lisp-like languages without a separate binary-compilation stage typically only breaks when you have external dependencies.Pip would be fine if everything was in Python; it's not because numpy/protobuf/jax/pytorch/... breaks everytime you look look at it.
CL libs are nowhere near that level of cross-dependency and all of them get built in a local cache when you first start anyway, so you can pretty much "lock" the versions by git sub-module-ing them. It's very nix-like way of working (IME things only ever break on the CL-<outside world> barrier).
India which was at that was relatively in a good economic state, should've been a industrial super-power. Except, the "benign" British scuttled not only industrialization, but India's own traditional education and social systems.