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Isn't an LLM making such things more approachable?

For sure. It's been amazing honestly and I feel like it has really accelerated my learning. Enough that I'm trying to get really serious about making the most out of this new leverage seemingly out of nowhere.

I use it a lot for mapping out of the initial concepts but I find one of the best use cases is after understanding the basics, explaining where I need to learn more and asking for a book recommendation. The quality of my reading list has gone up 10x this way and I find myself working through multiple books a week.

Great for code too obviously, though still feels like early days there to me.

I remember that, the way I understood it, Transformers solved two major "issues" of RNNs that enabled the later boom: Vanishing gradients limiting the context (and model?) size and difficulty in parallelisation limiting the size of the training data.

Do we have solutions for these two problems now?

Transformers can also fetch at any moment any previous information that become useful.

RNN are constantly updating and overwriting their memory. It means they need to be able to predict what is going to be useful in order to store it for later.

This is a massive advantage for Transformers in interactive use cases like in ChatGPT. You give it context and ask questions in multiple turns. Which part of the context was important for a given question only becomes known later in the token sequence.

To be more precise, I should say it's an advantage of Attention-based models, because there are also hybrid models successfully mixing both approaches, like Jamba.

You could theoretically run the input twice, allowing the model to correlate later tokens with previous ones. It would fix the problem with not knowing what information to retain. A more complicated approach would train the RNN to request replaying some earlier data when needed.

A great thing about RNNs is they can easily fork the state and generate trees, it would be possible to backtrack and work on combinatorial search problems.

Also easier to cache demonstrations for free in the initial state, a model that has seen lots of data is not using more memory than a model starting from scratch.

Yes, that's the paper.

Vanishing (or exploding) gradients affected all deep architectures, not just RNNs. They were solved by LSTMs first proposed in 1997. See:


I find it interesting that this knowledge seems to be all but forgotten now. Back in the day, ca. 2014, LSTMs were all the rage, e.g. see:



> They were solved by LSTMs first proposed in 1997.

I see this stuff everywhere online and it's often taught this way so I don't blame folks for repeating it, but I think it's likely promulgated by folks who don't train LSTMs with long contexts.

LSTMs do add something like a "skip-connection" (before that term was a thing) which helps deal with the catastrophic vanishing gradients you get from e.g. Jordan RNNs right from the jump.

However (!), while this stops us from seeing vanishing gradients after e.g. 10s or 100s of time-steps, when you start seeing multiple 1000s of tokens, the wheels start falling off. I saw this in my own research, training on amino acid sequences of 3,000 length led to a huge amount of instability. It was only after tokenizing the amino acid sequences (which was uncommon at the time) which got us down to ~1500 timesteps on average, did we start seeing stable losses at training. Check-out the ablation at [0].

You can think of ResNets by analogy. ResNets didn't "solve" vanishing gradients, there's a practical limit of the depth of networks, but it did go a long way towards dealing with it.

EDIT: I wanted to add, while I was trying to troubleshoot this for myself, it was super hard to find evidence online of why I was seeing instability. Everything pertaining to "vanishing gradients" and LSTMs were blog posts and pre-prints which just merrily repeated "LSTMs solve the problem of vanishing gradients". That made it hard for me, a junior PhD at the time, to suss out the fact that LSTMs do demonstrably and reliably suffer from vanishing gradients at longer contexts.

[0] https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/38/16/3958/6...

>> I see this stuff everywhere online and it's often taught this way so I don't blame folks for repeating it, but I think it's likely promulgated by folks who don't train LSTMs with long contexts.

To clarify, this wasn't taught to me. I studied LSTMs during my MSc in 2014, by my own initiative, because they were popular at the time [1]. I remember there being a hefty amount of literature on LSTMs, and I mean scholarly articles, not just blog posts. Rather at the time I think there were only two blog posts, the ones by Andrey Karpathy and Chris Olah that I link above. The motivation with respect to vanishing gradients is well documented in previous wok by Hochreiter (I think it's his thesis), and maybe a little less so in the 1997 paper that introduces the "constant error carousel".

What kind of "instability" did you see? Vanishing gradients weren't something I noticed in my experiments. If that was because I didn't use a long enough context, as you say, I wouldn't be able to tell but there was a different kind of instability: loss would enter an oscillatory pattern which I put down to the usual behaviour of gradient descent (either it gets stuck on local minima, or in saddle points). Is that what you mean?


