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Recently, I’ve been working with Quarkus[1], the quarkus-qute[2] (a type-safe templating engine), and htmx. I found the experience quite positive. Quarkus offers lightning-fast compilation with a hot-reloading Maven wrapper (mvnw), making development seamless. Picking up qute was straightforward, and combining it with htmx, especially with qute’s #fragment support for htmx, felt like a natural fit.

[1] https://quarkus.io/

[2] https://quarkus.io/guides/qute

I can confirm that. 10tb uncompressed, 3tb compressed in clickhouse, 60 billion Rows, queries are fast.

Really curious what "fast" is in this context. Milliseconds, seconds, minutes?

Full-range query with aggregations is around 40-60 seconds. Can be optimized, of course.

Base on numbers you put, you would need to have stable 50-100GB/s speed to your disc system to just read 3TB data in 40-60sec. Would you mind sharing your setup?

That's only if you read everything, and if none is in ram. With a columnar DB you can just scan the values of the column you need.

Then 3tb of total data volume is irrelevant. What relevant is size of column.

How about many-to-many comparisons? Interested in this use-case for fuzzy matching of many data records using a local db.

Same here, everything just worked on their arm. Podman, fedora core os via terraform, mvnw, jabbaw Just checkout and run. Awsome experience.

I even could make a Quarkus native build with graalvm on the machine.

Last year I built a balcony watering system using an 8x ESP32 relay system from Lilygo, paired with mini submersible pumps. To monitor plant health, I integrated MiFlora sensors over BLE. Managing minimum soil moisture and pump duration has been 'configured' by hosting a configuration files on Pastebin.

This year, I'm taking it a step further by developing a management front-end. Instead of the hacker GUI using Pastebin, I'm implementing an extra M5 Atom running MicroPython with a web GUI. This interface allows me to configure the sensors, visualize sensor data with charts, and send notifications via NTFY to my phone.

I am considering open-sourcing the project.




That was awesome, thank you

Dcevm is regularly released from JetBrains as part of their JDK. https://github.com/JetBrains/JetBrainsRuntime

Also with 'Java on Truffle' on GraalVM you can use enhanced class reloading https://www.graalvm.org/latest/reference-manual/java-on-truf...

I think hot code reloading did not look that good in a very long time.

Apologies, I didn't mean to imply DCEVM went poof, just that I was sad it didn't make it into OpenJDK so one need not do JDK silliness between the production one and the "debugging one" since my experience is that's an absolutely stellar way to produce Heisenbugs

And I'll be straight: Graal scares me 'cause Oracle but I just checked and it looks to the casual observer that it's straight-up GPLv2 now so maybe my fears need revisiting: https://github.com/oracle/graal/blob/vm-23.1.0/LICENSE

Seeing more java postings recently. Maybe hacker news thinks java got it's mojo back?

Java continues to get immense real-world usage, as it has for decades, so it will continue to make headlines. Meanwhile, each trendy lang will make headlines for a few years as 4 startups gush about it before they move to the next trendy lang.

Waiting on the whole async dead-end to come to terms to cheap threads here. It's going to take a long time, but let's not kid ourselves: the TCO-driven accountants hold the roots of true power.

java dev experience is better than any language. tooling, docs, reach, etc

You might then be interested in Fedora CoreOS, we use it with Hetzner cloud and real Hetzner root server with good success. (Also with ovh)

I can test it. What would be the advantage if I use it in my tool instead of Ubuntu? At the end of the day with Kubernetes I don't think it makes much difference which OS you use. I picked Ubuntu because it's standard and servers with this image build very quickly with Hetzner Cloud.

CoreOS (and its spiritual successor Flatcar) are immutable, which gravely limits the silliness that can be done to them post-launch. We use now use Bottlerocket since we're on EKS, but it's even more locked down since to even get an interactive shell is some major hoopjumpery. I believe Talos goes even further and is completely devoid of a shell

So, yes, it absolutely matters which OS you use, of course depending on your threat model and tolerance for "no, you don't get to ssh onto a Node and do whateverthehell you want"

Is this like java flight recorder?

We use wsl2 with podman, works good.

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