Lingering colonial attitudes. America, for the longest time was the "exploited space" for Europe and much like India, carries this beaten in attitude that "this is not the nice place". You can find nice places like this but you have to go to the richest enclaves to find it. Japan is its own "nice place".
And then when you find out they didn't give you the best deal, you got the sponsored pick? And you didn't even get to comparison shop? The AI tax is coming for your choices, one purchase at a time.
"conservative administrations tend to favor cutting regulations"- citation needed. They favor looking like they do, but end up putting in punitive regulations that only the large entrenched, conservative owned companies can afford to comply with, stifling competition from below.
Why do we tolerate this? Shouldn't there be consumer protections that say that if you don't use the service, you shouldn't have to pay for that month? Where do we get our refunds?
Why should we waste any of our time doing that when they could just charge for minutes watched, like the gas/electric company. They're already tracking that data.
Unless you are in the business of making and selling media, I don’t see how you could claim that. The cost structures of utilities as well as demand curves seem like they would so different that the comparison is nonsensical.
Instead of telling other people how to run their business, perhaps people should be putting their money where their mouth is and create the media and try selling it by the minute, and see how successful they are.
That depends on how much you watch. It would at least incentivize them to produce content worth your time. On the other hand, it could lead to a lot of content being stretched out and padded to increase minutes spent...
Exactly. I think we've grown spoiled. I've actually gone back to mostly books from the public library for entertainment in the evenings. When I get that desire for visual entertainment, I'll go catch a movie. It's the same laziness I think that results in people not voting and not spending a couple of hours helping out with charities instead of not doom-scrolling for a while.
Some plastics melt at a certain temperature (thermoplastics like PETG/PLA) and others don't (thermosets like resin/epoxy). Its possible you just attempted to melt the type that just burns when you heat it.
The tooling is really mature. Amazon used xen for ages. kvm wins for hardware passthrough and performance, but if your willing to sacrifice a little performance the advanced admin features are competitive.