Great advice. I follow it in my coding efforts and it has never failed me. Great book about this: Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns, Vladimir Khorikov, 2020
How do you deal with serializing properties "by reference"? E.g., if 3 objects reference object "Foo", then Foo is serialized once instead of being duplicated in the json 3 times?
It depends. I don’t tend to end up with deep object graphs that need to be saved/ reloaded.
It might be that we serialize foo and foo has a list of references to its 3 children. The “parent” reference from the child back to foo is marked as do not serialize; an “after rehydration” function on foo could then set the value each child’s parent reference.
But more often — say baz bar and bam reference foo — the speed at which baz changes is different to the speed at which foo changes. The reference to foo from Baz is marked do not serialize. Baz also has a property indicating the ID of Baz. (For IStashy<K> - K is the type used for the keys, the IDs; it might be a string or an int or a guid, I tend to use string. All objects in the system have the same kind of ID, and it is unique per type.)
Generally if cyclic data structures are possible then some part of the cycle will be marked as no serializable and I’ll keep a key reference adjacent to it.
Situations that triggers huge cascading saves — they’re kind of an anti pattern for how I work. If one little change changes everything then perhaps it can be calculated on the fly from a pure function, not persisted at all— or perhaps there’s over-coupling etc.
I'm glad you love it; it's a fraught, difficult subject, for obvious reasons, and yet also, I think, an important one, despite the difficulty. Recent experiences have made it unpleasantly germane to me.
Currently some programmers, and with time more, have to write, integrate and debug LLMs, hence for the programming to end, other LLMs would have to be able to do so, too. LLMs successfully modifying other LLMs is, like, singularity. In other words, the moment programming ends is the same moment we all are going to die.
Microsoft IntelliTest (formerly Pex) [1] is internally using Z3 constraint solver that traces program data and control flow graph well enough to be able to generate desired values to reach given statement of code. It can even run the program to figure out runtime values. Hence the technique is called Dynamic Symbolic Execution [3]. We have technology for this, just not yet applied correctly.
I would also like to be able to point at any function in my IDE and ask it:
- "Can you show me the usual runtime input/output pairs for this function?"
- "Can you show me the preconditions and postconditions this function obeys?"
There is plenty of research prototypes doing it (Whyline [4], Daikon [5], ...) but sadly, not a tool usable for the daily grind.
> but what these people often need is someone to sit with them for a significant amount of time and demonstrate how one breaks a problem down, builds small pieces that demonstrate functionality and then put those pieces together into a solution.
And what if this is done repeatedly for the junior engineer, and yet any initiative they show after that is still negligible?