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not sure wether Boeing would lose it's door when on space

In fact, a series of Western media including the BBC, Reuters, CNN, etc. all have offices in China.... and you can also easily access Western media websites through VPN and other methods which are uncensored

VPNs increasingly don't work well, however, it's not like they completely turn a blind eye. It's some kind of statistical thing that drops connections that "look wierd" that can interfere with even quite obfuscated VPNs.

yeah, actually what I told 'VPN' is also included like SS/SSR/V2Ray/Xray/Trojan, which is easily gotten, and smooth link and you can even have a HK phone number and used the no GFW network in China.

What’s interesting is that the U.S. government, which was actually caught using Cisco’s backdoor, is now claiming that China used the backdoor.

Snowden: The NSA planted backdoors in Cisco products https://www.infoworld.com/article/2608141/snowden--the-nsa-p...

I suddenly thought of a possible evidence, that is, they met each other at the back door

>Plus, freedom of speech is about protecting American Citizens from being censored by American Government. Banning an ungovernable, foreign owned business does not stop you from freely expressing yourself on the internet.

As far as I know, tiktok's services are deployed on Oracle servers in the United States and are subject to supervision. It was banned just because it comes from China. Look how many times the CEO of Singapore was questioned if he is Chinese. Maybe the Congressman thinks Singapore is also a part of China.

> Look how many times the CEO of Singapore was questioned if he is Chinese. Maybe the Congressman thinks Singapore is also a part of China.

74% of Singaporeans are ethnically Chinese. The Congressman's questions are not unreasonable in questioning if the CEO has some ties with mainland China.

Chinese Android phone manufacturers have done much better localization than the iPhone (such as workday alarm clocks and multi-windows) and are cheaper. As MediaTek or Qualcomm chip performance gradually catches up with the iPhone, and the iPhone lacks power in innovation, it will only get worse. The more people choose Android

Sounds like the anti-tank dogs used by the Soviet Union during WW2

After all, Argentina has sold a lot of state-owned enterprises this year. Having so much one-time income will definitely make the economy look better. As for the future, who cares?


> After all, Argentina has sold a lot of state-owned enterprises this year

Which ones? AFAIK government has stated intent to sell around 40 state-owned companies (expressed in a massive bill that got rejected by congress), but I don't know that any have been sold yet.

Also YPF (state-owned oil company), the company your linked article is talking about, was removed from the list of companies to be sold even before the new legislation got rejected [1] (your article mentions this fact too). But also it seems your linked article is mainly talking about YPF selling assets, not the company being sold.

1: https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/empresas/Ley-omnibus-Milei-s...

They can just nationalize it in the next election cycle.

"But there are still pitfalls ahead"

I've been there once. It's hard to move around at night without lights (unless there's a power outage)

So can I download distributed apps through VPN nodes in the EU? If so, that would be great.

I think your account has to be an EU account, whatever that means. Maybe billing address and other things. But, would be nice if that wasn’t the case. Also, I could be wrong. Try it and let us know?

They seem to also be tracking what country you are currently in via the GPS.

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