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They have probably studied ransomware business model and decided to implement it for their stock owners and to improve migration to the cloud Windows subscription when the time comes.

- happy camper without Microsoft product in his family, unfortunately, still too much Google around, working on it -

Heh, you must really have foul look, I am using it on FreeBSD since 2007ish and never had any issues. Same pool, no longer the same disks as they were all replaced since. Also the hardware around it was replaced and FreeBSD 8 updated to all new versions, currently running 14.0.

Never lost any data. There isn't much software that could claim that.

Meanwhile I lost (I had backups) all my data twice on btrfs, I know it is more stable now, but I certainly wont ever use it again. Even HAMMER1 (I would love to use HAMMER2, but until my server dies, I will stay with FreeBSD) lost it only once and even in that case, after debugging irc session with Matt Dillon, I was able to recover most files.

The only thing that pisses me off is that Kubuntu doesnt support it trough installer (yes I could do it manually but been there with Fedora and I am sick of tracking if initfs was updated or finish with unbootable - easy solvable, but annoying - situation ) and I am now forced to use Ubuntu with KDE on workstation. But this is not zfs.

> The only thing that pisses me off is that Kubuntu doesnt support it trough installer ...

For my personal workstation I've started experimenting with using Proxmox (it's a Debian 12 variant) as the OS because its installer supports multi-drive ZFS installation (RAIDZ1/2/10/etc) out of the box. So, boot setup is currently mirrored SSDs (with /home on mirrored NVMe drives).

Apt installing the standard desktop stuff afterwards (Nvidia drivers, KDE desktop, etc) has worked well, and it all seems happy.

That being said, I'm only 4 or 5 days into this test setup. So far so good though. :)

I completely lost a 5T encrypted ZFS drive, nothing whatsoever recoverable. That would never happen with LUKS/LVM.

ZFS is great on enterprise hardware I'm sure.

Some background explained: https://blog.vladovince.com/yugoslav-adventure-games/

Anyway, at that time, this was done weekly. I forgot the day and the hour, I think around 11pm, they broadcasted one game into the air. Yugoslavia didn't have copyright law so it was legal.

And yes, my c64 was smuggled under driver seat from Austria.

You can do whatever you want when you are the only player on encrypting data. The problem is interoperability and I imagine "backdoor" that cops want as a way to decrypt tls (which is quite doable, with reasonable safety in mind, to each request you add symmetric key used in data encryption, encrypted with supercop-public-key, distributed on daily bases).

I, as owner of equipment I have bought and is operating on my network, also want backdoor into https to see if companies are doing some child pornography or terrorist activity on my connection to the cloud or their own servers. /s

Joke aside, it wouldn't be a bad idea to demand by legislation, a requirement for companies, to allow to install your own CA certificate on any equipment in your home.

Perhaps removing CAs too, which should be even less-controversial since it's harder for an attacker to abuse.

> Some people in the BSD world are adamant that their code should not be contaminated by the GPL

Yes, and? They want people to be able to use their code freely, without limitations. Check golang packages, they are mostly BSD/MIT.

Thats why BSD is in Playstation and Macs. You think there would be linux GPLed code? There is a usecase for everything and linux doesnt cover them all.

>> Some people in the BSD world are adamant that their code should not be contaminated by the GPL

> Yes, and?

And? Nothing. I'm making an observation, I'm not judging here. They have a strong stance on this, often because they deeply thought about the consequences. I don't agree with them, and I don't care for helping Apple and Sony make their proprietary products, I think we'd probably be in a better world if they participated in improving the commons and that's actually how Linux succeeds, but I respect this stance when it's well thought out.

I think that there is completely different reason why they dont participate in improving the linux. As its fundamental mantra of "move fast, break things" is creating bigger and bigger gnordian knot, while FreeBSD mantra is being well though, designed and stable. SystemD will never get into FreeBSD. Docker is still behind FreeBSD jails (released 2000!) that are a security feature since the start. And so on. And people using and developing it, like such system, which linux is absolutely not.

For fun check this beauty: https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=setfib&apropos=0&s...

This why we use FreeBSD. As not only its kernel but also its userspace is well designed.

The *BSD have their merits beyond licensing matters indeed, including technical, design, organizational. That's what would make me look into them.

