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Who’s your wrench guy? You’re wayyy overpaying

I agree with your description of the EU’s thinking, but I can’t see how they think it’s a valid argument. It’s like a company opening a drive-thru restaurant and then complaining that car manufacturers are gatekeeping them from their customers

Imagine there are only 2 brands of cars, and one of them disables the engine as soon as the driver wants to enter your drive-thru. Imagine also that this car brand operates a chain of drive-thru restaurants that their cars will happily visit. Now extend this scenario with the fact that there are more and more types of food you can only get through drive-thru restaurants and old fashioned restaurants don't offer these anymore (because most people now expect all food to be provided by drive-thrus).

Isn’t this part of the benefit of lobbyists? Assume that every bill that goes before the legislature has someone who cares greatly (because if no one cared, it’s a problem that would have been solved beforehand), and you can guarantee at least two opposing viewpoints being represented by lobbyists, for “free” from the point of the legislative admin budget.

Unless, of course, the best policy position does not create enough concentrated financial incentive for someone to hire a lobbyist to advocate for it.

I can only speak for Colorado, we put an initiative on the ballot a few years ago to allow sports betting and it passed in a landslide. I think the state wanted the tax money (who wouldn’t?)

> (who wouldn’t?)

Folks who don't want to fund their state from the loss and despair of other people, for one.

I think it’s indicative of human psychology. We realize we have the capability to deceive and destroy and be “evil”. We realize that, if we were to judge ourselves impartially, we would probably not come out un-condemned. If we can’t satisfy our own judgmental criteria, it’s doubtful an actual third party set of criteria would be satisfied either.

I agree, I think we make all of this up because we don't know what to expect from the future, except we've learned quite a bit about our own motivations and drivers and so all we can do is look in the mirror and use whatever comes back at us.

Unfortunately we seem to have learned we're really not a very benevolent bunch of people because we've basically plundered the planet, hurt our fellow living creatures and so now all we can do is look at something called "AI" and expect it to the same.

I can’t believe it. First they take Pluto from us, next they’re going to tell me the static on my tv set isn’t the remnants of the Big Bang, but just hot dust? My childhood is crumbling!

Your comment made me realize how some younger people have no idea of, or at least no first-hand experience of static on TV and radio since it is all digital nowadays.

My great grandparents had a black and white TV when I was a toddler, and I'm 36!

The amount of change millennials and the generations before and after us have seen is boggling.

I was out in country Victoria, Australia a few months back and the internet was TERRIBLE. I'm talking, JPG's loading line by line terrible. And this was on 'alleged' 4G.

I felt pretty nostalgic for all of 2-3 minutes before I started pulling my hair out. I feel nostalgic about it again now.

I have a super modern flatscreen. Sometimes, when it can't connect to the laptop it shows what I believe is "simulated" static noise! I love that :D

"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel."

The hot dust is also remnants of the Big Bang, if that helps. Of course, so are we. :)

The static on your TV set is <1% CMB, mostly it is interference from other man-made sources and IIRC there is some coming from the sun.

This is the worst of both worlds, I would (and do) rather just drive “manually”

Driving cross country in a car is actually the worst when you're in stop and go traffic, or cars keep slowing down and then speeding up. I can't wait to get my hands on adaptive cruise control because I get so aggravated and tired from having to shift and adjust speed. If I can just sit in one position and listen to comedy podcasts and audio books I do so much better

I finally got a car with adaptive cruise control and lane assist a couple of years ago. It is the best. Driving feels relaxing. I actually feel less fatigued. I can just listen to music /podcasts /audiobooks and not care about how others are driving. Feels like sitting in the passenger seat and watching the road.

I wouldn't feel safe if I wasn't listening to something that kept me engaged though. I would totally nod off.

I don’t have good “lane centering” but knowing that it has the lane departure warning and will automatically bounce me back into the lane if I slip up for a moment is enough to make driving less stressful.

I was excited to get adaptive cruise control, but I’ve found I don’t like using it very much. It’s too aggressive with hitting the breaks to maintain the following distance instead of being able to ease off the gas to fall back like a human driver would. Assume some brands are better at this than others, but anyway I didn’t buy a Mazda to not drive it. So I use that only intermittently for long drives as a bit of a break for my right foot.

Having done both, there’s just no going back to boat or car without autopilot.

Definitely slept a bit while doing night passage (alcohol). Would be impossible in a car given how much driver monitoring is out there.

The problem isn’t that these companies are denying access to a game that millions paid money for, the problem is they marketed the game as a purchase that the buyer will be able to use forever, and are now ostensibly changing the rules. There needs to be really clear marketing about whether a purchase relies on an internet connection and a working auth server to run.

Correct. If they want to destroy their own game it sucks but it’s ok IFF they explicitly let users know that they won’t be able to play the game forever. They should provide a shut down date upfront.

Occlude? Lol

Occult and occlude are very similar, but they actually do not share a similar etymological origin. Occlude could definitely be used here, but the more appropriate astronomical word would be occult.

The etymological sense of occlude is that of closing off/blocking, while occult is covering/hiding.

Thanks. I’ve never seen the word occult used like this, your explanation was helpful.

> The etymological sense of occlude is that of closing off/blocking

That's quite the sense development for include, which I see derives from a word meaning "shut in, imprison".

"Occlusion" is also used in medicine, to refer to some tube or passage in the body becoming blocked.

“The term is often used in astronomy, but can also refer to any situation in which an object in the foreground blocks from view (occults) an object in the background.”


You might want to become familiar with the use of the word as a verb instead of a noun. It might make you look less than whatever this makes you look.

Mention of occlude refers to the presumed typo “occult” in the title. Understandable question, given occlude and occult both work there.

If seems like the right thing to do is to look up "occult" in the dictionary instead of leaving a two word comment like "Occlude, LOL."

It's funny to me that you still think it's a typo. There's still time to retract this

Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?

I dont: i think the person who wrote lol presumed it was, as i said.

Fwiw i had several years of Latin so the etymologies in this case are kinda fun.

Of course, but it takes two seconds to find out that it's not a typo.

Yeah agreed, though the lol person obviously overlooked that!

Beetlejuice, eh



That would only be useful until the mill, at which point the tags would be either destroyed, or limited to specific pieces and removed from the rest

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