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vendor + linecount unfortunately doesn't represent an accurate number of what cargo-watch would actually use. It includes all platform specific code behind compile time toggles even though only one would be used at any particular time, and doesn't account for the code not included because the feature wasn't enabled. https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/features.html

whether those factors impact how you view the result of linecount is subjective

also as one of the other commenters mentioned, cargo watch does more than just file watching

You could open an issue and ask :P


> to qualify as a new Show HN there needs to be some major new development, not just a new feature

One could argue a major version qualifies. Apart from the genuine dupe 3 months ago all of these are separate stories.

dang's comment also specifically covers "show hn" posts which this is not. Some clarification from dang would be helpful though.

Your quote omits the portion where Dan explicitly addressed that case. It needs to be one year since it received “significant attention,” and also major new development. Dan’s post could be worded more clearly, though.

(We’re pretty far in the weeds here, but as long as we’re here – for all intents and purposes, this is a show HN.)

>for all intents and purposes, this is a show HN

I don't really see how. Is it a Show HN because Bevy isn't a trillion dollar corporation making the news every other day?

It appears that Show HN has special algorithmic handling, which is why you would expect stricter rules.

Good point - I just linked to the first relevant explanation. pvg linked to a much longer explanation that isn’t specific to, or about, Show HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23071428

It wasn't really used. It'll likely re-appear in a future release in a better state if people want it. Bevy is still pre-1.0.

> the community should advocate for features like compile-time reflection, better const support, and improved handling of the borrow checker

It's happening :)

Super interesting proposal from David who is working on the wild linker. Sort of inverting the compilation process to drive codegen by what is actually needed, as opposed to compiling everything then throwing away what you don't need later.

The duplicate function checker tool is nifty too, 9% of my release build is duplicate functions. As mentioned in the article there are ways to bring this down if you can accept the trade offs.



aside: find it funny (genuinely), you describe this as "pretty easy" xD. ffmpeg is so impressive but so daunting from a cli perspective to me. how do you even know whats possible! I would never have imagined it could generate palettes

Highly recommend using an LLM for this actually! GPT is surprisingly good at generating ffmpeg commands. Agree it is super complex though.

Do you have specifics? It does have https://accesskit.dev integrated.

Just checked, $17.00! ($11USD)

In Australia that's not cheap :)

And it's a bit stupid because the stations before and after the airport are the normal cheap price.

> cleaned up their crates deps a bit

What specifically do you mean by that, as in it includes unnecessary dependencies?

Flecs is also a great library to check out if you want more relations/power.

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