A short story: I was a Windows guy. Driver writting Windows guy. Hated linux to my guts with its chaos. Switched to it on laptop every 2 years to figure out something vital is missing. Gradually, Windows (8) became so horrible, that I have switched to Linux, not that it was any better, but Windows became worse.

Now I run FreeBSD on server and my personal laptop. I don't understand what is the point of this article, I had a problem with LTO5 LTFS on server, installed minimum debian into bhyve, did a PCI passtrough and shared the mountpoint. Works like a charm.

I am not using FreeBSD to support all the hardware in the world but to have a nifty environment, that is stable. And it stays stable (was regularly upgraded from FreeBSD 8 to latest, hardware has changed twice, still running the same installation), while linux is starting to look more and more like furball on y2y basis (not talking about kernel, distributions are THE problem).


I would like to challenge arch/gentoo users to try FreeBSD for a while. Just for fun, use vm. You might be surprised how complicated for no reason can linux distributions be. This is how I made a switch to it.

It is simple, US south was also more productive before 13th amendment to USA constitution in 1865.

In EU we try very hard not to bet our economy well-being on slave workforce - and we are not very good at that (Spain / south Italy vegetables production) but we still didn't slave the whole continent for corporation goals.

In USA, most of workforce are slaves to their corroborative/stock masters.

Don't get a nudge to protest. It is OK with me, it was your choice, not mine. On the other hand, I will rather leave to China then go working for USA slave system, even if I would be able to have a few Mexican slaves for me. I know it is my problem, I just don't believe in slavery. Sorry its about having ethics, parents raised me wrong /s.

I dont think, you understand the scale of the problem for Musk. If he will poke long enough, ETUC will join - and they will as he is literally twisting their arm.

"At present, the ETUC represents almost 45 million workers across Europe, affiliated to 93 national trade union confederations from 41 European countries, and 10 European Trade Union Federations (ETUFs)."

At a very modest evaluation, that is 100 million workers (probably 150 million, but I dont have stamina to get the numbers), 1/5 of people in EU. People who elect governments.

He wont be able to sell a free sample of Tesla in EU. And someone stupid enough to buy it will have windows broken on daily basis as quisling. Not something unheard of, google for BMW - Break My Window.

No one in EU is stupid enough to challenge trade unions at this scale. With a good reason.

Best solution for him would be to back off when first union intervened, get into agreement with them, claim them for his best friends ever and keep it out of the press. Now this is cultural fight, where he will need to eat shi1 to calm everything down (for youngsters that don't understand: for him, 500 million market is in play and corporations from Microsoft to Facebook were eating shi1 to sell their products there).

(btw, for people downvoting me, I am just stating the facts, feel free to verify them and argue against, downvoting wont change them, at worse it will help Musk do another stupid mistake)

I did not downvote you (nor even see your post as downvoted), but presumably one reason might be this:

> He wont be able to sell a free sample of Tesla in EU. And someone stupid enough to buy it will have windows broken on daily basis as quisling. Not something unheard of, google for BMW - Break My Window.

Personally, I appreciate you "just stating the facts" so clearly. And because of your wording (eg "quisling"), it offers evidence that you personally support such window breakings. It is very useful for my model of the world to know how much the threat of violence there is. By analogy, in November 1938, I'd appreciate forewarning that the authorities would look on without intervening as a bunch of windows were broken.

(All the Google searches I did suggest that "Break My Window" was largely derived from thieves stealing radios. I assume that's not what you were referring to, but as far as I know, you may "just" support stealing from people.)

I think that whole thing is just a huge misunderstanding of elmu thinking that whole world works like USA. And even in USA, union members in average earn 18% more than others.

On the other side, strike and unionizing is one of basic workers rights here and you just don't fight unions in EU. As you will be losing more money than if you get to an agreement with them.

When elmu started his crusade against unions, I was laughing: "another USA manager that doesn't understand that he is no longer in states". But I never thought that he will be stupid enough to continue.

--- edit ---

I think also that most of young in USA and EU are in misunderstanding what Musk did and what he is fighting against. But I think they should and they SHOULD understand what solidarity means and what it can do. And why employers are trying to discredit unions, prevent them etc. - here you can check the Last Week Tonight on union busting in states: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk8dUXRpoy8

(the numbers are just for illustration, google them, they are public)

Musk fights against one union. With 100.000 members. That union is in federation with 10 other unions with 100.000 members and federations are joining into confederations.

