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Flutter had devops? I thought it was just a developer framework. Do they offer any backend service?

Telling rpi to call openai webservice is a good example. May serve as bedtime story teller for adults and lonely people or may make you horney with Scarlett's voice.

However, I this is the last thing we should put in our kids room. As a parent bedtime story is very important to connect with kids to give them sense of bonding and rejuvenating their sleep thoughts. Once they fall asleep with a bot, we know there is no sense of parenting. I'm not even talking about privacy issues.

Theil want you to drop out. https://thielfellowship.org/

This is a great opportunity to embrace wasm which is perfect for this task.

While the AI feature wasn't as intrusive as Windows & Microsoft has been, I am glad developers protested a force AI adoption. And also somewhat successful. Only wish enterprise CXO to know where to adopt and where not.

Hey copilot, generate name for our next hardware product that sounds similar to windows xp professional with service pack 2. Cortana: Sure thing, here you go.

I can't justify this as personal expense, but business users who are stuck with windows are going to like this. When paying with corporate expense as i have seen, buyers want the best money can buy.

What businesses do you work for? The only place I worked where we had the best of everything was a hedge fund, and they just had unlimited money.

Everywhere else, it's crappy small monitors, random keyboards and mice and underpowered machines....

Mostly Tech companies.

At this point, Microsoft is obsessed with AI. They think they missed the chance to be the first with internet and mobile, and trying hard to be the forefront of AI fad until it lasts. Force upselling enterprise is their old strategy and and it seems to be working in their favor. And the stock market like AI buzz too. More times you say AI, is better.

Whatever they’re doing, it’s crazy successful. So keep at it.

There's no need to force upsell, customers can't shut up about it.

Edit: ... Down voters, do you work in sales? Every time I open my mouth to say "well AI isn't really necessary to accomplish this" they say "but we need it anyways!!!"

Yes they do, only if it's competitors AI. if they cared for their own they wouldn't have dismantled the team at openAi or tried to shut Unofficial whistle-blowers by challenging their equity.

Huh.. someone at Google is just blindly copying whatever Microsoft is enshitting with AI. Nevermind, it's their CEO :)

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