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I'm going to do this. May God have mercy on my soul. Any advice on how to meet her aside from creepily waiting for her somewhere?

Walk over to her desk?

But I'm just trying to figure out if she is okay with me even trying. You can't even asking that question, though, without spilling the beans. I just have very little direct contact with her and I wish I could get more exposure to her to get a better feel for what she thinks.

Since you are at work it could go south pretty quick if she does not feel the same way or even knows about you it can get very awkward and weird for both of you quick. Less career and emotional risk to search outside of work and treat everyone at work as your work brothers and sisters.

The act of them doing that alone shows that they either dont get it or that complexity within the organization has brought productivity to a hault. I'd assume it's the second one.

Moving All OUR Data To The Cloud

psychologicalscience.org has not been on any dating sites lately.

This is what my tax dollars are going to? Another shitty software library. ...I mean, wow this thing is awesome. Good job NSA!

Senior level JavaScript I would imagine it to be entirely about frameworks and ES6 shims a.k.a. things you don't actually need. I recommend using as many buzz words as possible.

> ES6 shims a.k.a. things you don't actually need

Though it sounds a bit jaded— can confirm. I've been asked to re-implement `bind` before.

I gave it a shot but ultimately shrugged and explained that I'd rarely ever extend a native object and would rather use a community-supported polyfill. Nevermind that in my current field we haven't had to support ES3-capable browsers for ages.

I'd certainly be better off knowing, but rarely would I need to know on the spot. There is more beneficial knowledge to have up front.

Now all your information can go through government-ran hubs!

I love when people say "dabble in ai". The mathematical foundation to even begin truly understanding ai isn't something you can dabble your way through. - so am i being downvoted because im wrong or because i hurt your feelings? jesus fucking christ.

Probably it reads like textbook gatekeeping and doesn't add much to the discussion.

Granted this doesn't really either, but I'd rather people be interested in learning something rather than just be intimidated because they can't "really" learn anything about AI. That's just plain mean-spirited.

I upvoted you a little because I think the perception that the mathematical foundations of AI are too complex is valid. AI is actually pretty straightforward from what I can tell, but it has a problem with notation. I think that probability and quantum mechanics also suffer from (context-heavy?) notation and steep learning curves.

I'm hopeful though that as more people dabble in AI that the notation problems will be alleviated somewhat. My gut feeling is that its abstractions are still too low-level, like the early days of CS when people worked with binary, assembly or even LISP. Once we begin to see the forest for the trees (something analogous to MATLAB or Elixir but for AI), then I think we'll finally see the utility of AI realized for mainstream developers.

> but the government is smart enough to not do that

you're talking about our government?

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