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Were you taking authentic or internet genetics from China/India?

Ive gone through a decent amount of generics over the years, from several sources, and even though the label is the same, they almost all act differently on me. Some give me a flushed red face. Some cause a dull headache. Some don't cause anything negative thank God. They all work though.

I think the Indian/Chinese ones are laced with garbage and what I feel depends on what else was in there.

The one time I used it over a few weeks was a generic brand. The on-label effect worked, but I had one disturbing side effect: terrible nightmares.

Unscientific conclusion, but the nights I took it when with my new gf at the time, nightmares followed. Binned the remaining pills, nightmares vanished. Possibly the generic additives factor, or maybe the drug itself. Who knows, never tried it again after that.

Tech hardware companies are the only people where I'm not annoyed at their prices.

Want a fence built for you? $3000 for 2 days work with 96 pieces of wood.

Want a basic android phone with 4 gb of memory, 128 gb of storage, a camera, speakers, touch screen, wifi, cell tower connection, GPS, battery, charger and cable? $60 on sale at Walmart for a Moto G Power Stylus edition. (My current phone and that's what I paid a few months ago)

Making things illegal and not accepted works decently well. There wasn't a drug vending machine at my school, even though a few rogue students were probably buying and selling drugs at my highschool. Thus I was less likely to do drugs.

Very few handguns are in students backpacks, because we don't accept it. If we didn't accept cell phones, we'd have a lot fewer kids suffering from them.

Things being free in public helps low income people live nice fulfilled lives still.

Now it costs $40 to launch a sailboat at my local reservoir. Even state camping spots are $40+ it seems in areas I know aren't full all the time.

It costs like $20 in extra gas tax to drive to LA with your friends because California can't just set the income tax appropriately?

I could go on and on. The income tax to me sounds pretty fair. But making a poor person living paycheck to paycheck come up with $40 to go to the lake with a cheap sailboat seems harsh to me (my dad and I used to go as a Kid. It was $5 then. And my dad made $20 an hour as a recent immigrant in construction).

And don't start that people that use services should pay. My tax money goes to a lot of things I don't use or even agree with.

>Things being free in public helps low income people live nice fulfilled lives still. >Now it costs $40 to launch a sailboat at my local reservoir.

If you can afford a sailboat, you're not "low income".

A sailboat costs $500+ on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace.

We had one when my mom was cleaning a convalescent home as her job, and commuting 35 miles one way to do it.

My dad worked 55+ hours a week, and commuted 60 miles one way to do it.

So unless you think my dad let my mom clean hospital floors and bathrooms while we weren't low income, I'd argue you can.

Are you talking about a real sailboat, or one of those tiny things that boy scouts use in small lakes that one person can easily pick up and carry?

You can buy 14' fly J sailboats with trailer for $500 once in a while, or all the time for $1000.

Obviously it's not some keeled ocean going vessel you keep at the marina.

But let's use your version.. a tiny boy scout dingy you can lift by yourself and put in the water. Should it cost $40 to put that in the water?

No, I agree: a boy scout dingy should not cost $40 to put in the water. A more serious boat, however, I can understand needing higher fees to pay for whatever services are used there.

Who the heck would launch a "real sailboat" on a reservoir?

Conflating free parking with a childhood core memory, a lake trip with your immigrant father, feels a little disingenuous to me. But I think you understand the core idea: by making something cheap or free, we incentivize the activity but we spend communal resources (tax dollars, or some rival good like space downtown, or space on a lake) to do so. But we as a society get to choose what to incentivize. Cars have externalities (traffic, the space they take up, pollution, their being required is expensive for working families) that other forms of transport don’t, so people are rethinking the various ways we incentivize driving.

I've been a serial date since 2001. Moved to Android after an iPhone 3S mishap. So at least a decade on android.

I have heard at least 10 women JOKE about my android. I'd say atleast 2 gfs in those years eventually made some snide remark.

Will you get dumped for having an android? No. Is it a small -1 mark for most women? I would say so.

And no these aren't totally brainless women. It's been doctors, MBA grads, women in tech, a writer.. I honestly think more regular woman are more sane about it actually and wouldn't care as much as 'fancier' women.

Almost every millionaire and billionaire you've ever heard about is a parent.

Don't take so much joy out of the fact that youre currently the only member of your thousands of years old generic lineage that hasn't procreated.

What do you think made a wealthy person be a 'deadbeat dad' and not want to acknowledge the child?

Wondering you can imagine a scenario you'd be ok with.

I for one know of a guy that was told by his gf she was on birth control. Turns out she purposely wasn't so that that she could have a baby with him. This isn't someone's guess. This was told to my sister by her best friend.

Even if my GF lied and got pregnant then I wouldn't string her and the kid along for years, and put off a paternity test until just before I strike it filthy rich.

Not everyone is as accepting of fraud as you.

That is still not the same thing as a deadbeat dad, which is someone that knowingly created a child and then abandoned it.

I like how the people that downvote don't even reply. Apparently no matter what a woman does, what she lies about, what kind of fraud she commits, you must line up and be an accepting father due to her criminal acts.

The problem is that "move fast and break things" kind of people are terrible at that kind of work.

I was in car sales and was top 0.1% nationwide at it. Eventually I moved into management. And while sales for the dealership as a whole went up considerably, paperwork became a nightmare. The office lady's were at their breaking point after 6 months and wrote to the owner that in their 30 years of managing the dealership back office, they had never seen such bad paperwork processes.

Sometimes the people good at driving things forward are terrible at cleaning up after themselves.

Peter principle?

In a way, sure. In reality it's just joining of two jobs that shouldn't be joined.

I was great at sales, and became a sales manager thus sales for the whole team went up considerably. I had guys twice my age coming to me thanking me for helping them earn more than they ever had in their sales career.

Why someone thought it made sense to task me with managing the sale of 150 cars a month, helping 10+ salespeople close deals AND random bs dealer paperwork not at all related to sales I will never understand. But that's what the industry does. Usually average sales people are promoted to sales manager, so they don't focus on helping salespeople that much, and instead enjoy the random paperwork associated with the position.

I wasn't willing to hurt sales of the team in order to have time to do paperwork, so I let all the paperwork slip. Other people let the sales slip so paperwork stayed correct.

Kensington Police (near Berkeley) knew me, my car, and my two motorcycles just on a semi friendly basis. I didn't live there. I was just dating a girl who lived there her whole life.

Small town life exists even in major metro areas if you're wealthy.

Every vehicle is fixable. When you replace your modern vehicle, someone buys it and fixes it and sells it for a profit.

I've had friends trade in $30k vehicles with problems for $15k and then be surprised when it's on the dealer website in 7 days for $30k fixed.

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