[1] More precisely, our tutor asked us to study an RNN architecture expecting we'd look at something relatively simple like an Elman network but I wanted to try out the hot new stuff. The code and report is here:


There may be errors in the code and I don't know if you'll be able to run it, in case you got really curious. I don't think I really grokked automatic differentiation at the time.

Highway networks add a skip connection, but LSTMs don't. Btw you might be interested in truncated backprop thru time, which we introduced in our ULMFiT paper.

I was referring to how the context vectors help avoid vanishing gradients by behaving very similarly to skip-connections, but yes, they aren't skip-connections as-such. That's been my understanding, at least.

We haven't tried truncated BPTT, but we certainly should.

Funnily enough, we adopted AWD-LSTMs, Ranger21, and Mish in the paper I linked after I heard about them through the fast.ai community (we also trialled QRNNs for a bit too). fast.ai has been hugely influential in my work.

Agreed, Ilya Sutskever himself has spent a long time with lstm and published papers like this one while working at Google. http://proceedings.mlr.press/v37/jozefowicz15.pdf

Recent comments from him have said that any architecture can achieve transformer accuracy and recall, but we have devoted energy to refining transformers, due to the early successes.

LSTM and GRU did not quite solve the issue, but they made it less bad. Overall, recurrent units are nutritiously prone to vanishing and exploding gradients.

I don't want to downplay the value of these models. Some people seem to be under the perception that transformers replaced or made them obsolete, which is faar from the truth.

From my (admittedly loose) reading of the paper, this paper particularly targets parallelization and fast training, not "vanishing gradients." However, by simplifying the recurrent units, they managed to improve both!

This is very clever and very interesting. The paper continuously calls it a "decade-old architecture," but in practice, it's still used massively, thanks to its simplicity in adapting to different domains. Placing it as a "competitor" to transformers is also not quite fully fair, as transformers and RNNs are not mutually exclusive, and there are many methods that merge them.

Improvement in RNNs is an improvement in a lot of other surprising places. A very interesting read.

How do I check if CF is setting cookies on my domain? Is it explicitly mentioned in their control panel?

you can open your website and see in the developer tools if there are any CF related cookies

A WAF is something like CloudFlare?

Yes, CloudFlare or similar.

In technical, no buzzword terms, it means writing the whole website, backend and frontend, as one application and one codebase, in one programming language, like you would write a Desktop software. In this particular case, the language is Java, but I know of similar frameworks for Python at least: The likes of Panel, Dash, Streamlit, FastHTML, Flet, etc.

Thank you. This explanation makes sense. That’s what I thought article meant, but wanted to confirm.

Now, I don’t understand what problem this “full-stack” is trying to solve. Writing websites in different languages is not a problem. You use the right tool for the job. HTML for layouts, CSS files for styling, some server side language for logic, etc. that’s not a problem. That’s just how things work.

Again. When you use different languages/technologies for different things in an application you are using the right tool for the job.

I have used Vaadin and Streamlit for various small/medium projects. Apart from the obvious benefit of not having to touch JS(:D), the benefit is really, well, one codebase, one language for everything: There is no context switch, no need for various skillsets (to some extent), no need for explicitly designing/thinking about client-server communication, doing everything in the language you (or the team) know best, ...

Of course, your argument is totally valid and if things get complicated or you need to "dig deep" you have to make the separation.

Thanks. What if there is no such provider-level protection?

They have such protections. At the very last option an AS can drop all packages comming from the outside. Contacting the support should help.

It was not paywalled for me.

I always thought that's a SAFe principles :/

Not in Europe, it seems?

Thanks. Isn't that the textbook definition of hacky? :D

What do you mean? You're literally asking how to remove DRM from a file so it can be used with non-DRM software (like ChatGPT).

So then... removing DRM would be the most direct way to accomplish that. It's DRM preventing you from doing that, so removing the DRM is the way to fix that. Much like removing CSS to rip a DVD.

If you prefer, you can also look for already-pirated copies on the torrents, Anna's Archive, libgen, etc. But the cleanest copies would typically come from such de-DRM processes anyway, unless they somehow got a copy of the pre-DRM originals.

"Hacky" would be more like using a script to turn every page of the Kindle book and then using OCR to rip it page by page and some ML to reflow it into a good layout. Or scraping the Kindle/"See inside this book" preview pages or Google Books previews one image at a time and feeding those to an AI API one chunk at a time.

By contrast, removing the DRM from the file you already have and ending up with the exact same file minus the DRM... that sounds way less hacky (and way more reliable!).

And Calibre can help with transforming the source format into something else (plaintext, PDF, or HTML) for easier parsing.

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