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Protect yourself. Actively manage permissions and kill apps when not using. Stop downloading dodgy apps.

He grew up in sf knowing what it is like to run a business there and is whining about it. Useless.

All this will do is incite lawsuits against the feds

You’d be surprised what gets awarded in the Court of Federal Claims.

Odd to me that it doesn't make the news cycle.

The logic is simple:

If fed caused loss, then get paid

It could be the most esoteric or even antiquated status quo regulation, just go argue it

Control is important to governments.

Your statement is true. However, I think broadly, control is important. In this case, we are talking about Founders maintaining control, creating mechanisms to avoid a loss of control, under circumstances where control might be at risk. This seems reasonable. I am also not aware of how Founders maintaining control is a threat to liberty.

Coinbase is owned by the federal gov.

Hell, there used to be a company around the corner from where I used to live that actually launched an app based on people giving insider trading.

How was he not trading?

His company always trades the stock.

Crypto scams are not dumb. The people that send are dumb. It is the easiest scam to pull off and I used to do it.

Post a page saying you double btc because you stole too much and people throw btc at you.

She was jailed for that in a deal and was charged with much more.

" and it’s free for anyone to collect data from the whole web."

Is it free free or a trade for id & data?

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