Even first federations presents a formidable force, from political perspective (number of votes on state elections), to pure money and people power.

You cant win, this is now, for unions and federations of unions, cultural fight. Initial union is no longer important and even if they would want to stop, they cant. If he will be poking long enough whole EU will fight him, from politicians that cant afford to lose votes from unions members and on top of that, do you think that German car industry is happy about him on EU soil? They would gladly cover wages for anyone striking.

If ETUC joins (largest EU trade union), he will be against 45 million workers and 41 EU states, and additional 10 union federations, probably bringing together numbers of 100 million workers, 1/5 of EU population without counting smaller unions. There is no politician that would want to lose their member votes and absolutely no EU capitalist that would be stupid enough to fight them even in worse nightmare. The backlash will be so huge all over EU that he wont sell even a free sample of Tesla car except to the greatest "individualists/fanboys" and they will have car windows broken on daily basis as quislings.

That's why never before something like this happened. As no one would be stupid enough to tease them.

If I would be him, I would pull back when second union was in play and reach silent agreement that wouldn't come to the news. Now, with 20 unions in protest? With two countries involved and potential for whole EU?

That's why I am saying, that he just didn't understand what is he fighting against. My honest advice. Stop. Now. Dont wait.

Are you referring to Elon as Elmo? Is this some new cringe term on Reddit ive yet to hear?

I think this was started in Twitter with people trying to circumvent getting “shadow banned” for mentioning Elon on a bad light

Relax, elmu is just easier to read and write.

Is is writing Elmu, which seems a short way of writing "Elon Musk", which is kind of getting tiring to read or (I guess) write.

It's a new level of fame when you get your own internet initialism!

well yeah, he is a famous prson and he never stops getting himself in the spot light. Personally, I like a lot of what he has done from a business perspective, I'd love it if he'd shut up though.

I'm very much for the Nordic model and hope the unions prevail. Still I think it is yet to be seen whether it is Tesla making the mistake of thinking the whole world works like the US or if it is Sweden not understanding that it now works similarly to the US. There have been a lot of "having your cake and eating it too" going on in Sweden in the last few decades. It will be a stupid and costly exercise but as things are now I don't see any fundamental reason why Tesla wouldn't be able to go around the unions if they really wanted to.

The current Swedish government just signed an agreement to be able to station US troops under US jurisdiction at Swedish military bases. You think they are going to side with the unions?

The unions are outside the state model. Their only task is to protect workers and their rights. So no. The Sweden has 88% of their 10.5 million workers population in unions. And you can bet they care more about their working conditions than US military bases.

And since they are also voters on next elections, you can imagine what would happen if government would start working against unions in favor of US military bases.

>There have been a lot of "having your cake and eating it too" going on in Sweden in the last few decades

What do you mean?

>The current Swedish government just signed an agreement to be able to station US troops under US jurisdiction at Swedish military bases. You think they are going to side with the unions?

They don't have a say in the matter.

Companies, Unions, Workplaces and Courts are separate from government.

>and you just don't fight unions in EU.

Oh, yes you do - it happens all the time.

Unfortunately either side can't blink. IF Metall can't back down because then other companies could get ideas to leave. And Elmu doesn't want to back down because then other countries could get ideas about unionising which would affect their bottom line.

tells you a lot about where we are, if one dude is trying (and reasonably expecting) to stare down entire countries...

More like, one company is trying (and reasonably expecting) to stare down a few unions across 3 countries, with each one of the countries individually having a smaller GDP than the market cap of that company.

Yeah, I am kinda seeing that expectation to be pretty realistic.

IF Metall hasn't played their best card yet. The finance industry union. If forced, they'll play that. That will freeze all transactions. Tesla won't be able to pay bills and won't be able to receive funds.

Toys r us got that treatment, folded pretty quickly. Will it be as impacting in the digital age?

There’s also the mechanics working at these garages. The timing and ferocity of this action is strange to me as an outsider considering Tesla’s been in Sweden for a decade.

If Tesla mechanics received stock in 2013, some of them probably got rich. It’s plausible Tesla mechanics actually think it’s awesome to receive tons of overtime, stock, and perf bonuses. I haven’t seen their perspective covered in the media, which I find suspicious.

Eh. Every other multinational that tried this bit of brinksmanship backed down, more or less, with minimal contagion. McDonalds remains un-unionised in America, say.

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